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Monday, April 13, 2020

Go Fuck Yourself

That's the title of this caption, not an insult towards the reader.

Commissioned by Ultra Bra. Sophie is the protagonist of his ongoing Omni Story on CHYOA; consider giving it a look if you enjoyed the caption!
This is also my first work to have profanity in the title. It isn't the first time I've depicted the multiverse, but I took the idea in a different direction this time. Instead of just mapping images to spheres (Space Engine screenshots in this case), I also warped and duplicated the image with a fractal filter, making it appear there are many more universes spread across a much larger space. That and fractal patterns look really cool and trippy.

The picture of Sophie is done by Ultra Bra himself. As they say, if you want something done properly....

Thanks to OmniScribbler for beta reading and additional contributions.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Sophie is Ultra Bra's OC), and above the age of 18.

Sophie's ascension knew no limits. She became power, then space and time, finally encompassing all of reality. She wasn't a god anymore, not even the God. Her ascension left that term and all it entailed in the dust, akin to children on a playground by comparison. She was the ultimate top dog now, with second place infinitely beneath her. Sophie was omnipotent and peerless.
She wasn't without compassion, though, so she began granting wishes for power from the little people inside her universes. All sorts of people became gods in their own right, though they never became anywhere near as powerful as Sophie--nor could they.
That didn't stop some from trying to usurp her, though. She was beyond the comprehension of most of them, but a select few became powerful enough to start seeing the faintest indications of her existence in the space between universes. Of course, most of them didn't have the power to travel that far out, since all of her universes were magically sealed to halt entropy--one of the first things Sophie did upon achieving apotheosis. Some of the dumber people she empowered believed they were supreme beings and lorded their power over planets. To Sophie, this was like an ant declaring itself ruler of a single grain of sand on a beach.
All their petty squabbles and concerns were undeniably beneath her, but she felt like making clear to them who was calling the shots. She took two of her more troublesome universes and shaped one into a dildo and the other into an onahole. As she telekinetically pushed one into the other, every being in both universes felt the surge of ecstasy like they were making love to Sophie herself.
The first instant of penetration caused just about everyone in both universes to climax violently, Sophie included. All of existence was a part of her, so she was subject to the pleasurable effects of two universes meeting just like they were. Of course, for her, it was just some casual masturbation, so she kept going, gradually satisfying her libido. Meanwhile, within the two universes, literally everyone was wracked with and overwhelmed by indescribably powerful orgasms for millennia. Ecstasy became a relentless addiction for many, eventually becoming a necessity for them to live. Hands and vibrators ravaged genitals constantly, attempting to keep their bodies in a constant state of orgasm. Through it all, the inhabitants of those universes were thoroughly reminded of just how much power the incomprehensible Sophie held over them all. Even the lesser deities who thought they were all-powerful found themselves unable to resist her power, forcing them to acknowledge her objective superiority.
She reigned supreme. They were just along for the ride, existing because they amused her. Sophie could feel the raw sexual energy overflowing from the two universes. She ran her finger across them and tasted it. The collective sexual bliss of some 80 octillion people was exquisite, intoxicating...
She moaned as she fingered her soaking nethers, putting more and more force into the act, quickly surpassing the amount of energy contained in both universes combined. Her resulting climax sent a roaring wave of ecstasy across all of existence.

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.