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Monday, June 18, 2018

Empowered Womankind, Abandoned Mankind

This one was made for johnhoward777, who requested a caption in which women are the dominant gender and provided some possible images to work with, this one among them.

It's also probably the best title I'll ever come up with.  You heard it here first, folks--it's all downhill from this point on.

The whole "Goddess ascending to power, taking over the world, and uplifting women to the nth degree" thing probably could be expanded upon.  I don't know now if I'll do it or not.  If someone else is interested in exploring that vague premise, you're welcome to do so.  Giving me credit for the original idea would be appreciated, but isn't required.

The image I used is of original characters by panah on Pixiv.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (The character depicted is an original character by panah), and above the age of 18.  I make no money through this image.

Oh wow!  A real-life male!  I've never seen one of you outside of a history textbook!  I guess it makes sense that you'd be in this ancient, tiny part of the city.  Everything is you-sized here!
It's astonishing to think about how much of a disconnect formed between men and women.  After the Goddess ascended to power and took over the world's governments, womankind was rewarded with Her eternal blessing.  We became many meters tall, exponentially stronger and smarter, and able to live for thousands of years.
Meanwhile, mankind--you--grew stagnant.  To put it simply, women took over everything, leaving you with nothing to do.  Womankind had advanced so much, so quickly that it was as if evolution had discarded you.
I almost feel sorry for you, being so small and powerless.  This planet isn't even being used anymore, outside of historical preservation.  I guess you were forgotten.  But at least the Goddess's blessing will preserve this planet for all eternity!  At the very least, you won't be wiped out by a meteor shower or something!
Well, I sympathize with your plight and all, but I have places to be!  I have a date with my girlfriend soon!  We're going to watch a star go supernova on the other end of this galaxy!  Not that big a deal, I realize, but she's never seen one up close before!
Well anyway, bye!  It was nice meeting you!

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.