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Friday, October 20, 2017

The Fifth Time This Week

Another caption, but this time of a real 3D person!  She apparently gets abducted in rape attempts rather often.  Fortunately, she has more than enough power to keep anything of the sort from happening.  It does get annoying when it happens so frequently, though....

Unfortunately, I am unable to provide an original source for this image.  I found it on 3dbooru here, but no source was provided there, and my attempts to find one have been fruitless.  A lot of the reverse image searches I did seemed to get the idea I was looking for a picture of sausages on a grill with "NO" written over it.  I can't make this shit up--look.

I guess the best I can do is give credit to CineMagic Co., Ltd., since their watermark is on the image.

All persons depicted are above the age of 18.  I make no money through this image.

Mmm... hm?  Oh.  This again.  *sigh* Alright, let's see here.  You abducted me while I was asleep and dressed me up like an office lady.  So now I'm tied up, unable to move, unable to fight back... and you seem to have the idea that you'll proceed to rape me.  That an accurate summary of the oddly specific fantasy you're setting up here?
Sweetie... I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm afraid you're the fifth person this week to underestimate me like this!  I'm almost getting sick of explaining it time and time again.  This isn't *nearly* enough to hold me.  What is this, poly-manila?  Please.  I could break through this faster than your eyes could perceive.  I don't think *any* material on this planet would be strong enough to slow me down, let alone stop me.  And you literally tied me up in an empty office building, too.  Couldn't you have been a little creative?  Tie me to a cell tower!  Or a mountain.  If you're going to all this trouble for my sake, the least you could do is make it interesting.  This is, quite literally, just another day in the office.
You know, you're not even making it hard for me to escape.  With a material this weak, I could be free effortlessly.  Tell you what, though.  I'll let you decide what I do.  You seem only interested in what you want, so I'll play things your way a little.
I could go the most straightforward route and apply pressure on the rope until it gives.  It'd be like brushing away a spider web.
I could increase my body temperature a thousandfold.  I would effectively become an blue main sequence star, vaporizing the rope instantly... and you... and the entire building.  Hm, maybe even the whole city.  I haven't tried it before, so even I don't know what would happen!
I could reverse time, so, in effect, you untie me.  I could take control of your mind and use that knife you think I don't know you have to cut the rope.  I could even warp reality so the rope never even existed.  Or, I could make it so you were never born!
Honestly, if you can imagine it, I can do it.  So, which would you prefer?  How would you like your pathetic, insecurity-derived sexual fantasy to backfire?  Would you like to survive this day and learn from this critical mistake?  Or would you rather just have your insignificant life snuffed out in an instant?  It's up to you.

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.