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Wednesday, January 08, 2020


Feels like it's been a while since I last posted something that wasn't a commission.  To be fair, late November wasn't that long ago, but my perception of time has always been kinda not good.

Anyway!  I lewded another Keion.  So now I'm definitely going to hell.  I mean, it was a good bet to begin with, but now it's certain.

Both instances to date involve a dick cumming on the Keions' breasts.  I... can't say I planned for that to happen.  Maybe my next K-On caption should also include that for the hell of it....

This idea came to me rather quickly and suddenly.  So I whipped it up last night, had OmniScribbler look it over (thanks to him for beta reading), and then I posted it today (read: the date listed above).

I had the idea of justifying the mosaic censorship common in anime lewds as an actual in-universe thing with pleasure-dampening effects a while back, but didn't make the connection to use this picture for that idea at first.  The idea of extreme pleasure making someone godlike is something that's bounced around in my noggin for a long while.

The image I used is fanart of Ui Hirasawa from K-On, done by Amasora Taichi on Pixiv.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (K-On is owned by Kakifly), and above the age of 18.

Awww, too bad. You may have given me a bit more tribute than your two buddies here, but you still weren't able to hold back long enough. My policy is quite clear regarding premature ejaculators: your dick tips will be censored and any sensation they pick up will be felt by me instead. Enjoy your eternal pins-and-needles dicks!
Don't look so disappointed! You knew this could happen the day you prostrated before me, begging to worship me for the remainder of your brief lives.
I do admit, you did manage to produce an almost acceptable tribute to me, even if it was premature and laughable. This warrants a certain degree of leniency.
I will temporarily remove your censorship, augment your sensitivity a millionfold, and give you a handjob with all I have.
Oh? Does that unsettle you? Indeed, there is no limit to "all I have". The experience may be terrifying and sanity-rending to such a limited being as you, but just imagine all the ecstasy you'll feel! You should be well aware that orgasm is the closest a lowly mortal like you can get to divinity. An unrestrained handjob from me with your dick rendered hypersensitive is the same as becoming God for a short while. You can't tell me that doesn't intrigue you even a little~
I thought so! How could it not? Now then, let's get started, shall we?

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.