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Monday, February 12, 2018

Glowing, Floating Counselor

Here's a caption that's been sitting on my computer for a few months for no particular reason.  It's based on a personal favorite anime series of mine: Space Battleship Yamato.  Here, Kaoru Niimi stumbles upon the "element" of a planet--a substance that gives a planet the ability to bear life--that hadn't used it yet.  She finds simply touching it sends all that power straight into herself.  If you're familiar with my previous captions, you probably see where this is going.

This begs the question: if Kaoru and Mikage both have god powers now, then couldn't they simply use their powers to send the Yamato back in an instant and revitalize the Earth--maybe put Gamilas in its place, too?  I suppose it's the same as why Q never snapped his fingers and sent Voyager back home.

The image I used is fanart of Kaoru Niimi from Space Battleship Yamato 2199, done by 函南 (kannami) on Pixiv.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Space Battleship Yamato 2199 and all characters depicted are owned by Leiji Matsumoto, Yoshinobu Nishizaki, AIC, and Xebec), and above the age of 18.  I make no money through this image.

Warrant Officer Mikage Kiryuu entered the science lab.  It was covered in blue light, the source of which appeared to be science officer and counselor Lieutenant Kaoru Niimi.
"Mikage-chan!  Please, come in!  I have wonderful news!"
Mikage was stunned to hear her superior--a stern woman, at least to her--speaking so informally.  Moreover, in addition to lighting the entire science lab with her body somehow, she was also floating with her legs crossed and raised provocatively.
"What--?  I-- Niimi-san, I don't understand what's going on here!"
"Sweetie, please!  Call me Kaoru."
That contradicted what Mikage was taught in her youth.  You just didn't talk to your superiors like you would a friend!
"K-K--?  Wh-what-- what's happening?  Why did you call me here?"
"I've discovered something truly amazing.  A facet of the Wave Motion System that was previously unknown to us.  It is capable of far more than mass destruction or FTL travel.  Wave Motion energy imbued upon a living being grants them incredible power.  Typically, a Wave Motion carries the matter and a species' evolutionary memories in a manner beyond time and space.  Matter containing this energy is called an element, and its presence on a planet allows it to bear life.  As it turns out, mere physical contact with an unused element can imbue an entire planet's worth of power into an individual.  It seems to react unusually when coming into contact with sentient life."
Mikage was positively stunned.  "So... what?  I don't-- how did you find this out?"
Kaoru giggled.  "Pure happenstance!  We had taken aboard some mineral samples from some uninhabited planets for research, and I just so happened to touch the element of a planet that hadn't used it yet!  Do you know what this means, Mikage-chan?"  Kaoru shivered with delight.  Unable to contain herself, she answered her own question. "It means I have the powers of a god now!"
She moaned as she floated around in a small vertical loop, rubbing her thighs together.
"All this power I have just feels so... so... good!  It's like a constant rush of orgasms...."  She floated right in front of Mikage's face.
"Hey Mikage-chan.  I can read your thoughts now, you know.  I can tell that my pleasure is exciting you.  You want nothing more than to experience it for yourself.  You're so desperate that you're considering stripping and masturbating right here and now."  She giggled.  "Well..."
A dark rock about the size of a coin with several shards of iridescent crystal floated between Kaoru and Mikage.
"Wouldn't you like to feel the power, the *pleasure* of the gods with me?  No matter how great you're imagining the experience to be, I assure you, it's *far* greater."
Face getting redder with every passing second, Mikage shuddered with pleasure.  Her usually comfortable uniform was getting very hot.  She couldn't restrain herself.  She reached out and touched the element.  In that same instant, every nerve ending in her entire body exploded with ecstasy as the power of a planet surged into her writhing, orgasmic body.
Kaoru smiled beatifically as Mikage screamed, submerged in ineffable orgasmic bliss.  She starting drifting off the floor, as if the ship's artificial gravity was deactivated.
"Kaoru!  You were so right!  I've never felt so good before!"
"You know what the best part is, Mikage-chan?  Soon, in maybe a week at most, I'll be able to mass-produce synthetic elements!  This can only get better!"
Mikage gasped.  Tears of joy formed in her eyes as she hugged Kaoru tightly.
"Kaoru!  Kaoru!  This is the greatest thing anyone has ever done for me!  I love you!"
"Oh, I love you too, sweetie!"

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.