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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Over the Moons

The latest short story from my poll. Sorry about the delay on this one--things have been a little hectic lately. If you haven't voted yet, feel free to do so now--the poll will remain open until all captions listed have been made and posted!

The image I used is official art of Fate Testarossa Harlaown (left) and Nanoha Takamachi (right) from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Strikers, done by Yasuhiro Okuda, the show's character designer. As is often the case with official art, there isn't really an original source online for me to cite, so here's the Gelbooru entry I used.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Lyrical Nanoha and all characters depicted or mentioned are owned by Masaki Tsuzuki and Seven Arcs), and above the age of 18. I make no money through this image.

Thanks to David Abramczyk for inspiration, and to Akane and OmniScribbler for beta reading.

It happened very suddenly.

Nanoha Takamachi and Fate Testarossa Harlaown were on opposite ends of Midchilda when their devices simultaneously exploded with power. Enormously powerful beams of magical energy shot into the two women, empowering them leagues beyond what Midchildan science thought possible.

It was exhilarating, feeling an unending rush of power surge into them, quickly overwhelming their Output Limiters. The sheer intensity of the mana radiating from their Linker Cores disintegrated their uniforms and underwear, leaving their flesh unscathed. The briefest thought of each other teleported them both high above the clouds over Cranagan.

“Nanoha!” Fate exclaimed. “What’s happening?!”

“I don’t know!”

Raising Heart and Bardiche appeared before them.

“Master! We have discovered an ancient prophecy which will destroy much of reality as we know it unless we intervene!”

“Whoa whoa, slow down, Raising Heart! What’s this about?”

“Ancient Belkan records we downloaded for analysis urgently mention eventual doomsday by an incomprehensible force, sir.”

“It is said that two exceptionally powerful mages of the distant future--our present--will become gods and bring about an unending era of peace!”

“And you’re convinced those two mages are us?” Fate asked.

“Confidence level is 98.92306038%!”

They might be confident about this,” Fate said, “but I can’t say I am. How could the people of Ancient Belka know about the two of us, some who-knows-how-many years before either of us were even conceived?”

Nanoha replied, “Well, I obviously can’t answer that, but keep in mind that the Ancient Belkans were phenomenally powerful. I wouldn’t consider prescience into the distant future beyond their capabilities.”

Fate sighed. “I suppose, but I’m not sure how to feel about this.”

“Come on, when have Raising Heart and Bardiche ever lied to us?”

“...You’re right. Honestly, you’re right so often I really have no reason to question you.”

Nanoha smiled. “Well, if you didn’t ever question me, then life would be too easy!”

She turned to Raising Heart. “Alright, we’re in. What should we do?”

“You must accept the full extent of the power we have accumulated in preparation for this moment. To defeat a god, you must become gods yourselves. Are you ready?”

Nanoha and Fate held hands. In unison, they replied, “Yes.”

Beams of enormous power shot from their devices into them again, causing them to double over in agony. Their Linker Cores were struggling to handle the tremendous power surging into them. Their efforts to not explode from the pressure resulted in the strain being distributed throughout their entire bodies. Eventually, the pain not only stopped, but vanished instantly.

“...Fate-chan? You alright?”

“Yeah, I... what happened? Pain doesn’t go away that fast.”

“I have a theory about that, though it might sound a little far-fetched.”

“Go ahead.”

“I think one or both of us wanted the pain to stop, so it just stopped.”

“What? I mean, you’re right that I wanted the pain to stop, but... what are you saying?”

“Well, let me rephrase: how do you feel now?"

“I... now that you mention it, I feel... remarkable. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this much power before!”

“I think we have yet to even scratch the surface of what we’ll be capable of.”

Fate moaned as her legs squirmed. “Oh my... I’m getting really turned on.”

“Mmm... me too. I want to see what these new powers are capable of!”

Not really sure what to do, she held out her hand. Tiny crystalline formations materialized, floating over her palm. The slightest twitch of her finger sent the crystals hurtling upward, past Midchilda’s atmosphere and into dimensional space. Nanoha ascended with them, and Fate followed.

Nanoha looked around the featureless void. Satisfied with the space available to her, she touched the crystals floating before her. They exploded in size, becoming fractal patterns and expanding to form an intricate and mind-bogglingly enormous palace out of pure solidified magical energy.

Fate stared at the palace she was now within in unbridled awe. “My god... You just... built this? Just like that?”

“A-apparently so! See if you can break something.”

Fate summoned Bardiche in Zanber form and swung the gigantic blade at a pillar as hard as she could. Astonishingly enough, it withstood the blow easily.

“I think this is one of those ‘unstoppable force meets immovable object’ things,” Nanoha giggled.

“Indeed! You give it a shot.”

Nanoha summoning Raising Heart and effortlessly unleashed a Starlight Breaker that put the one she used to defeat Vivio during the JS Incident to shame. Effectively infinite power was unleashed at the palace, but it simply refused to dissolve into oblivion like anything that touched the beams should have.

“... Wow. Not only am I able to output that much power now, but I can make constructs out of pure magic that can withstand it! Fate-chan, I... I think we’ve become more powerful than even the Saint Kings of Ancient Belka!”

“I think we’re even more powerful than that. Since we both have infinite power at our command now, I think we’re actually omnipotent.”

“Ooh, I like the sound of that...” Nanoha purred seductively. “Why don’t you come over here and we can experiment using our powers on each other?

Fate couldn’t hold herself back anymore. She threw herself into Nanoha’s arms. Simply touching each other filled them both with more ecstasy than they thought possible--more ecstasy than their bodies should have been capable of processing.

Holding each other tight, the two ascended above their enormous palace, spinning as they went higher and higher. Raising Heart and Bardiche manifested as white and black ribbons swirling around them, glowing with their masters’ limitless power.

“I never want to leave your side, Nanoha,” Fate whispered.

“No force in existence could hope to keep us apart.”

Fate and Nanoha happily embrace in the nude, radiant with infinite power.  Official art by Yasuhiro Okuda.

After making passionate love to each other for subjective months, Fate asked, “Wait, what about that incomprehensible threat? Shouldn’t we prepare for it somehow?”

Nanoha giggled. “What about it? Don’t tell me you’re worried about it!”

“Well, I was... but I see your point.”

“Exactly! No threat, no matter how great, can get past us now! Let it come! I’d love to see it try and take us down!”

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.