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Saturday, November 14, 2020

A Tight Grip (On Reality)

The climax of the 1992 film Aladdin, but with an added twist during the climax, as requested by my patron Avia Bloodbourn. Thanks to Akane for beta reading and additional contributions.

Additionally, this story got me to 200k cumulative words!

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Aladdin and all characters depicted are owned by Disney), and above the age of 18.

Through subterfuge and cunning, Grand Vizier Jafar of Agrabah managed to intercept an innocuous-looking oil lamp from the possession of the alleged Prince Ali Ababwa. In truth, it was actually the home of an all-powerful wish-granting genie.

He used the first two of his three wishes to become the city’s Sultan and the most powerful sorcerer in the world, using that power to force the former Sultan and his daughter Jasmine to bow before him. The ‘prince’--really a street rat named Aladdin--was sent to a cold, violent death atop a distant snowy mountain range.

Aladdin was close to despairing when he discovered the magic carpet previously trapped in the Cave of Wonders alongside the Genie’s lamp was banished along with him. He was able to free the rug and use it to rapidly return to Agrabah to confront Jafar and, hopefully, set things right. The odds were very much against him, but they usually were with him.

Jasmine, clad in a humiliatingly skimpy harem girl’s outfit, noticed Aladdin and the carpet silently enter the palace, beneath Jafar’s notice, who was loudly commanding the Genie to obey him, despite the addenda and quid pro quos that prohibited what he was demanding as his final wish. To give him time to make his move, Jasmine pretended that the wish successfully went through and fell “desperately” in love with Jafar.

“Jafar...” she cooed, putting on the crown he materialized for her. “I never realized how... incredibly handsome you are.”

“Mmm... that’s better.” Jafar chuckled. “Now, pussycat... tell me more about myself.”

As Jasmine continued mock-praising him, Aladdin slipped down to the palace’s floor and over piles of gold coins. He was just about to reach the lamp when Jafar spun around to face him. He must have seen Aladdin’s reflection in Jasmine’s crown!

“You!” Jafar unleashed a beam of magical energy from his scepter, throwing the street rat into one of several huge piles of treasure painfully hard. “How many times do I have to kill you, boy?!”

Jasmine tried to wrest the weapon out of his hands, but wasn’t strong enough, only getting knocked to the floor from the attempt. Aladdin charged at him and began struggling for the scepter, taking only a moment to call out to Jasmine.

“Get the lamp!”

She bolted towards it, though not without Jafar noticing. He shoved Aladdin to the floor and shot a beam of energy at Jasmine at the same instant she grabbed the lamp. Not letting panic overtake her, she held the lamp tight, even as an hourglass materialized around her and flipped over, effectively giving her only a couple short minutes until a horrifying death by suffocation... at least, that would have been the case, had she lost hold of the thing.

Fortunately, Jafar failed to notice this, focusing instead on toying with and humiliating Aladdin. After unraveling the magic carpet into a lifeless pile of violet and gold thread, he trapped him in a ring of fire and became a terrifyingly gigantic cobra, deciding to take Aladdin’s insult of “cowardly snake” literally.

Jasmine wasted no time and rubbed the lamp, summoning the Genie.

“Jafar, Jafar,” he droned with unveiled reluctance, “he’s our man. If he can’t-- er, wait. Oh, Princess! I can’t say I saw this twist coming!”

“Never mind that!” Jasmine cried. “If you can grant wishes, then grant mine! I wish I had the power to defeat Jafar!”

The Genie sighed in relief. “I thought you’d never ask! You got it!”

Jasmine’s body exploded with brilliant power, annihilating the hourglass trapping her. Wood and glass alike utterly disintegrated into oblivion. The abruptness of it all thoroughly distracted both Jafar and Aladdin from their fight. The young man and giant snake stared in stunned bewilderment.

The enormous flare of light receded into a field of thick smoke, which Jasmine casually stepped through. Her harem outfit was tattered and covered in sand and dust, but swirls of light around her transformed the remnants into her comfortable aquamarine outfit of choice.

“Jafar, that snake thing you’re doing is cute and all, but I think we’ve all had more than enough of it.”

She snapped her fingers, instantly transforming the gigantic reptile back into the form the Grand Vizier possessed prior to his excursion to the Cave of Wonders: merely a spindly man with excessive ambitions.

“M-my powers! Wh-what have you done to me? What are you?!”

Ignoring his shocked exclamations, Jasmine continued, “For that matter, I think we’ve all had enough of you, period. Razoul?”

He, Fazal, and Hakim appeared on either side of her. “Yes, Princess?” he said.

“Take Jafar to the dungeon immediately.”

“B-but Princess, Jafar is the Sultan!”

“He has used powerful sorcery to influence your mind into believing that, but you know it’s not true.” She patted him on the arm. “Right?”

Sure enough, Razoul changed his tone after a brief moment to think. “...Yes, Princess! I-I apologize profusely for laboring under false pretenses!”

Jasmine smirked. “Get him into a locked cell soon and I’ll think nothing of it.”

“Understood, Princess! You heard her, men--arrest the Vizier!”

Fazal grabbed one arm while Hakim took the other. With Jafar’s powers gone, he could only feebly struggle in their grip, only to resign to his fate not long after. His body had become used to the endless stamina his powers offered, so suddenly having it gone made it very easy for him to exhaust himself. The guards didn’t care, simply dragging him away to the dungeon.

“And finally,” Jasmine continued, “I think we’ve all had enough of Jafar’s twisted, psychopathic take on everything.”

The palace instantly reverted back to its state prior to Jafar’s interference, almost jarringly fast.

“I-I-- uh...” Aladdin stammered, quite confused. “What just happened?”

Jasmine explained, “I was able to get the Genie’s lamp and make a wish.”

“A-and that gave you magic powers?”

“To put it mildly!” Jasmine replied with a smirk. “I wished for the power to defeat Jafar, so I had to become particularly powerful to outmatch the greatest sorcerer in the world!”

“I... wow. Yeah, that’d do it! That aside, I also owe you an apology.” He cradled her hands in his gently. “I’m sorry I lied to you about being a prince.”

“I understand why you did--I don’t mind.”

“So I guess... this is goodbye, huh.”

“Why do you have to go? I love you....”

“You have to marry a prince, and you know I’m not one.”

Jasmine scoffed. “That stupid law has no business keeping me from you. I’m willing to ignore it if you are.”

“Ah, that won’t be necessary,” the reinstated Sultan interjected. “I’ve had some time during Jafar’s reign of terror to think things over. Restricting who royalty can marry is, well, just that--restricting! Therefore, Jasmine, I will amend the law to allow you and your successors to marry freely.”

Aladdin’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Uh, Jasmine, did you--?”

“No, that was all him! Thank you, Father!”

She teleported to Aladdin’s side to embrace him, lifting him off the balcony floor and spinning him around. He was only briefly surprised at how effortlessly she managed it, given the new powers she developed.

“Aladdin, did you hear that?! We can get married after all!”

He chuckled. The thought of marrying an all-powerful princess hadn’t ever occurred to him, but he rather liked the idea. “Call me Al.”

With a smile, she moved in for a kiss. Naturally, he couldn’t resist.

“Come to think of it, Genie,” Jasmine said afterwards, “I still have two more wishes, don’t I?”

“That’s correct, Princess!”

“I’m not really sure what I’d do with them now. I have more than I could have ever asked for already!”

“Certainly can’t blame you there! I think you might actually be more powerful than me now!”

“Oh, absolutely!” Jasmine chirped, downright giddy. “It feels so amazing having all this power--it’s hard to describe, actually! There’s just so much happening all at once! There are already so many people praying to me, and I’m able to grant their desires without even thinking about it!

“You want a snack? Here you go! You lost one of your boots? Found it! Desperate to find someone who genuinely loves you? I just so happen to know the perfect person! Starving? Not anymore you aren’t! Go on, travel the world on a magic carpet, meet the legends of ancient mythologies, even see the future--anything you want, it’s yours! Hunger, gone completely! Poverty, a thing of the past now! I hear wishes all across the universe, even from the universe itself! Each one I grant gives me an orgasm better than the last! I’ve never felt so amazing before--I could do this forever!”

“Um,” Aladdin interjected, “sorry to interrupt, but I had planned to use my third wish to set the Genie free. If you don’t mind, could you, ah... do that for him?”

“O-oh yes, of course!”

She snapped her fingers and the Genie’s lamp appeared before her. A flash of light caused his ethereal tail to transform into a pair of legs and his shackles evaporated. The magical luster surrounding the lamp disappeared and it unceremoniously clattered to the floor. The Genie picked the metal device up and stared at it, unable to believe his eyes for a moment. He started chuckling.

“I... I’m free. I’m free!” He placed the lamp in Aladdin’s hands. “Quick, wish for something outrageous. The Nile--wish for the Nile!”

“Uh, I wish for the Nile?”

“NO WAY!” Genie shouted in his face. “Just to be sure though, Princess, if you don’t mind?”

“Certainly! I wish for the Nile!”

In a flash of light, the three were transported to a sandy plain. A short distance away was a huge river, which attracted all life in the area. Society was centered around it, almost definitely since it appeared to be the closest water source around.

“Uh... where are we?” Aladdin asked. “I don’t think this is Agrabah....”

“Quite right!” Jasmine chirped. “We’re in Giza, Egypt--more specifically, the Nile river!”

“So that was you, not me?” Genie asked.

“Mm-hmm! Well, I only meant it as a joke. I read about the place and wanted to visit someday--even though we actually did pass by here on my magic carpet ride with ‘Prince Ali’. Anyway, I’ll take us back now.”

Another flash of light sent the three of them back to the palace balcony.

The Genie uttered, “I... wow. It’s starting to sink in now. I’m actually free! I’ve been in servitude for millions of years, desperate to see the world beyond that tiny lamp, and... and now I... I actually can.”

Tears began forming in the Genie’s eyes.

“Oh, come here, big guy!” Jasmine exclaimed, reaching towards him for a hug, which he happily accepted.

“Al, Rugman, Your Majesty, you all too--group hug!” He stretched out his arms to envelope them all tightly. “I’m just so happy I could cry!”

“You’re already crying, Genie!” Aladdin chuckled.

“What will you do with your freedom?” Jasmine asked.

“Well, I’m just so excited and curious about the world, I think I just have to go traveling and exploring! But first, some closure and catharsis...”

He picked up his lamp and chucked it into the distance, past the horizon.

“I’m quite content to leave that thing in the Cave of Wonders for another ten thousand years.”

“Well,” Jasmine said, “if you’ve wrapped up everything here, don’t let us keep you! Have a great time!”

Clad in a brightly-colored shirt and sandals of an unfamiliar design, the Genie rapidly packed his effects into a sort of basket with a hinge. Aladdin noted it was too small to hold everything the Genie was shoving into it--maybe it was some sort of magical basket? Whatever it was, he shot into the sky with it in hand, calling out farewells to his friends before vanishing from sight.

“What about you, Jasmine?” Aladdin asked. “You’ve been through a big transformation too.”

“Oh, absolutely! In fact, I intend to find out just how powerful I am!”

Aladdin began to utter, “Wait, wh--?”, but was interrupted by the form of his lover jerking unnaturally for the briefest instant. After that, smiled beatifically at her lover. Her eyes were positively radiant with divine light.

“I’m back, and I have wonderful news!”

“Y-you’re back? But I--”

“There are no limits to my powers at all!”

“H-hang on!” Aladdin interjected. “I’m a bit overwhelmed here. Could you walk me through this a bit slower?”

“Ah, right, of course. I’m sorry, it’s a lot to take in--I’m really excited! To make a millennia-long story short, I went on a journey of my own like what the Genie’s doing now--only mine was to learn the extent of my powers. I was able to fly through the heavens at speeds that would even put the Carpet to shame, visit entirely different worlds, and even manipulate the fabric of reality itself!”

“So if I’m understanding you right...” Aladdin began.

“You are! I can even read your mind! I’m a goddess now, far more powerful than the Genie! He ensured I would be more powerful than Jafar in every situation and timeline, possible and impossible! You know, he actually became an all-powerful genie in a few of them! Ergo, I have the power to defeat him, which equates to total omnipotence!”

Aladdin was stunned to the point of speechlessness. “I... I... wow.”

“But, to answer your question, I’ll simultaneously explore the universe and higher planes of existence, become a guardian watching over Agrabah, and be your lover for all eternity. You, Aladdin, have no idea what kind of joy and bliss is in store for you!”

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.