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Wednesday, August 12, 2020


The Super Goddess Series has been disappointingly bereft of glowing eyes, wouldn’t you agree? So, I’ve taken it upon myself to start remedying that!
I had been meaning to make a caption using this picture for a while now (though it became a short story along the way). It was originally just a Kancolle caption, but it later became a Super Goddess one, meaning I had to do some color changes to make Bismarck look like Irina, Atago like Brunhilde, and Iowa like Paula.

If the series and characters intrigue you, then check out the series hub!

The image I used is fanart of Bismarck (left), Atago (center), and Iowa (right) from Kantai Collection, done by kloah on Pixiv (14th image). They are meant to represent characters from Akane's Super Goddess Series. As stated above, Bismarck is meant to be Irina, Atago as Brunhilde, and Iowa as Paula.

Behind them is the stock photo “Tree Silhouette At Night”, taken by Petr Kratochvil. It was released in the CC0 Public Domain. Overlaid on it is a Space Engine screenshot, as you probably guessed. I took the screenshot from the western coast of Hawaii (as in that particular island) at 5:14 PM local time on June 9, 6969, because. In terms of the series’ actual chronology, this takes place in the year 3797 instead. Still June 9 though, naturally.

Thanks to Akane and OmniScribbler for beta reading and additional contributions.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Kantai Collection and all characters depicted are owned by Kadokawa Games; the Super Goddess series is owned by Akane), and above the age of 18.

“My my!”

The cooing of three objectively perfect voices demands your attention. You turn to face them and fill your pants with cum on the spot, instantly recognizing them as Super Goddesses Irina, Brunhilde, and Paula, standing before you.

“We thought no one was anywhere near here!” Paula chirps.

Irina adds, “It seems we were mistaken!”

Brunhilde’s voice is positively ethereal. “Perhaps we were... acting on instinct... and neglected to... thoroughly survey the area... first.”

Every word out of their mouths is like the ultimate ASMR experience, and they aren’t even trying! They embody sex, they ooze sex--hell, it’s not even a stretch to say they are sex! Honestly, what they are transcends the very concept of sex to a degree beyond human understanding and then some!

But more importantly, they’re right in front of you! You’re overwhelmed to be in the presence of such majesty and start feeling faint...

“Girls...” Brunhilde says, her emerald eyes locked onto yours, “I think... it’s happening~💚”

...but the feeling passes almost instantly somehow. In fact, you feel even more energized now!

“Oh?” Paula replies. A smirk forms on her ineffable lips. “Ohhhhhhhh~💛”

Irina giggles as her eyes begin glowing. “I love it when this happens~💙”

Brunhilde’s and Paula’s do the same, and their clothes vanish instantly.

The three goddess’ voices resonate with each other perfectly, somehow managing to sound even more divine than they do normally.

“So, little humie... you find yourself in the Ara Ara Range of three Super Goddesses. What do you do?”

You’ve never felt so small and vulnerable in your life... yet at the same time, you can’t help but feel profoundly aroused. Your lust quickly outweighs your fear. Besides, there’s no denying that you want this. Who wouldn’t want to make love to three objectively perfect and omnipotent goddesses?

Before you can express that, however, they’re all instantly on top of you, ravaging you, bringing you to truly phenomenal orgasms instantly. Irina grabs you by the thighs, locking you in a grip that puts any vice to shame, and sucks you off with the unrelenting ferocity of a black hole.

Brunhilde drops her colossal breasts over your face, magnetically attracting your mouth and her nipple together. Likewise, your hands instinctively reach for her other breast, groping and caressing it like a fascinated child. The moment your lips and hands touch her nipples, they begin spewing milk, like a factory’s pipes sprung a leak. It’s warm, exceptionally relaxing, tastes appropriately divine, and even has an aphrodisiacal effect! Anything and everything that isn’t the goddesses and your boundless rapture simply evaporates. The entire universe becomes a featureless void composed entirely of ecstasy and love, all completely under their control. You wouldn’t have it any other way....

Paula makes her body intangible and sits down on your extremely erect and spurting cock, passing through Irina’s body. She leans forward with poised elegance and makes out with you while you’re simultaneously guzzling down Brunhilde’s milk. It’s hard to tell with everything going on, but the milk you’re drinking might not be staying in your stomach for more than a few moments. It seems like it’s augmenting your sensitivity and sexual urges, so maybe it’s going to your muscular and nervous systems?

That question ends up being your last coherent thought, as overstimulation hits you moments later. Before long, you’re no longer sure what the goddesses are even doing to you, but it feels too insanely good to care. Their gentlest touch alone sends impossible waves of pure rapture surging through your body. Of course, they have no interest in being gentle with you, so you’re downright paralyzed in euphoria leagues beyond what the human body is capable of safely experiencing.

Under normal circumstances, that would have concerned you. Fortunately, the sheer intensity of it all keeps you thoroughly distracted from worrying about literal non-issues like that. Super Goddesses are incapable of harming their subjects, even while drunk on lust powerful enough to drive anyone else mad.

It takes decades of relentless fucking to satisfy their libidos--not that you mind, by any means. In their haste, they neglected to freeze time, so it’s now 57 years in the future.

Rather, it was. Just like that, they sent you back in time to right before you first encountered them. You notice a tiny notification in the corner of your vision indicating three new contacts added to your internal computer: Paula Estévez, Irina Volkoba, and Brünhild von Wittgenstein.

The odd thing was that they didn’t contain any actual contact IDs, just plain text: “Hit us up telepathically. Make no mistake, we’ll meet again~💙💚💛”

Telepathically? You’re no telepath. Your Enhancements are among the weakest of all humanity. Your simple life away from the vast majority of society saw to that. It wasn’t what most people would want, but you liked it. Most other people nowadays revel in eternal orgasm via their incomprehensible powers, but you were content with your life regardless. It’s quiet, uncomplicated, and comfortable--what’s there to complain about?

Super Goddesses simply wouldn’t make a mistake like this. Actually, now that you think about it, you’ve felt different ever since you arrived in the ‘past’. Did they Enhance you through those decades of sex? Well, only one way to find out.

Simply thinking about the goddesses makes you plenty horny, especially after your recent experience, so you decide to test your new erotic limits first. You focus on your desire, how much you’d like to ravage--or be ravaged by--the goddesses again.

Before long, your pants are swiftly torn to shreds by an immense cock--your cock. Wasting no time, it erupts in the most powerful orgasm you’ve ever experienced, somehow even outdoing your previous encounter. The ecstasy of the first few seconds alone makes you weak in the knees and sends you to the ground, though your mind is just about literally overflowing with oxytocin, so you don’t even feel the impact.

Your orgasm is downright incessant. Your body shouldn’t have nearly as much fluid as you’re outputting, but it feels too good for you to wonder how it’s happening. You start accepting your new life as a cum geyser... but oddly enough, you feel strangely in control of yourself. Pleasure that should have utterly overwhelmed you... isn’t anymore.

Your cum fountain stops the instant you will it so, but the pleasure continues roaring inside you. You spend a good deal of time idle, simply lying on the ground and enjoying your neverending orgasm. Eventually, though, you pick yourself up and see what else you’re capable of.

There’s a local recycling center several kilometers away where you figure you can find scrap metal to experiment with. You head off in that direction... only to realize your running speed is positively insane now--you overshot your destination and circled the entire planet in seconds! You eventually regained your bearings and finally arrived at the local recycling center.

Once there, you spot a huge I-beam made of a super-durable alloy, used to reinforce modern skyscrapers to make them virtually indestructible. You try tapping the beam with your foot. That alone is apparently enough to move the thing! It’s much lighter than you expected--malleable too! You manage to tie it into a knot like a giant cherry stem!

Your super speed carries you to the public library in the city. Most of the books distributed here are too complex for anyone less than an Enhanced to fathom. You pick one up off the shelves and actually understand it! Admittedly not fully, but you feel a lot better about your chances than you would have before all this started!

The book you chose was all about the fundamentals of telekinesis, which leads to your next discovery being that you have that power too! The adjacent books begin levitating off the shelf and floating around you. Dozens upon dozens of titles fascinate you, motivating you to check some out. You try to not go overboard, only checking out 67 books.

You exit the library with all but one of them stored in a pocket of hammerspace that you intuitively figured out how to create just now, while continuing the telekinesis one. As you read about flight, your feet gently leave the ground without you noticing. You don’t even realize that you’ve started flying until you’re already among the clouds!

You don’t need any more convincing. You were not only Enhanced, but something of a demigod to boot! You eagerly send out a telepathic ping to the Super Goddesses from earlier, though you didn’t (and couldn’t, for that matter) know just how close they were....

“I’m pleased to see you’ve warmed up.”

Tendrils of golden light envelope you from behind. Their touch transforms your body, making it exponentially more feminine while keeping your cock. That transformation somehow managed to exceed the pleasure of your sustained orgasm.

“Now the real fun can begin....”

Her name, you learn telepathically, is Aureola. She’s an amalgamation of Irina, Brunhilde, and Paula, and you are hers now. You’ll want to clear up your schedule for anywhere between the next few millennia and the rest of time. It’s not like you have anything more important to do than serving as your goddess’ plaything.

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.