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Thursday, June 04, 2020

Excerpt from "Apotheosis"

The following is an excerpt from Apotheosis, a Super Goddess story by yearends. He asked me to write the middle portion of the story, in which Jennifer experiences the full extent of her omnipotence and goes to town with it. The rest of the story is exclusively yearends’ work, so I’m only posting this excerpt on my sites so everything I’ve written is available in one place, same as with the SG OmniCollab.
I strongly recommend you read the whole story and leave feedback.  If you enjoy it, maybe check out the series hub too.

As usual, everyone depicted and mentioned is fictitious, owned by Akane, and above the age of 18.

Jennifer was high on the unrestrained power of true omnipotence. How did she ever put up with such constricting limitations?

Her mind roared with possibilities. Since her mind was now indistinguishable from reality, every idea she had came to life. Bolts of lightning shot from one end of the universe to the other, manifesting even her brain’s nerve impulses.

She produced enormous fistfuls of the building blocks of life and tossed them haphazardly into the void of space, instantly producing trillions of vibrant galaxies teeming with life of all sorts, including several that hadn’t existed before now: macroscopic and sentient bacteria, an avant-garde species composed of a new form of matter, even a galaxy populated entirely by sentient celestial bodies--there were no limits! She could even reach back in time billions of years and create a certain race destined to evolve into beings of pure energy--so, of course, she made it happen.

On a whim, literally everything became an erogenous zone. Any sort of movement anywhere, on any scale, stimulated her beyond comprehension. Super Orgasms rushed through her entire omnipresent being as beams of infinitely powerful and equally orgasmic energy. As one such beam struck a cluster of galaxies she made, their inhabitants were hypersexualized into an overwhelmingly fecund race of succubi, all innately gifted with Jennifer’s sexual mastery. A flash of light between their legs produced intricate tattoos over their wombs, enhancing their fertility, sensitivity, magical power, and, of course, marked them as hers. They were extensions of her will and senses. She experienced anything and everything they did, allowing her to enjoy the centillions of orgasms of her succubi worshipping her infinite glory in the only way appropriate for a goddess as supremely erotic as her: eternal and relentless orgies.

Without any input from her, her succubi went out of their way to ensure their fucking was enjoyable for their goddess before anything else, which actually touched her. She spread her gratitude to her demonic worshippers with another Super Orgasm-scaled blast of pure erotic energy, augmenting their orgasms to a truly unfathomable degree.

On Earth, pandemonium reigned. Humans, peak humans, and Enhanceds alike were paralyzed in the throes of orgasms more powerful than anything they had experienced before. Every ultipotent and Super Goddess was thoroughly locked away and not worth her attention. There were entire universes of lesser beings who did not yet know the true extent of her magnificence!

Over a century ago, young Elza experimented with her invulnerability in several universes of her creation. One of them caught Jennifer’s omniscient eye.

After withstanding the full force of a planet-busting space station’s main weapon, Elza destroyed the entire moon-sized station by simply inhaling, sucking the whole thing into herself. That universe served her purpose and she moved on, but she left it alone. Over the following century, plenty of other planet killers were built and destroyed--almost like it was a long-spanning trend. The government that built the superweapon Elza ultimately destroyed thought so highly of themselves, treating themselves like they ruled the universe. Despite that, they didn’t see the flaw in their logic of simply rebuilding their destroyed planet killer. Jennifer couldn’t resist the urge to teach them a lesson in humility.

Despite being the dominant superpower in their galaxy, they still thought it necessary to have excessively tight security and be as stuffy and stern as possible at all times. Even the slightest negligence of a single officer meant severe punishment for their entire platoon. Jennifer had to admit it worked, but it was certainly not healthy. She decided to start remedying that.

An armored security guard noticed her uniform was getting tight. Her body was growing larger and more voluptuous, to the point that the plastoid armor was getting bent, displaced, and ultimately falling off herself. It was designed to protect against laser fire, so it was light and not particularly sturdy--good thing, otherwise she would have suffocated before her armor gave way. Her body glove was better designed, remaining intact despite her new enormous form.

She tried to run for the nearest armory to get new armor for her enlarged form and hopefully figure out what was happening to her, but her hair was growing rapidly, filling her helmet and stifling her ability to breathe. She had to take it off to keep from asphyxiating. As she did so, the airtight seal in her suit was opened, letting the flood of pheromones that caused her sudden growth out and into the room, quickly finding their way into the station’s ventilation systems.

At that same instant, her superior entered the room and immediately froze in his tracks. He was about to chastise her for being out of uniform while on duty, but her new and profound allure caused him to swiftly disregard protocol. He dropped his pants as she unzipped her body glove and the two began fucking right then and there. Their lust produced more pheromones, enhancing their sexual attributes and getting them hornier and hornier. His cock grew larger, her body grew even more Junoesque, to the point of resembling a pair of fertility gods. The bigger they got, the more sensitive their bodies became. The rush from growing almost outweighed the experience of actual sex.

Meanwhile, pheromones rushed through the station, affecting everyone on board before long. A few particularly defiant individuals attempted to fight it, reroute the ventilation system, attempt to purge them of the pheromones, or even put on a personal respirator to save themselves, but they all ultimately succumbed. Of course, once they had, their opinion on the affliction changed completely. They all experienced their first rampant, out-of-control sexual experience of their lives and were all instantly hooked. They had no idea how it started, but every instinct they had demanded its origin be worshipped, who or whatever it was.

In under an hour, the station’s normal operations were universally ignored in favor of a 2.5 million-person orgy. Just like the first guard, everyone affected by the pheromones became sexual titans with insatiable libidos.

Jennifer’s pheromones didn’t just affect the station’s crew--it also affected the station itself, though the effects took some time to manifest. The latent power within her pheromones caused the entire station’s design to shift. Over the course of a week, it went from a spherical menace to an enormous and curvaceous sexbot, looking very much like its crew. As their lust grew, so did the station’s. Before long, it had no choice but to release all the pent-up sexual energy it built up so rapidly. The station’s main weapon transformed into a colossal penis, which promptly fired an intensely powerful beam of pure orgasmic energy.

The beam was sustained for years without end. The station’s energy reserves should have been depleted, but they never wavered in the slightest. Thanks to the unrelenting orgies of the crew within, the station gained not only enough power to function indefinitely, but also become sentient. It was just as confused as its crew upon their transformation, but it quickly put together a plan: sexually subjugate the galaxy and present it to its benefactor as tribute.

Jennifer’s focus was diverted to the galaxies with her hordes of succubi worshippers, since she intended to give them an experience they’d never forget. She was pleasantly surprised and amused by what had happened with the space station.

Accepting its tribute would have to wait, however, as her attention was abruptly torn away by an unexpected visitor.

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.