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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Shizuka's Pilgrimage

Yet another Super Goddess caption!  This one picks up where Shizuka's Ambitions left off.  For continuity's sake, please read it before this one.

If you'd like to read more about the Super Goddess universe, check out the series hub!
The image I used to represent Shizuka is of Kasumi from Waifu Fight, by Zerion on Pixiv.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Kasumi is owned by Zerion; Shizuka Hirose is owned by Akane), and above the age of 18.  I make no money through this image.

Shizuka Hirose had gone from mere Super Goddess, to governor of Tokyo, to Prime Minister, to Empress, all in the span of just two years.  People immediately began coming to her Imperial Palace in Tokyo in droves to wish her well, ask for blessings, or even simply see the Empress, in all her glory.
She found her routine now wasn't terribly different from a couple years ago, save for now having several more duplicates working on the Imperial Palace in Chiyoda, giving audience to whoever wished to speak with her.  She allowed anyone who asked into her palace, as there was no need to worry about the empress’s safety, seeing as she and her entire staff were all unkillable.
Days after her coronation, an old Shinto shrine priest approached her timidly.  He explained that his shrine in rural Shikoku was on the brink of falling apart.  It was a very remote shrine, so few people ever bothered to visit, and what few who did rarely left donations.  He desperately needed funds and extra people to maintain the shrine, and, by extension, keep the kami who lived in the shrine alive and well.  Everyone he turned to ultimately deemed it a lost cause and told the old man to find a different line of work.  So he turned to the newly-crowned empress as a desperate last resort, prostrating on the floor of her palace before her throne.
Shizuka smiled, approached him, and told him to stand up and look her in the eye.  He was initially reluctant, but eventually did so.  He didn't realize until that moment how astonishingly beautiful she was.
"You've been staring at the floor the whole time you've been in my palace," she giggled gently.  "That's hardly polite.  Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you.  It's better to be loved than feared, you know?"
The priest replied, "I... I'm sorry, Empress.  I'm afraid this is all very different from what I grew up with."
"Sure, I understand that.  Listen, I want you to head back to your shrine.  As soon as you get there, you'll find things starting to improve.  Okay?"  She smiled warmly.
The priest was skeptical, but decided to trust in the Empress.
When he returned to the shrine, he was greeted by a miko he didn't remember hiring...
"Welcome back!" she chirped.  He instantly recognized her as the radiant Empress Shizuko he had just met with, now clad--more-or-less--in a standard miko's white haori and red hakama, with some sexy modifications of her own design.  The priest, however, was too terrified to admire the perky goddess before him.
"Wh-what?!  What are you doing here?!  Aren't you supposed to be in Tokyo?!  I--!"
"I can be in more than one place at a time, easy!  It's effortless--I do it all the time!  Anyway, I'm here to help for however long you need me!"
"Wh-what?" he repeated.
"I already gave the shrine my blessing, and its kami is already looking much healthier!  I can help with literally anything you need!"
"B-b-but I couldn't possibly ask you, the Empress--a literal Super Goddess, even!--to do all that for me!"
"You know, as we speak, I'm also running a maid cafe, writing music, singing in live concerts, cooking, sewing custom-made outfits and costumes, and even working towards a few more Ph.Ds!  Really, sir, this isn't a burden on me whatsoever.  In fact, you could say it's my duty as Empress!"
Tears came to the priest's eyes.  "I... thank you.  Thank you so much!"
"Well, don't thank me just yet--we've got a lot of work ahead of us!"
Once Shizuka had thoroughly revived the downtrodden shrine, was thanked profusely and repeatedly by the priest, and went on her way, it had occurred to her that she could help out other shrines the same way--maybe even turn the endeavor into a pilgrimage.  There was the Shikoku Pilgrimage, but that only covered 88 temples on a single island.  To visit each and every one across the entire country was unheard of.  But, for a Super Goddess, all that meant was more recognition for the being the first to do it.
The new Empress didn't just visit each shrine, but also gave them the same treatment she gave the downtrodden one, effectively revitalizing the entire Shinto religion in Japan, as well as the kami representing myriad natural concepts.  Every priest and miko showered her with praise, as word of her pilgrimage quickly spread across the country.
When all was said and done, the whole country benefited greatly from her efforts.
She was thrilled things worked out the way they did.  Helping people like this, she concluded, was her calling in life.

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.