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Monday, May 14, 2018

Just a Matter of Time Now!

hex your cock doesn’t need to be that big

hex sweetie please calm down
In which I abuse Gimp 2.10’s ability to italicize text.  Probably a new personal best for exclamation point count, too.  This caption is just different, period. The image I used is fanart of Hex Maniac from Pokémon, done by ferrousoxide on Tumblr.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Pokémon and all characters depicted are owned by The Pokémon Company), and above the age of 18.  I make no money through this image.

As someone who has possessed testicles for quite a while now, I can personally attest that sitting on them–even slightly–produces a very unique and unpleasant kind of pain.  I wonder how much worse it is for Hex here, putting her entire body weight–stupidly large cock notwithstanding, of course–on them.  Maybe that pain is overwhelmed by the constant flood of pleasure that stupidly large cock of hers gives her.

Kukukukuku...!  It worked!  It worked!  It was such a risky gamble, but it worked!  And oh, does it feel so wonderful!
All those potions I drank worked perfectly!  My clitoris expanded and became a penis–with testicles, to store all my lovely, lovely seed!  My flesh became energized with powerful magic, allowing it to grow both in size and sensitivity without limit!
Amazing how much precum is dripping out without any stimulation on my part!  Just sitting here, with a cock this huge, feels incredible... but this is just the beginning!  Eventually I will become large enough, powerful enough, horny enough, to make love to the entire universe with my endless godcock!  Ooh, I’m getting so excited just thinking about it!  My godlike sperm, impregnating the universe itself...  I’d become the mother of a newborn universe!  Or... maybe father?  I– hm...
W-well, the semantics involved aren’t important!  Suffice it to say I will become a god: incomprehensibly huge and incomprehensibly powerful!  I will feel more pleasure than anyone else dared dream possible!  I will feel everything!
Perhaps, through this process, I will become so big, so omnipotent that I transform into a universe unto myself.  And then, eons later, another Hex Maniac will come and make love to me, thus creating another new universe!  Ohhhh, I’m just simply concupiscent now!  I can’t take it anymore!  I have to grow bigger!  I have to become more powerful!  I must become a god!  I will become a god!  It’s inevitable at this point!  It’s just a matter of time now!

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.