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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Good Morning

Working title: The Best Part of Waking Up is Nutting So Hard You Flood the Continent

Hands-free orgasms are so fascinating to me, probably because they imply a level of control over one's orgasm beyond what's humanly possible.
Thanks to OmniScribbler and yearends for beta reading and additional contributions.

The image I used is of Midori Kamiya, an original character by zheng on Pixiv. I found this uncensored version on, though I'm afraid no source was provided there.

All persons depicted and mentioned are fictitious, not owned by me, and above the age of 18.

Ahhhhh! Good morning, existence and beyond! Nothing like a nice stretch and hands-free orgasm in the morning! Whoever decided a cup of coffee was the best part of waking up clearly wasn't a futanari! I mean, if they could will themselves to cum with a thought, anytime, anywhere, and however hard and long they want, then they'd definitely take that over some hot bean water! I think normal people's orgasms tire them out, but I just get more energized from them! If I push myself, I can go without sleep for weeks at a time, just from a few good hard orgasms!
The best part is that there's no upper limit to how much or how hard I can cum! My balls are a bit large, but they certainly shouldn't be able to hold the amount of cum I can output in even a single burst! I'm not sure how, but my body defies the laws of physics, and I love it!
I tried a while back to just let loose with no regard for any consequences whatsoever! I would've expected to injure myself or succumb to dehydration or even overload my brain, but I walked away from that not only alive, but feeling better and more powerful than ever! After that experience, I think I'm more than capable of flooding the country with my cum--maybe even the continent! It definitely could happen, since every orgasm I have is better than the last! I suppose the thing to do is point my cock in the direction of the ocean, so human civilization doesn't drown in my spunk! If I came into the water enough, I might saturate the whole planet's water supply with my cum!
Man, what would even happen then? Would people become dependent on my cum and treat me like a goddess?
I dunno... I know human cum doesn't work like that, but I'm definitely past mere humanity at this point! I've found that my cum produces pheromones that can affect non-futas--gets them horny and submissive, turns them into putty in your hands! It's stuff like that that makes me wonder if futas are evolutionarily destined to dominate non-futas and rule the world....
Oh jeez, just the thought of that doubled my output!

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.