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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Our New Omnipotent Korean Overlord

I'm admittedly not very well-versed in Overwatch lore, so a lot of the details here are just taken from the ever-helpful Overwatch Wiki.

I have something of a backlog of these.  I come up with an idea, work on it for a while, but never get around to actually posting it.  So, there's that.

The image I used is fanart of Hana Song, aka D.Va, from Overwatch, done by mkonstantinov on DeviantArt.

Par the course, I added the glowy parts.  Making her outfit solely blue reminded me of Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy's team skins, where each character fitting the humanoid skeleton was given red and blue variants on their outfits to indicate which team they're on for Team FFA, Capture the Flag, et al.  I would've made her glow bubble gum pink, but the original art gave her a slight blue glow, making it easier to just make her glow blue instead.

After seeing this caption enjoy a modest amount of fame, I decided to do the math the same way I did for my first caption with Anya and Minami and calculate just how tall D.Va became.  D.Va doesn't have an official height, so I went with the 166 cm estimate given by FlameWarrior260 on Reddit.  The Earth's height (taking its radius and doubling it) is about 12,742 km tall.  (It can vary depending on where you measure, but that's twice the value of the Earth radius given on the Wikipedia article on the subject.)With that, and enlarging the Earth seen in the caption somewhat to account for apparent depth (I can't guarantee any semblance of accuracy on that point--I literally guessed on how big to make it), I concluded D.Va is now 201,445 km tall.  More or less.  Arguably useless trivia, but I trust someone will appreciate it.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Overwatch and all characters depicted are owned by Blizzard Entertainment), and above the age of 18.  I make no money through this image.

It seemed like everyone, both in real life and on social media, could not stop talking about Hana Song's livestream in progress.  You weren't much into competitive gaming or her combat streams, so you only had second-hand information about Song to go by.  Cute girl, pro-StarCraft player, skintight bodysuit, part of the Mobile Exo-Force of the Korean Army... she was very interesting, but you somehow managed to still know nothing about her even to this day.
So you opened up the gaming stream site, expecting to see her mowing down people with her Fusion Cannons and flashing V-signs in front of tremendous explosions.  What you saw was... not that, to say the least.
"I gotta say," she said.  "In all my years as a pro-gamer-turned-MEKA-pilot-turned-actress, I've seen... quite a bit.  Dare I say not much surprises me anymore.  But this... this more than surprises me.  I think anyone in my place would agree with that assessment!"
Hana Song--D.Va--was in space.  Moreover, she was ridiculously huge and radiating brilliant blue light somehow.  At least, that's how it looked at first.  It was a green screen effect or something.  It did look startlingly convincing, though.  You weren't fully convinced until the Earth drifted into the shot.  In *front* of her.
"I don't even know how this happened to me.  But I'm stupidly big now... somehow.  Frankly, I don't think I care all that much.  It feels good.  ...Really good, actually.   Like... like I'm one with the universe or something.  There's so much power all throughout my body... and the best part is that I can tell that I have yet to even scratch the surface!  I know, right?!  There is SO much more power than just this!  The prospect of that is just so... so... exhilarating!"
Now you were getting worried.  Was there really an incomprehensibly large Korean girl floating in space, right next to the Earth?  You scroll through the chat, desperately trying to find proof, one way or the other.  You find a link to a video of a recorded segment from the live feed for the International Space Station.  Given the time stamp, it happened less than an hour ago.
Sure enough, an enormous Korean girl was floating in space, dominating the shot.  She turned in the station's direction and waved before turning back to nothing in particular, presumably to continue her livestream.  There was no equipment that you could see.  She was projecting herself onto the internet wholly by her own power... somehow.  That word seemed to be coming up more and more lately.
"This is really great, but I kinda miss having gum-- oh!  Would you look at that?  I just think about gum, and then boom--I have some!"  She paused a moment to chew her gum and blow a bubble.  It ended up being about the same size as the Earth.  You were horrified at how close it was to the planet.  It popped, and your heart stopped beating for what felt like hours.  Both the Earth on the screen and the one you were on seemed to be unaffected.
"God, these powers are so amazing!  And I'm so glowy too!  Blue admittedly isn't my first choice of color, but I gotta say, I look pretty good right now!  What do you guys think?  Go ahead and leave me a comment and I'll respond!  Out here, *this* big and *this* powerful, I have literally all the time in the universe!"
She paused again to read the comments, which ranged from disbelief to exuberance akin to Hana's own to downright literal worship.  A few comments, of course, brought up the enhanced figure that came with this inexplicable rush of absolute power.
"Ah.  Yeah, sorry.  I guess I have been repeating myself sometimes--my bad.  You know, now that you mention it, I don't think my breasts have ever been this big before!  This day is just full of surprises, isn't it?"
She giggled.  It felt strangely good to hear her full of mirth... almost hypnotic, as if she was subconsciously influencing her audience's minds.
"So, as it turns out, I'm huge.  And capable of... anything?  Next to anything?  Well, either way, who or whatever did this for me certainly won't be getting any complaints from me!
"I guess I'm a pro-gamer-turned-MEKA-pilot-turned-actress-turned-goddess now!  That's pretty cool, if you ask me!  Don't worry, guys--I don't really want worship or sacrifices, or really *anything* different from what you've been doing before!  I may be cosmically big and possibly omnipotent now, but I'm still the same ol' D.Va!  Just keep supporting me the way you have been as I transcend the entire human experience!  Seeing as I've been broadcasting the image of myself online simply by willing it, you can definitely expect to hear from me again!  Until then, everyone, this is D.Va signing off!"

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.