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Friday, December 01, 2017

Lily White Goddesses

I'm beginning to think these are starting to get repetitive.  I dunno, do you all agree?  Please let me know one way or another.

I imagine something comparable will happen to the Printemps and BiBi girls at some point, but it's all dependent on what pictures I find.

The image I used is fanart of Rin Hoshizora (left), Nozomi Toujou (center), and Umi Sonoda (right) from Love Live, done by zundarepon on Pixiv.

The text may prove a little difficult to read, given how I had to squish it in there to avoid making the image stupidly large.  If need be, I have a transcript below.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Love Live and all characters depicted are owned by Dengeki G's, Lantis, and Sunrise), and above the age of 18.  I make no money through this image.

µ's split into their respective subunits for their weekly meeting.
"Now, can we please stay on task this time?" Umi asked Rin and Nozomi.  "You two are notorious for slacking off and wasting time.  We still have work to do on Otohime Heart de Love Kyuuden!"
"Umi-chan," Nozomi interjected ever so gently.  "Please.  For all our sakes--yours included--take a deep breath."
"What good will that do?  We're behind both Printemps and BiBi in getting our bonus songs ready for distribution!"
"Please, just do it."
"Hey, Umi-chan!" Rin pouted at Umi's indignation. "When has Nozomi ever steered us wrong before?"
Umi sighed.  "Alright, I grant that.  I'll humor you, Nozomi."  As such, Umi took a deep breath.  Nozomi guided her along verbally.
"In through the nose, nice and slow... now hold it."  A beat.  "Now, let it out through your mouth, just as slowly.  How do you feel now?"
Umi mulled over the question for a moment.  "A bit calmer, but I hardly see your point."
"My point is, if we're calm, feeling good, we'll be able to be more productive.  And, to be perfectly honest with you, Umi-chan... you've kinda been working us to the bone lately."
"I'm only strict with you two because I want us to perform to the best of our ability."
"And there's nothing wrong with that.  I'm merely proposing that an occasional period to relax and enjoy ourselves would be prudent."
Nozomi snapped her fingers.  In an instant, the trio's clothes vanished from their bodies, rendering them completely naked.
Umi shrieked.  "What--?!  How did-- where-- I-- WHAT?!"
Rin exclaimed, "Oh wow!  I'd expect nothing less from Nozomi-chan's spiritual power!"
"Wh-wh-where did my clothes go?!" Umi yelped.
"Oh, they're fine.  They're right over there.  See?"
Sure enough, three sets of Otonokizaka High uniforms were neatly folded up and placed in a corner of the room, easily identifiable by the striped ribbons sitting on top of each stack.
"That's so cool-nya!" Rin ran up to Nozomi and hugged her.  "Nozomi-chan, you were cool from the start, but this is on a whole nother level!"  Her gaze lowered slightly.  "Speaking of a whole nother level, just look at your breasts!  I mean, I always knew yours were big, but... just... wow!  It's completely different seeing them bare!"
She sunk her face into Nozomi's breasts, covering her blushing face.  "I... I'm actually kinda jealous."
"Ah, don't worry about that!  I'm certain yours will get bigger as you get older."
A thought crossed Nozomi's mind as she was about to respond.  "Actually... why don't I give you a little something that will help with that?  That... and other things."
"Really?  That'd be great!"
"Alright.  Here goes...."
Nozomi's eyes started glowing a brilliant purple.  Rin began moaning and writhing in her arms as her own body began radiant and golden.
Umi gasped.  She wanted to interject, pull them apart, stop this insanity... but she found herself desperately struggling to ignore the very real sensations and moisture she was feeling between her legs.  For some reason, she couldn't tear her eyes from the two of them hugging and Rin moaning and glowing in orgasmic ecstasy.  It felt good just watching, oddly enough.
Rin exclaimed between moans, "Oh god!  Nozomi-chan!  This is incredible!  I've never felt so amazing before!  What are you even *doing*, anyway?!"
Nozomi just smiled and hugged Rin tighter.  Rin's ecstasy apparently increased accordingly, as her moans became screams.
Umi's gaze drifted over to Nozomi.  Was her body always so... voluptuous?  It's not that big and succulent normally... is it?  And she's so wet....
She fought her shameful urge to fixate on Nozomi's substantial body.
As Nozomi finally let Rin go, she immediately dropped to her knees and fell down on her side, gasping for air with a goofy grin plastered on her face.
"Nozomi-chan... I don't know what you did just now... but it was... undescribable!"
Nozomi giggled.  "You mean indescribable, Rin-chan!  And I gave you my powers.  For all intents and purposes, you are now a goddess, just like me."
Rin gasped.  "Then... then you gave me one of your spiritual power injections!"
"More or less," Nozomi replied as she helped Rin up.  She then turned to Umi, still stunned from what she just witnessed.  "Now then... what to do with you, Umi-chan..."
Rin giggled.
"W-w-what are you going to do with me?" Umi managed to ask.
"Well, I thought that was obvious," Nozomi replied.  "but if you don't want god powers, that's fine by me.  It's entirely up to you."
"Um-- well, I--" Umi stammered. "W-well, it did look... enjoyable."
"Understatement of the century," Rin added.
"I'm... going to respond with a yes.  J-just, um..." She squirmed, rubbing her thighs together, doing a poor job of veiling her soaked vagina.  "P-please... be gentle."

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.