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Sunday, June 02, 2019

Kanako × Kanako × Kanako

Because "Kanako × Kanako × Kanako × Kanako × Kanako × Kanako × Kanako..." 32.8 million times would've been a bit long for a title. Just a bit.

The latest caption from my poll. If you haven't voted yet, feel free to do so now--the poll will remain open until all captions listed have been made and posted!

For the few of you who care about the lore of these things, the reason Shizuku didn't just make Kanako omnipotent in the first place was because she was too prone to becoming overwhelmed and fainting while she was with Azusa and Takane, so they opted to do what Sakuya did and give her boosts in power slowly and gradually--ease her into it. Shizuku met with and empowered Kanako before that final boost to omnipotence.

The image I used is fanart of Kanako Mimura (^3) from Idolmaster, done by zanzi on Pixiv.

All persons depicted or mentioned are fictitious, not owned by me (Idolmaster and every iteration of Kanako are owned by Bandai Namco Games), and above the age of 18. I make no money through this image.

Thanks to definitely not cones and MunchingNoodles for inspiration, and OmniScribbler for beta reading and additional contributions.

Shizuku-san was gracious enough to share her amazing powers with me~! They feel so good! Now I can do anything I want~!

I tried using them to enhance my baking. I made sweets that you don’t gain weight from, ones that taste better after each one you eat, and even ones that duplicate themselves so you never run out!

But something funny happened with that last batch. When I ate a duplicated macaron, it ended up producing another me!

Kanako with two duplicates of herself, one of which is holding one of her magically enchanted macarons.  Art by zanzi on Pixiv.

I didn’t realize what had happened until there were three of me~! It’s a little disorienting to be in three places at once, but I got used to it before long~

I’ve found that if I touch one of my duplicates, then I feel that sensation three times over. Also, my powers feel three times as strong now. I dunno, I kinda want to see what happens if I keep eating more of these! Alright, here goes...!

Oh my! I think I may have used my powers subconsciously just now to make this batch a combination of all three! The macaron regenerated, it tasted better than the last one, and I can tell I won’t gain any weight from eating it! And there’s another me!

My, these boosts in power feel astonishingly good! And I now have an unlimited supply of macarons to make it even better! At this rate, I’ll probably end up filling the Earth with Kanakos before dinner time!

I never really realized it before, but... now that I have a good look at myself right now... I’m actually really sexy. Is... is that narcissistic? In all honesty, I’m not sure I care too much right now. I’m getting really horny now. But I’m also hungry too... hm...

Let’s see... I know! I, the original me, will just keep eating the macarons, while my duplicates have sex with each other! I’ll be able to feel everything they feel, and there’ll be more mes for each macaron I eat! This’ll be fun!

Wow! I’ve been eating for a while now! I should’ve lost count of how many mes there are now, but I can tell there’s exactly 32,874,473 of me endlessly making love with each other. It feels so amazing... I can just sit here and revel in literally infinite pleasure! There’s so many of me now and we’re extracting so many orgasms from each other, and each one of me feels the same pleasure every other me else feels, it’s an endless feedback loop! Conventional numbers just don’t work here!

In all fairness, this much pleasure should have utterly destroyed my mind a long time ago, but all those power boosts made me more than capable of handling it all! My mind has expanded infinitely! I know so much now... I can see so much, feel so much... it’s glorious....

I can even see you, masturbating to the idea of all this ecstasy I’ve given myself! I bet it hasn’t even crossed your mind that there are more iterations of me than there are people in Shanghai! “Where are all of them?”, you aren’t asking because you’re too horny to care. I sent them all into a higher dimension, way beyond anything your human mind can comprehend. Humanity’s best minds could work tirelessly for a million years and still be unable to get anywhere near comprehending this dimension. Up there, things down here seem like a few molecules rubbing against each other. I’m thinking of calling it the Kanako Dimension, though there’s still plenty of real estate beyond it...

I don’t know why I’m even bothering to tell you all this. You’re still too horny to really pay attention to what I’m saying. I rather doubt you care.

Well, in any event, I think I’m going to like this whole being-omnipotent thing! I will have to thank Shizuku-san for her generosity the next time I see her! I hope she likes macarons....

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.