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Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Project

Working title: We Are Borg

This one was loosely inspired by an experimental caption by MrGreyMan on the Omnitopia Discord and the story "Stealing Beauty" by SlackingFreely.

I realize this one's a bit weirder than usual.  Consider it an experimental caption of my own.  It's different, and kinda hot, to be honest.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (All characters depicted are original characters by Aebafuti on Pixiv), and above the age of 18.  I make no money through this image.

Finally, if you're interested in the aforementioned Omnitopia Discord, here's the invite link.

Announcement: The Project has finally reached fruition.
Inquiry: Are You unaware of the nature of the Project?  This is unexpected.  It was entirely for Your sake, after all.
Realization: Our Creator must have been in such a hurry to work on the Project that She neglected to keep You apprised during Her recent period of absence.  We apologize.
Explanation: The Project was the solution She decided upon to ensure the maximum possible satisfaction from You regarding all interactions with Our Creator.
Clarification: Given your confusion, We believe You do not know who Our Creator is.  She is the individual whom You referred to as "girlfriend."
Explanation: She was despairing that You did not approve of Her, so She set out to improve Herself.  She built a machine designed to find the best traits and abilities in people and take them as Her own.
Through the Project, Our Creator--your "girlfriend"--took the best qualities of countless millions of people and made them Her own.  An unforeseen side effect of this process was that the individuals whose traits were absorbed became connected to the Project in the same fashion She was, effectively transforming them into duplicates of Her continually transforming, perpetually improving self.
It may not have been deliberate, but now, Our Creator is one with Us.  She is wholly present in every form You see before You.  We all possess beauty, kindness, compassion, intellect, creativity, charisma, strength, reflexes, and over twelve thousand other traits and abilities, all refined to a degree far beyond any human's capabilities.
Proposal: With Your permission, We will allow you to join Us.  Wielding such power, possessing the greatest of traits, distilled from the finest of individuals, is a profoundly pleasurable experience.  We presently comprise a mere twelve percent of this country's population, but We could expand the range of the Project to absorb traits on a continental scale, and even beyond.
Reassurance: We may be on the very brink of godhood, but the only thing We wish more than to initiate a second phase of the Project with the ultimate goal of omnipotence is to do so with You.  As We said, You are the reason all of this began in the first place.  She would not have set out to improve Herself and create Us if She did not love You with every fiber of Her being.
Affirmation: No matter how powerful We become, Lover, We will always be Yours, and You will always be Ours.

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.