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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Super Latex Saga

An eight-part collaborative effort by CrypticCollaborator and delta7447 about latex clothing that gives you superpowers (and orgasms) and a mysterious goddess who grants her chosen ones incredible power.

Thanks to Akane and OmniScribblerfor beta reading, and to Bloom and Jackie for additional contributions.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Introductions

To whoever finds this letter:

I’m sure you’ve heard about the damage to Area 12, the dozens injured, and the shocking footage that somehow made its way onto the internet. My name is Katie Carmichael and I was the FBI agent in charge of the Super Latex project. Here is the true story of what happened.

The story begins with the recent surge in latex clothing. It seems like latex is the only thing in style these days--the naughtier, the better. It was no secret that the so-called ‘Goddess’ had a massive latex fetish. It just made sense for the fashion industry to pander to a woman with infinite money and who could disintegrate you with a thought.

Alongside this surge in latex fashion, rumors have been swirling in the intelligence community about latex clothing that gives people superpowers. I had dismissed the stories as merely rumors propagated by simple fetish-charged fantasies. I had thought that would be the extent of it, until a source came to me personally to confirm that it was true. Her name is Helena Pfieffer. She and I had a bit of a fling eight years ago. Back then, she was a struggling actress who did modeling on the side to make ends meet. When she contacted me a couple months ago, she looked more like a boundlessly confident Miss Universe contestant than the funny, reserved girl I had known for years now.

We sat down at a coffee shop, and she told me one incredible story after another. She said that someone representing The Goddess recruited her to her harem while she was modeling for a fetish company. She said that just being around The Goddess made her smarter, healthier, and prettier. What was most intriguing was that, according to her, The Goddess gives people special latex clothing when they impress her, and that these clothes give their wearer superpowers. I didn’t believe her until she showed me the gloves.

It’s very strange--a picture doesn’t capture what it’s like to be in the presence of these things. I have seen plenty of latex clothing, but these are on a whole different level. The first thing you must understand is the shine. Normal latex clothing gets scratches and needs to be shined often if you want it to look good, but no matter what we do to these gloves they always have the same impossible shine. And the smell... oh, god damn. Every person clad in Super Latex has a smell to them that makes you immediately think of sex. Imagine the sexiest smell you can think of. For me, it’s the smell of my ex-boyfriend’s cologne. Now multiply the power of that by a hundred or a thousand. You might be in the ballpark of just how powerful the scent of this latex is. I swear, I don’t even have a latex fetish and I get horny just thinking about it.

When I touched the perfectly smooth surface, it was... exhilarating. I felt a shiver go through me, and every part of me just ached to be taken. I had to take a moment to collect myself. I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to wear them. I was sure that I would be overwhelmed.

Super Latex makes no sense whatsoever. To start with, Super Latex seems to be completely indestructible. I saw them dip those gloves into a vat of molten steel, and they came out barely warm to the touch. Still smelled amazing, even.

We recruited Helena as an informant. Over the next couple months, she told us everything about the Super Latex clothing that has been spreading throughout the nation.

The Goddess seemed to feel an immediate attraction to Helena when she became aware of her during the photo shoot, as she enjoyed special treatment basically from the start--most notably the gifts The Goddess gave her.

For starters, a latex bra and panties. Helena said that the bra made her invulnerable, and the panties made her immortal. The Goddess seemed desperate to keep Helena safe and sound indefinitely.

So Helena wasn’t in danger. Well, I had no way of knowing if her underwear really made it impossible for her to die or be hurt, but she seemed quite confident about it. At the time, I was still slightly skeptical that Super Latex actually granted its wearer superpowers. What I had felt before could’ve easily been the result of some weird pheromone-based drug, for all I knew.

It was only a matter of time until I became certain that Super Latex was no drug-induced illusion. I assure you, Super Latex is very real.

As we were crossing the street on the way to a cafe, a semi truck sped past and slammed into Helena. The resulting noise was enormous, like it had rammed into a building. The truck had completely stopped, with a Helena-shaped dent in front. Helena calmly stepped out of the hole and back to my side. The truck driver, no doubt in a panic from what just happened, floored it and sped away.

Helena just giggled, but I was immediately horrified.

“Oh my god, are you okay?”

“Yeah! Remember, the bra and panties? Nothing can hurt me, and I’ll never die!”

She may have seemed fine, but I immediately imagined that goddess of hers may have given her some drug or something to numb her ability to feel pain, or shown her an illusion of invulnerability. The kind of damage a person receives from being hit by a truck doesn’t go away in the span of a day, after all.

Operating on instinct, I took her by the wrist and headed into the cafe’s restroom, stepping into the first open stall I saw and locked the door behind us.

“Look, I don’t want to be weird about this,” I said, “but I’d like to inspect your body. Make sure you’re really fine.”

Helena didn’t think much of it. She disrobed right then and there without even the slightest objection--a little surprising, seeing as she used to be a little shy about that sort of thing back when we were younger.

It didn’t take long for her to reveal the aforementioned latex bra and panties. Sure enough, there was no bruising anywhere on her body. All her bones were intact. In fact, she was noticeably more muscular than she looked.

I was baffled, but Helena spoke up before I could say anything.

“This is what it’s like to be in the care of a goddess!” she chirped.

I was at a loss for words. Eventually I managed to utter, “Did... did you even feel that truck hit you?”

“I felt it, yeah. It just didn’t hurt. I told you, I’m invulnerable with this bra on!”

I stood there, before my latex underwear-clad friend in a bathroom stall for what felt like hours, just processing this revelation. Helena shrugged and put her clothes back on. She unlocked the stall door and was about to head back to our table when she paused to turn around to me.

“You coming, or are you just gonna keep staring into space like that?” She giggled.

I caught myself and followed her.

For the rest of the day, I could barely concentrate on my work. The feeling of those Super Latex gloves floated to my mind again and again. I finished my report at 3:00 and got on the first train back home. That night, I masturbated furiously for hours. It was like I was back in college; a young woman with a rampant sex drive and no one to satisfy me, so I had to make do. I had honestly forgotten how good orgasms could feel.

At the time, I had no idea of the disaster that was awaiting me. This would not be the end of the power, the allure, or the sheer sexual energy that Super Latex was awakening in me.

Chapter 2: One Small Step

A couple days later, I met with Helena again at that same coffee shop. She was clad in Super Latex gloves up to her shoulders and boots up to her upper thighs. I was starting to appreciate the Super Latex aesthetic but I kept that thought to myself as best I could.

Helena was undeniably excited to show off her new rewards. “Okay okay! Katie, see that coffee cup over there?”

“The one that guy left behind a moment ago?”

“Watch it carefully.” As I turned to look at the cup, it shot through the air and into her hand.

“Very impressive, Helena,” I said, trying my best to put on a calm appearance. Truth be told, I hadn’t stopped thinking about Super Latex since Helena first introduced it to me. I leaned in closer, just so that the intoxicating smell could wash over me a little bit faster.

Helena grinned. “Yeah, it’s pretty cool! They also make me super strong! Oh, and what do you think--how do they look on me?”

“They look great on you,” I replied. “I think it would be useful if we head over to the facility and give you a proper space to demonstrate these powers.”

“Yeah, that’d be great!” Helena chirped. “I really like this coffee shop--wouldn’t want to accidentally wipe it off the map!”

We climbed into my black SUV and drove to Site 12, on the outskirts of town. If you’re not familiar, Site 12 used to be a biological weapons research facility. The equipment at the facility would help us learn more about the substance.

The facility’s administrator was a real paranoiac. He bought every single protective measure that was on the market: steel vault doors, airlocks, even armed paramilitary operatives at every single corner within and without the compound. I had become familiar with that sort of environment after my time in the FBI. For Helena it must have seemed like something out of a movie, given how much she was “ooh” and “ahh”-ing. Ordinarily a civilian like Helena wouldn’t have been allowed to be within a mile of the facility, let alone inside, but being with me gave her a certain amount of breathing room.

We walked down to the training ground. It used to be a hangar for planes coming into the facility’s hospital before it was repurposed into a split shooting range and training course. The rusty steel and concrete structure extended nearly 80 feet up in the air. We were alone.

“Okay, Helena. I want to see what you can do. Here’s a punching bag. I want you to hit it as hard as you can.”

Helena looked hesitant. “As hard as I can? What if I break it?”

“Doesn’t matter,” I replied. “It’s not like we don’t have other punching bags here.”

“Um... alright.” She approached the punching bag, readied a punch, swung... and sent the bag flying into the wall behind it, putting cracks in the concrete.

I was astonished. “Whoa...”

“Yeah! I’m pretty great, huh?” Helena boasted, leaning confidently on the wall next to the cracks. It suddenly cracked further. Startled, she jumped back.

“I think you need better control over those gloves. We have to remember that we’re dealing with something very dangerous here, not just a toy. I mean, you have lingerie that makes you unkillable, but the rest of us don’t.”

“Right, I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful in the future.”

“To be clear, I’m not blaming you for this or anything. We just need to be careful. This was our wake-up call. Do you know anything else about the capabilities of these Super Latex gloves?”

“I think they have one other function, but I’m not--”

At that instant, a beam of blinding emerald green light shot from her palms towards the pile of sand and rubble next to her. I instinctively hit the ground and covered my head, as another beam shot too close for comfort.

“Katie, help!” Helena shrieked over the crackling roar of the beams, “I don’t know how to turn them off!”

“Put your hands together!”


“You’re super strong and indestructible! If you put your hands together, that should contain it!”

Seconds passed. I couldn’t really tell what was happening. The sound of the beams subsided, but a smell like ozone lingered.

Helena’s voice was much calmer when she spoke again. “K-Katie... I think it worked.”

I peeked up from the ground and saw Helena pressing her hands together. She was visibly shaking, either from nervousness or the strain of containing the incredible power of the gloves. Despite her best effort, I could still see green light radiating from between her clasped hands.

“Okay... let’s try and figure out how to stop these beams,” I said calmly. “There’s no controls on those things, and it doesn’t have to do with your gestures, so I suspect it has something to do with your emotional state. I need you to calm down, Helena.”

“Right, I know... I... Katie, I’m scared. I have no idea what these beams are capable of! Wh-what if I kill someone? What if I kill you?”

“Don’t think like that,” I replied. “Believe me, I’m terrified right now. But the only way I can think of to get through this is if you calm down.”

“I don’t know if I can...”

“Of course you can! The Goddess wouldn’t have given you these amazing powers if she didn’t think you could handle them, right?”

“That... that’s a good point.”

Helena closed her eyes, and took a couple deep breaths. With each breath, the green glow and crackling sounds became less and less intense, until finally all was still. Helena cautiously pried apart her fingers, and saw that the perfectly smooth latex surface wasn’t even singed by the intense energy.

“Are you alright? That looked like a lot of power you were shooting into yourself.”

Helena rubbed her face with her latex-clad fingers and sighed.

“It was... wow. It actually felt really good! I was just panicking too much to enjoy it.”

With a sigh of relief and a weak smile, I joked, “I don’t think I have the stomach to see what the boots do.”

Helena chuckled and said, “I think they just make you run fast.”

“Uh, Helena?”


“You’re floating...” I glanced down at her feet. “Something like six inches off the floor.”

“Hm? I am?” Her gaze turned towards the floor. “I am! How, though?”

“The boots, perchance?”

“Um... maybe?” She adjusted the angle that her heeled boots pointed, which gently pushed her in the corresponding direction.

“It strikes me as odd,” I commented, “that you aren’t told anything about how these insane latex articles work or what they do.”

Helena chuckled awkwardly. “Sorry. I think The Goddess may prefer her harem members figure out their Super Latex for themselves, instead of just telling us everything.”

I sighed in exasperation. “It would’ve helped if she just left you a user manual. Would’ve saved us from a world of stress.”

“Yeah, but it’s more fun this way!” My unamused expression motivated her to hastily add, “I-in theory, at least.”

Helena was starting to get the hang of levitation. With a breath of nervousness, she pushed off the ground and flipped in midair so that it looked like she was walking on the ceiling.

“Hey, check this out! This is really fun, actually!” Helena said as she took a couple tentative steps on the ceiling. She started to jog, and then run, and then she suddenly started moving so fast that she became a blur. She flitted from wall to wall, jumping over hanging lighting fixtures. Finally, she jumped down from the ceiling and landed gracefully on her feet, despite the obnoxiously high heels of the boots.

Helena giggled and asked, “Hey Katie, do you want to try these out?”

All of my common sense told me no, but my rising curiosity and more than a little bit of lust got the better of me.

“Okay, but just this once,” I replied.

Helena leaned down and carefully took off the boots. She bit her lower lip as she did so, as if the sensation of peeling off the Super Latex was overwhelming her. She had to pause before she took off the other boot. She was panting breathlessly once she was done.

She turned to me with a smile and moaned, “FUCK, that makes me so horny!”

“Just taking them off?”

“Oh, Katie, you’d be surprised!” she chirped as she handed me the boots.

“I’m starting to regret this,” I muttered, kicking off my steel-toed leather boots and thick socks.

Just like that, I understood how Helena felt just taking these things off. I don’t even know where to begin describing the incredible experience of just putting the things on.

The instant my fingers touched the Super Latex, that same electrifying sensations ran up and down my very being. I took a couple deep breaths to keep myself from cumming, and then carefully and deliberately started to put the boots on. I had assumed the harsh angle the heel pushed the wearer’s foot up into would make the experience uncomfortable or even painful, but it was quite the opposite. The Super Latex seemed to cling to my skin as if it needed to touch me as much as I needed to touch it. As I pulled the slick surface up my long legs, wave after wave of horny thoughts filled my head. As my foot finally reached the sole of the boots, I came.

That orgasm. Good god, that orgasm. I swear, it was basically a religious experience. I fell over. My body turned to jelly, my brain to mush. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t think. For those impossibly long moments, I forgot who I was. All that was left of me was raw supernatural ecstasy.

Dazed, I finally lifted myself up from the puddle I had made on the floor and looked up to Helena, who looked quite amused.

“Yeah, it’s really something, huh? I know you feel like you can’t take any more, but take it from me--in five minutes max, you’ll be begging for another one of those.”

“I can certainly believe that,” I moaned. “God, I feel so amazing... And-- and I’m supposed to fly in this state? Under my own power, of all things?”

“Well, you have to get a feel for it, but otherwise, yeah.”

“That easy, huh? In all seriousness, I could break my spine if I suddenly start hurdling the wrong way or lose propulsion or whatever.”

Helena shrugged and giggled. “Whatever happens, happens! Just focus on levitating for now.”

I did so, putting my disciplined mind to work, to keep myself focused despite the enormous pleasure coursing through me. I tried my best to stand, but I immediately collapsed to the floor again.

“Here, let me help you,” Helena said, picking me up with one arm. Her Super Latex-enhanced strength made the feat effortless for her.

I was about to thank Helena for lending a hand, but then, out of the blue, she tossed me several feet into the air! I screamed, but right before I started to descend, I felt myself slowing to a halt. I was levitating four feet in the air. If there was ground beneath me, I would be flat on my face.

“Whoa, I think you’ve figured out how to fly!”

“Y-yeah! Wow, this is amazing!” I yelled down to her, doing swimming motions in the air to propel myself, as if I was floating underwater. Thinking back to 90s superhero cartoons, I put my arms in front of me. Immediately, I began to soar through the air like I really was a superhero. I laughed as I felt the wind in my hair. I managed a couple somersaults and was about to try a loop-de-loop, but I slipped somehow and began hurtling towards the floor. I was near the 80-feet-high ceiling at that moment. Needless to say, I was in trouble.

I was honestly ready to accept my fate. Death at the hands of weird alien boots that played hell with my nervous system and gravity’s pull on me wasn’t the way I had anticipated going out, but what could I do about it? I barely knew how to operate these boots. I had them on for about ten minutes.

Well, I don’t really know if I would’ve died from a fall of that height, in part because Helena leaped up and caught me with ineffable grace. She held me like a princess, descending slowly and gracefully, like a falling leaf.

She smiled at me and said, “Going down?”

I stared at her in awe for a long moment before a rather inelegant laugh emerged from within my throat. I’m honestly not sure why it was funny, but at the time, it certainly was hilarious.

I forgot how lovely it was to be... close... with Helena. Her sense of adventure, her drive. When I was with her, I used to think that I couldn't keep up with the breakneck pace of her life, but after that moment, I felt differently.

I wanted to be hers again.

I know that these impromptu, supernatural date nights probably seem irrelevant to what happened to Site 12 and the threat to the entire world. Let me reassure you that it has everything to do with it. I ask that you be patient. My next letter will explain more.

Chapter 3: Paradise Found

Since I had the most experience with Super Latex, I was assigned to be the director of the Super Latex project. Lucky me. All those pheromones had made the whole thing an absolute mess.

As I came in for work one day, a junior agent almost ran right into me. She seemed desperate for the bathroom, so I opened the door for her. Once inside, she didn’t enter a stall. Instead, she simply dropped her pants and started masturbating furiously. I stepped inside to ask her what the hell she thought she was doing, but then I realized that there were four other people in there, doing the exact same thing. I was just thankful they weren’t fucking each other.

We couldn’t get any work done with these pheromones getting everyone riled up, so I called in a requisition for gas masks. Their introduction helped for a few days, but one day, somehow, a gas mask made of Super Latex arrived. It was indistinguishable from the normal requisitions. A poor researcher unknowingly strapped it on like she did every day and basically immediately went into a coma from all the pheromones going into her bloodstream. Had I not pulled it off in time, she might have died.

I did my best to keep focused on my work, but I wasn’t immune to it either. More often than I’d like to admit, I found myself idly reaching into my underwear when I should have been writing reports or scheduling meetings. Each time, I had to remind myself that I wasn’t just here to have fun. I was working to an end much bigger than my own personal pleasure. The more we learned about Super Latex, the better prepared we could become if The Goddess decided to take hostile action against us.

As director of the project, it was my duty to interview Helena about her experience with The Goddess. Helena was all too happy to give us all the lurid details of her experience. The Goddess first manifested to her in a dream. She appeared as a gorgeous woman wearing nothing but black Super Latex gloves and boots.

Helena said that The Goddess was the sexiest person--man or woman--that she had ever seen. Everything about her was simply perfect, from her sculpted, perky breasts to her entrancing purple eyes. Her voice was pure sex. There was nothing she could do to prevent cumming from The Goddess’ whispers alone.

In the dream, The Goddess whispered in Helena’s ear, “What you see before you is just the faintest shadow of my true glory, but even this form is far greater than anything the mortal world has to offer. I see potential in you, mortal. When you are ready to become something greater than human, greater than even this form that I am wearing, all you need do is ask.

When Helena woke up, there was a present sitting at the foot of her bed, wrapped in silk. It was the set of Super Latex panties that she wore to our first encounter. After a couple more dream encounters, and a couple more Super Latex gifts, The Goddess spoke to her when she was awake.

Close your eyes,” she said. Helena obeyed.

Think of only me, then open them.

Helena did so, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself on a beautiful tropical island. She looked around and saw an endless Caribbean sea extending out to the horizon. At the center was an enormous palace--one which she somehow knew belonged to The Goddess. As she walked closer to it, she could feel The Goddess’s presence growing stronger. She became excited and started running towards and into the palace. After a short while, she eventually reached a massive gold-and-silver wall that she could find no way of passing.

I’m sorry, little one,” The Goddess’s voice echoed in her mind, “but I’m afraid it’s not yet safe for you to come any closer. You have been granted access to the first echelon. I reside within the third. As you become more powerful and gain more control over yourself, you will be able to progress even closer to me. For now, close your eyes and think of home.

Helena obeyed, and when she opened them again she was right back to her dining room. After a bit of practice, she learned that she could move between this universe and The Goddess’ universe whenever she pleased.

Her initiation was the day after. When she traversed over again, she found The Goddess’s other harem members waiting for her. They all sat around a long marble table, which was piled high with fresh dishes. Including Helena, there were twelve in all, and they were all intensely beautiful women of all races and body types. Two of them only vaguely resembled humans: one of them seemed to be made of plates of gleaming gold-like metal, while another had four arms and turquoise skin.

A blonde-haired girl wearing a lacy Super Latex bikini welcomed Helena, saying, “I’m Veronica. Welcome to paradise! Sit down anywhere and we’ll get to know each other really well.”

Helena, being the adventurer she was, sat next to the two non-human girls. She greeted them, saying, “Hi there, I'm Helena! Who are you two?”

“Hey there, I'm Seldi,” the turquoise-skinned one said. She was wearing shoulder-length Super Latex gloves on each of her four arms. She extended one of her arms for a fistbump, which Helena eagerly returned.

The robotic girl replied, “I am Seventy-Five Quadra Twenty-One. You may call me Quadra.” She wasn’t wearing any Super Latex at all, though her glossy golden body was just as shiny.

“No offense, Quadra,” Helena said, “but you kind of stick out from the others, in that you don’t seem to be wearing any Super Latex.”

“None taken. Indeed, I am not. Many of my internal components are made of the substance.”

“Ah, that’d explain it. How did you meet The Goddess? I wouldn’t have expected a machine to interest her.”

“It was a complete accident,” she replied with a silvery sing-song voice. “I used to be a super weapon for an intergalactic empire. I would warp to distant planets, conquer them, and extract their resources to make copies of myself. About 57 solar years ago, I encountered a planet ruled by The Goddess, and just for a moment, I saw her...”

Helena asked, “what did she look like?”

Quadra shook her head. “I do not know. I crash every time I try to recall that moment. I did not even have a concept of ‘pleasure’ before I met her. Once I rebooted, I knew...”

She sighed and rubbed her fingers over her smooth golden skin, trembling slightly. ”I have been part of her harem ever since. I do not know how long it will take, but one day I will become advanced enough that I can be with her. The real her, not just her shadow.”

“What about you, Seldi?”

Seldi replied, “I’m queen of the Kyldian Federation! Our territory spans eight galaxies, so I imagine you’ve heard of us.”

“Afraid not,” Helena replied.

“You haven’t? ... Oh right, Human, pre-FTL. My mistake. You see, my father wouldn’t have tolerated that. It’s thanks to The Goddess’ gifts of Super Latex that I was able to usurp him, take over, and completely reform the Federation--my Federation--for the better. And unlike Quadra, I know what The Goddess looks like! I was skiing on the top of the mountain, and I looked towards the palace and saw a figure standing on the balcony. It must have been her! She looks like she’s made of Super Latex!”

Quadra shook her head. “I believe that Seldi saw one of The Goddess’ angels and assumed that it was The Goddess herself.”

Seldi reached into her crotch and moaned, “Oh, if only you could have seen her! I pleasure myself to that memory every day--some days more than that!”

“Hey, Quadra, do you have any superpowers?” Helena asked, trying to change the subject.

“Yes,” Quadra replied simply. She picked up an empty glass from the table, looked up into the clear blue sky, and threw the glass so fast that it made a miniature sonic boom. Then, she pointed a finger at the horizon. A colossal blast of crackling red energy burst from her finger, which hit the glass in the air and caused an explosion that briefly lit the sky like the world’s greatest fireworks display.

“Show-off,” Seldi scoffed. “Are we eating or not?”

The food was incredible. The table was stacked with all of Helena’s favorite foods, including a giant honey-baked ham and a bowl of chocolate-covered cranberries. Everything tasted as good as it looked. Helena didn’t know whether it was the food or just the presence of The Goddess, but she could feel herself changing. By the end of the meal, she felt stronger, smarter, and sexier. Her arms, legs, and abs became perfectly toned. Even her perky A-cups had suddenly transformed into a set of impressive DD-cups. Despite the added weight of her newly expanded breasts, she felt even lighter on her feet than she did before. Her Super Latex lingerie, of course, felt as comfortable as ever.

After a long day of eating, chatting, playing beach volleyball, and making out, the sun was starting to set in the sky. Out of nowhere, a brilliant violet light shone down from above as an angelic silhouette appeared and descended before the party.

Friends,” it said in a resonating voice, “I come on behalf of Our Goddess. She asks you to play a game of her making. I have in my possession twelve Super Latex dildos: one for each of you. She asks that you pleasure yourselves with them and try your hardest to withhold orgasm as long as possible. You should not stop masturbating, or else you will be disqualified. The winner will receive a Super Latex hood--one which will rid you of all biological needs, such as air, water, food, and sleep, as well as dramatically improve your senses.

“Oh dang! I didn’t know those even existed!” Seldi exclaimed. “I’d love to give one of those a try!”

“That sounds like fun!” Helena chirped. “I’m in!”

“Eliminating biological needs is a non-issue for me,” Quadra said, “but the prospect of further enhanced senses and gaining favor with The Goddess is too good an opportunity to pass up.”

The angel waved a hand in their direction, causing dildos to appear floating before each of them.

Please prepare to masturbate on my mark.

Everyone took their dildo and stood at the ready, eager to begin the contest and prove their worth.

Three... two... one... begin.

As one, the twelve harem members shoved their designated dongs inside them.

The moment of penetration felt like a colossal orgasm all on its own. It was explosive and unrelenting... but Helena had more than put her mind to the task, so she was confident in her ability to win. Even still, having that much Super Latex constantly rubbing up against the most sensitive parts of her body, it took every ounce of Helena’s will not to black out and drown in the sea of pleasure right then and there.

Just a couple minutes of such constant stimulation should have tired anybody out, but Helena’s newly enhanced body seemed to have limitless stamina. It was nearly an hour before the first harem member, Veronica, gave in. With a moan of unimaginable pleasure, she came for a solid ten minutes before collapsing in a puddle of her own fluids. The overpowering smell of Super Latex and sex drove the others into a frenzy, and one by one they succumbed to the same irresistible pleasure. After four hours of constant masturbation, everyone but Helena and Quadra had given in, but the two of them kept at it with the same vigor they had when they started.

The angel had intended to give the two some time--see if either of them would eventually give into their lust. As it turned out, neither of them were interested in relenting, to the point of increasing their efforts. They even went as far as to start pleasuring each other, as a form of sabotage. So the angel intervened, officially declaring a tie.

To resolve this, Our Goddess has asked you to compete against each other once again, only this time your goal is to sustain orgasm as long and as hard as possible. She deems this a reward in itself, for having made it this far--farther than even she foresaw. The one who ceases to orgasm first loses.

Helena and Quadra looked at each other for a moment and simultaneously resumed furiously masturbating. The two were both plenty worn out from the previous phase of the contest, so it didn’t take long for desperation to set in.

Helena turned to Quadra and commented, “You’re... not going to... beat me!”

Composed as ever, Quadra replied, “You might as well give up now. Resistance is futile.”

Helena let herself go over the edge. A wave of raw sexual energy pulsed through her body, making her convulse in ecstasy. Even Helena’s nearly-inexhaustible stamina was reaching its limit. Her vision blurred and her thoughts blended incoherently with each other. Helena gritted her teeth and found new resolve within herself. She turned towards Quadra and was surprised to see that the super-advanced and equally confident gynoid looked... nervous. Quadra was panting, each thrust of her dildo caused a squirt of cum resembling liquid mercury. She was slowing down.

Helena knew she only had to last a little longer. She pushed even harder, deeper. The smooth, slick, warm surface of the Super Latex dildo in her was overwhelming. Every cell, every molecule of her body cried out for release. Helena came again and again, each orgasm with a force more intense than the last.

Finally, it was too much. For all her bravado, Helena was finally ready to give in. She let go of the Super Latex dildo and let out one last moan of boundless euphoria and finally passed out.

When Helena came to, only a couple minutes had passed. She heard a celebration. She felt Seldi lift her up with three arms.

“You won, Helena!” Seldi cheered. “That was incredible! I don’t know how you did it!”

Just seconds before Helena passed out, Quadra had become so overloaded by the sheer pleasure that she overloaded her processors from how hard she was pushing herself.

“I do not know how you were able to do that,” Quadra said. “I predicted your defeat with near-absolute certainty. I suppose I have a long way to go before I can even come close to meeting The Goddess.”

After Helena and Quadra shook hands, the angel materialized to congratulate Helena and give her her reward: a small object resembling a choker.

“Wait,” I interjected, looking up from the tablet I was writing my notes down on. “You said earlier the reward was a hood, not a choker.”

“Yeah! The angel said it expands around the wearer’s head!”

“Ahhh, I see.”

Helena pulled a nondescript silver choker from her bag, and set it on the table. She leaned in close and whispered, “How would you like to be the first one to try it out?”

She giggled as she saw me become flustered.

I simultaneously hated and loved just how well she knew me. I didn’t want to admit it, but she was absolutely right--I really wanted to wear that thing.

So I put it on. All in the name of scientific analysis of course. Its open ends connected themselves somehow as I brought them close together. It clung firmly on my neck, but didn’t impede my ability to breathe at all. Its presence alone felt strangely comforting.

“Touch the front to produce the full hood.”

I did so. An airtight mask of Super Latex expanded to encompass my head. The familiar sensation of Super Latex on my skin made me gasp, but instead of feeling overwhelmed I felt invigorated. I was suddenly full of more energy than my body should have been able to contain.

In addition to that, I saw way more than I had the previous moment. A glance out the cafe window, up towards the sky, let me see lightyears away in perfect clarity. I could make out the individual coffee molecules in my cup, radiating warmth.

I could perceive my body’s cells reproducing within my body. Electrical signals transmitting within Helena’s mind, and at a far slower rate within the minds of the other cafe patrons. I could clearly hear conversations happening in India. Most importantly, the sensation of the Super Latex all over me--an undeniably intoxicating feeling to begin with--was augmented enormously.

I came several times harder than I had in any of my previous Super Latex induced orgasms, but the limitless energy flowing from the mask into my body meant that I couldn’t even pass out. I might have gone mad from the sheer pleasure, but Helena intervened at the last moment to pull the choker off my head. Instantly, the mask dematerialized and I collapsed to the ground.

“You look like you had fun! How would you like to keep it?”

I sputtered, “R-really?”

“Yeah! I was allowed to keep that dildo I was given, so it’s not like I’ll be missing out!”

And so I came into possession of the Super Latex hood. It was more than just clothing. It was the ability to have as much pleasure as I wanted at any time I wanted. All I had to do was put it on and I could spend an entire week in one blissful orgasm.

You’re probably thinking there’s no way things could possibly get any better. In truth, we’re barely even getting started. Helena’s ascension to the second echelon upped the ante substantially. The island paradise was only the beginning! I’ll give you more details in my next letter.

Chapter 4: The Second Echelon

Over the next couple weeks, Helena excelled again and again at The Goddess’ contests. Though every one of the harem members would have been demigods in their own right, Helena’s growth in power and ability was nothing short of extraordinary. Recognizing something in Helena, The Goddess allowed her access to the second echelon of her realm: the palace itself.

“I’ve never felt so good before, so powerful!” she exclaimed to me while we walked together. “The best part is I’ve barely even scratched the surface!”

“My god, still?” I replied. “If I may be completely honest, you seem more than powerful enough to call yourself a goddess and set up a harem of your own.”

“Perhaps, but I’m still a loyal follower of The Goddess’. I trust that she knows best.”

“You mentioned an angel last time we did this,” I said. “Could you elaborate on that?”

“Oh, sure! Well, they’re, uh... they’re really... um... You know, I think it’d probably be easiest if I just show you!”

A blinding emerald green light appeared next to me. When it faded, an angelic figure appeared. She was a perfectly proportioned woman so unnaturally beautiful that she seemed to glow. She appeared to be either made of or completely covered in white Super Latex, but what caught my attention were her huge alabaster wings, expanding a good three meters in either direction of her.

It took me a long moment to regain even a trace of my earlier composure. “H-h-hang on... didn’t you say these angels were extensions of The Goddess’s will?”


“Then, uh... how were you able to make one appear like that?”

Helena giggled. “One of the many perks of being part of the second echelon! Let’s go get some coffee and I’ll tell you more! I’ll just go over there now and order for you. My treat!” She gestured to the angel and continued, “She’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”

“What about you?” I asked.

“Oh, I can teleport now! I must have forgotten to mention that.” Helena smiled cheekily, then dissolved into thin air.

More than a little overwhelmed, I turned to the ridiculously sexy angel floating next to me.

“I, uh... Could you take me where she went, please?”

The angel wordlessly nodded and tore a hole in space, creating a portal straight to the cafe’s front door. I peered through and saw Helena ordering inside. Noticing me, she smiled and waved while materializing the money for her order and telekinetically handing it to the cashier.

The portal looked fine, but I was admittedly a bit nervous about it. I decided to pick up a small pen from my desk and tossed it through as a test.

It passed through seamlessly, lightly clacking against the single step up to the cafe door. I wasn’t satisfied, but I also didn’t want to keep Helena waiting, so I stepped through and entered the cafe.

It wasn’t until I was inside the cafe that I realized what was happening. Helena’s unrestrained Super Latex pheromones had enthralled every employee and customer in the place, leaving only her and myself anywhere near lucid.

The combination of shock and exasperation is a strange one, but one I was finding myself experiencing it more and more lately. “Helena... maybe you should get those to go? I think we should go somewhere more private.”

“Aww, do we have to?” Helena pouted. “I was looking forward to relaxing here....”

“I’m afraid I must insist. Let’s go.” Turning to Helena’s angel, I added, “Could you make another of those portals to a remote location? A park with no one else around, maybe?”

The angel silently nodded and warped the previous rip in space itself to lead to a park fitting my criteria. I took Helena’s latex-clad hand and stepped through.

“Look, nothing personal, but it’s for the best that you stay relatively isolated, at least as long as you have all that Super Latex on. You have an... effect... on people, you know? Is there some way you can stifle the effect or the production of those pheromones?”

“Not that I know of,” Helena replied. “I’ve been told that I need to get used to being exposed to raw sexual energy for extended periods, so the pheromones do the trick nicely.”

I sighed. “Of course. Alright, we’ll just have to keep you fairly isolated for the time being. Anyway, regarding that angel friend of yours...”

Helena snapped her fingers and the angel appeared next to her.

“Could you tell me about them?”

“Sure! For starters, the angels are beings of pure energy, though you wouldn’t notice that unless they reach orgasm, at which point they'd lose their corporeal form temporarily. They serve as extensions of The Goddess’s will.”

“The Goddess’s will,” I repeated. “So how are you able to summon and control them?”

“I’m able to tap into a trace amount of The Goddess’s limitless power. Even a trace of that much power is still an immense amount! I think, if I really wanted it, I could just ask her to conquer galaxies and she’d do it!”

“That’s...” I began, at a loss for words.

“Astounding? Sexy? Terrifying? Scarousing?”

“...All of the above. I didn’t think just the concept of power could arouse someone this much... I’m not sure how to feel about that.”

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with an unorthodox fetish or two, as long as you’re responsible about indulging in them!”

“Perhaps. This Goddess is an absolute mystery. Can you tell me more about her?”

“Honestly, I don’t know a whole lot more than you do. She radiates pleasure so unbelievably intense that entire civilizations crumble from her presence alone. On an individual level, seeing The Goddess is said to fill one’s mind with so much pleasure that you instantly go catatonic and cum as hard as you possibly can, presumably until you die of dehydration or lose your mind entirely.”

“If you’re gonna go out, go out with a bang,” I commented with a wry smile.

“When that happens, The Goddess wipes the victim’s memory of the occasion, so she can wake up shortly after, mildly confused by the inexplicable gap in her memory.”

“That sounds like what happened to Quadra,” I commented. “Reminds me of a mental defense mechanism--the brain represses trauma to avoid the pain of what happened.”

“That’s not too far off, except The Goddess’ visage is anything but traumatic. It’s simply that our minds aren’t yet powerful enough to process her infinite glory. She is not prone to wastefulness.”

Yet, you say?”

Helena sighed, as if she said something she shouldn’t have. “May I propose a theory?”

“Of course.”

“You see, The Goddess clearly has plans for our futures, but doesn’t say much of anything about what those plans are. People in her harem have speculated that we’re being given Super Latex to gradually make us powerful enough to gaze upon her and retain our--”

Helena stopped in her tracks and looked up. Before I was even aware she had stopped talking, a blinding beam of green power shot from her hand into the sky.

I instinctively ducked and covered my head.

“Whoa, what’s happening?!” I exclaimed.

“A drone,” Helena replied matter-of-factly. “We’re being watched.”

Right on cue, a pile of metallic parts clattered to the ground before me. In moments, a group of well-armed soldiers in gas masks surrounded us.

“You two are under arrest for destruction of AGO property and conspiring with hostile extraterrestrial beings.”

“On whose authority?” I asked.

“The Anti-Goddess Organization.”

Helena giggled. “Can you believe these people, Katie? They seriously think they can arrest me! Isn’t that hilarious? Next, I bet they’ll claim they have the means to kill The Goddess!”

“That information is classified. Hands up.”

I turned to Helena, who seemed to have already made up her mind to resist.

“No,” I said. “No, I don’t think we’ll do that.”

“We are authorized to use lethal force if you do not comply.”

“What’s lethal for you is very different from what’s lethal for me,” Helena pointed out, a smirk forming on her lips. “Give me your best shot.”

“With pleasure, you traitor!”

Before the soldiers could fire, Helena gestured with her Super Latex gloves, producing a tight cocoon of Super Latex around me. Thankfully, the layer of regular clothes I was wearing prevented the Super Latex cocoon from touching my bare skin and overwhelming me with pleasure. Even so, so much Super Latex in such a confined space made me shudder with ecstasy. Helena had clearly learned some new tricks with the gloves since we last met.

As I squirmed blindly in my cocoon. I heard a muffled rain of gunfire from the soldiers. When the bullets impacted the layer of indestructible Super Latex around me, it felt like someone was tickling me in all my most sensitive places, making me giggle like a schoolgirl. It actually felt really good! After a short while, the soldiers stopped firing out of confusion.

I heard Helena shout, “I don’t want to kill anyone, but don’t think that means I won’t.”

A gruff voice replied, “Heavy weapons, at the ready!”

“Heavy weapons?” Helena scoffed. “That’s cute. I have a few toys of my own. Here, look.”

I saw a brilliant flash of light through the Super Latex, then silence. The Super Latex cocoon dissolved into the air around me and I fell to the ground. When I recollected myself, I glanced up to see Helena, looking satisfied after a job well done.

“What happened?” I asked. All of the soldiers were lying on the ground, either unconscious or close to it.

“They’re indisposed.”

“Jeez, you’ve become a really good shot with those gloves of yours,” I commented.

Helena beamed. “You know it! Uh, Katie... I’m feeling really really horny right now. Do you wanna...?”

In that moment, the feeling could not be more mutual. “Fuck yes!” I replied. I knew what I was experiencing was mostly the result of the pheromones in the air, but I didn’t care. All I knew was that I craved release, and perhaps the most sexually adept partner on the planet was right here, eager to indulge me.

I embraced Helena tightly, and the warmth and closeness of her body was just as good an aphrodisiac as the Super Latex. Helena, already panting, closed her eyes and leaned in for a kiss. The feeling of her soft lips brushing against mine, the sensation of her pulling us together even tighter made me shiver with delight. Quite frankly, I was close to cumming right then and there, but I knew this was only the beginning.

Helena snapped her fingers and we were in her bedroom. I quickly stripped myself while Helena rummaged through her drawers for her Super Latex dildo. The moment she touched it to her panties, it appeared to merge with the Super Latex of her panties, effectively creating a strap-on. I was definitely ready for what came next.

Helena whispered in my ear, “It’s a cool party trick, but you know what’s even cooler? It feels like the real thing, for you and for me.

When she first penetrated me, I was certain I had found heaven itself. So did she, from the sound of her moans.

That moment to when we finally fell asleep was essentially one immense, sustained orgasm--more powerful than anything either of us had felt before. That is, until she put the hood on me and made the prior experience feel like nothing by comparison!

We spent the rest of that night making passionate love to each other, well into the wee hours of the morning.

Sappho would be proud.

Chapter 5: Simple Pleasures

I woke up alone. There was a note on Helena’s side of the bed, written in her messy handwriting.

Morning, sweetie! Meet me at the cafe down the road. ♥

So I got dressed and headed over. I generally needed a good shot of caffeine to get me going in the morning, so I probably would’ve headed over there anyway.

As I stepped inside, I was surprised to see Helena in normal clothes. No Super Latex at all.

“Good morning, beautiful,” she grinned as I approached her table.

“Good morning. Uh... aren’t you...?”

“Oh, the Super Latex? I decided to not wear any today.”

“How come?”

“Well, I’m gonna be getting more and more powerful Super Latex articles, and normalcy will soon become a distant memory. Heck, the Goddess just gave me a leotard that lets me teleport. That’s kinda crazy, right? So I wanted to do this one last time before... I dunno, ascending to godhood or whatever.” She giggled.

“Is The Goddess okay with that?”

“She may be a hedonist,” Helena explained, “but that doesn’t necessarily mean constant sex. Sex is hardly the only pleasure in the world. There’s also the little, simple things, like enjoying a cup of coffee at your favorite cafe with the love of your life.”

I nodded. She cleared her throat and subtly gestured with her head at the table. It took me a moment (since I was still a bit groggy), but I realized I didn’t have a coffee. I looked down at the table and saw a fifty-dollar bill.

“My treat. Get whatever you want.”

“Wow, really?”

“Money won’t be of any use to me before long,” she said with a shrug. “May as well get rid of it one way or another.”

“Well, thanks.”

I ordered a 30-ounce rainbow frappuccino, a multi-layered drink with varying temperatures ranging from ice cold to almost boiling. I had noticed it on the menu several times, but the price tag of nearly $20 kept me from ever considering it. But, since Helena was paying and she wanted to get her money spent, I figured it was worth a try. After receiving the colorful, highly-caffeinated monstrosity and tipping the barista with the remaining $32, I sat down. My drink immediately caught Helena’s eye.

“Perhaps I was a little overindulgent,” I said with an awkward chuckle. “I made the barista’s day with the tip I left, but I’m not sure I got something drinkable in return.”

Helena laughed, then realized I was serious. “Oh god, that’s right, you always get black coffee! This is a whole new world for you, isn’t it?”

“Quite--just like the whole Super Latex thing. I’m certainly not used to spending more than a dollar for a cup of coffee, let alone eighteen. You know, if you want to get rid of your money before ascending beyond the need for it, then maybe you should find a charity to donate to.”

“Charity... I hadn’t thought of that! That’s a wonderful idea!”

Helena smiled and put her hands over mine.

We held hands for a couple moments, then Helena wistfully commented, “Y’know, you’ve changed a lot since our college days. Remember that time that we went on that roller coaster? You were so scared, I had to drag you to the ticket booth kicking and screaming. Now, you’re not scared of anything!”

“I wouldn’t say that...” I insisted, but I could feel myself blushing from her compliment. “I stand by not riding that roller coaster, though. It was awful! We could have died!”

“Don’t short-sell yourself. You’re brave, and you’re smart, and you’re the best girlfriend a girl could ask for!”

That only made my blush harder! Trying to change the subject, I replied, “So, what’s your plan for the end of this? Are you going to stick around The Goddess’ realm or are you going to live here on Earth?”

“Why, The Goddess’ realm, of course! But Earth is really nice, too. It’d be so cool to come home once in a while. I’m torn, really. What about you?”

“Uhh...” I admit, I hadn’t thought that far. “I guess I’ll just be an FBI agent. At least until I retire at 57. We’ve got a mandatory retirement age, you know.”

“And then?”

I blinked. “Well... once I have the time, there’s a lot of stuff I want to do. For one thing, I really want to get back into painting.”

“Oh yeah! I still have that painting of Manhattan you made hanging up in my apartment! I’m surprised you didn’t have any of your work in your apartment, actually.”

“I just haven’t had any time,” I admitted sadly. “This job takes a lot out of you.”

Inside I knew that wasn’t entirely true. Even on vacation, I was notorious for thinking more about case work than relaxing.

Helena smiled. “When I’ve finally become one of the Goddess’ companions, I’ll ask her to let you come to her realm too! Time here doesn’t pass there, so you can take vacations however long and however often you like to work on your art! How about that?”

“That... that would be lovely,” I replied.

We sat there in silence for a moment before Helena spoke up once again.

“Katie, I just... the main reason I invited you here is because I wanted to say that you mean a lot to me--a lot more than just a really, really good fuck buddy. I just thought it would be more appropriate to say that now than while we were still in bed together.”

“You mean a lot to me too, Helena. It’s amazing, the sort of things that happen to reunite people. Almost makes me want to believe in fate.”

“Oh? You don’t think that’s what this was?”

“My first instinct is to say no... but recent events have forced me to reconsider what I do and don’t believe to be possible.”

“I think our being reunited was fate, actually,” Helena replied. “Fate is a powerful force, but it’s not immutable.”

“Meaning the likes of you can change it?”

“Me, The Goddess, even you.”


“Yeah. Even if you’re just a human, you still are perhaps the strongest-willed and most determined person I know. I dare say that’s one of the reasons why I love you.”

She paused, surprised at what she had said.

She stammered, “I-I’m sorry, was that too forw--?”

I opted to simply lean in and kiss her, which stunned her for a long moment.

“I love you too, Helena.”

That night, I couldn’t sleep. Without really knowing why, I reached for the bottom drawer. Inside, there was a fresh set of oil paints, never opened. I had bought them for myself almost four years ago. I set up my easel, canvas, and palette and got to work.

The craft came back to me quickly. The familiar hand motions, the familiar shades, the familiar images rising up in my mind just waiting to be put on a canvas.

At 4:00 AM, I called it a night. I took one last look at my work. It was an angel, reaching up to the heavens.

Chapter 6: Ascension

To be entirely honest, I was becoming a little annoyed that Helena was getting all these gifts and becoming so incomprehensibly powerful.

I envied how good she felt at all times. Until last night, my sex life was quite non-existant. I could never find the time for it, thanks to my work. Now, scarily enough, I was having trouble imagining my life without constant one-night stands--or at least daily, rigorous masturbation.

However annoyed I got, it never lasted. Every time I saw Helena, every time an image of her invaded my thoughts, I practically became giddy with excitement, like a schoolgirl in the presence of her crush. I felt even better each time that Helena returned my advances, whether just flirting or something more...

Of course, not all of our meetings were for pleasure. More often than not it was business. On one such meeting, Helena came in just bubbling with excitement. She eagerly told me she had met The Goddess. In the flesh! As far as Helena and I were aware, no one else could claim that! I asked her to describe what she saw and Helena paused for a long time just to think.

She finally responded, "I don't remember what her true form looked like, actually. Being that close to her probably shorted my brain, or something. I only remember two things about her: she is a she, and she is beautiful."

I asked, "What did it feel like?"

She shivered and responded, "Oh, I can't describe it! When I saw her, I felt like I was covered in a thick coat of pure Super Latex, at the very edge of orgasm. My plan was to go in as calmly as I could and bow before her. I tried, I really did, but when I bent over I had the most massive orgasm of my life, and I’ve had a lot of orgasms! I collapsed to the floor. I came again and again. There was just this unimaginable pressure building up in my body that just demanded release, but no matter how much I stimulated myself, that pressure wasn't reduced in the slightest."

"So you just masturbated?"

"That, and I crawled on my hands and knees to get closer to her. That’s when I heard her voice. I had heard it in my head for a while now but, oh my goddess... that voice couldn’t even come close to the real thing. All she said was, 'Stop. Stay where you are.'"

I blinked. That didn’t make any sense. "She wanted you to stay away from her? That's strange... I thought the point of this whole endeavor was that she wanted to get closer to you. Did you actually stop?"

Helena nodded. "It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I would have rather cut my own arm off. The only reason I was able to do it was because I was used to the feeling of Super Latex. I mean, being near her is sorta like being around Super Latex pheromones, except way, way stronger."

I asked, "Then what happened?"

Helena continued, "The Goddess stood up from her throne and smiled. She said, ‘Well done. If you had come any closer your mind would have been broken forever. You are worthy.’ Then, as if on cue, I blacked out. When I woke up, I was outside her throne room. There was blood streaming from my nose and I found this in my hand.”

Helena took out a thin vial. She passed it to me. Inside, there was a single drop of a ink-like black liquid. Etched on the side in elegant silver letters were the words: "If you are ready to join me, drink this."

As I held it up to the light, the shiny droplet resembled liquid Super Latex. I thought that was impossible. I knew Super Latex could withstand temperatures hotter than the core of the sun without melting. How could it be liquid at room temperature? I passed it back to her.

She frowned. "Oh, I remember one more thing. As I woke up in the hospital, the servant there told me that it was the essence of The Goddess herself, and if I drank that, I would no longer be human. What do you think that means?"

I barely had to think about it. All the pieces clicked together in that moment. “The Goddess wants you to be her companion. She’s so powerful that you can’t be at her side as you are right now. If you drink that... I would imagine you would become a goddess, too.”

Helena’s eyes widened. “Oh. My. God. To be like her...” She frowned. “But if I’m not human anymore, would I still be able to be here on Earth with you? What’s it even like to be a goddess? Oh, Katie... I don’t know what to do!”

She hugged me. I had no idea what I could to comfort her. This was way outside my area of expertise.

“Maybe you should ask The Goddess? Summon an angel, maybe?”

“Good idea.” She attempted to summon an angel, but nothing happened. A realization hit her like a truck.

“What is it?”

“I get what’s happening here. The Goddess wants a companion, a lover. She could just make someone into their slave, but she wants them--me--to make that choice of my own free will. Anything she could say would only make me say yes. I have to actually, genuinely want what she’s offering--she doesn’t want to force me at all.”

“Well... you’ve made it this far. Maybe you should go all the way? I don’t care what you do, as long as it makes you happy.”

Helena gazed at the drop of Super Latex. “The Goddess is very powerful... I mean, she was able to create an entire universe for her harem. I’m... willing to believe that I’ll be capable of the same, if I ingest this.”

I nodded slightly. “Okay.”

Helena uncapped the bottle. “Here goes.... Bottoms up.”

The drop slipped between her lips and into her mouth. She swallowed.

“Well?” I asked.

“It’s... I feel strange. It’s really hot in here. I’m overheating.”

She took off her regular clothes, dropping them in a pile in front of her. The Super Latex she was wearing started spreading over her skin and tightening.

She shuddered. “Katie...? Oh Goddess, Katie... Katie, it feels so good! I... I think I’m gonna... I’m gonna...

I turned around to head to the break room down the hall to grab a water bottle from the fridge, but the sound of viscous dripping stopped me in my tracks. I looked back at Helena, to find she was melting into a pool of shiny black liquid.

“Helena? Helena! Oh my god, Helena! Come on, say something! Do something!”

Panicking, I called in the biohazard squad. When they came in 30 minutes later, I took the liquid recovery vacuum that they brought and rushed to save as much of Helena as I could. The Super Latex was remarkably thick, but I eventually got it all.

I pushed the vacuum into the medical wing and got Helena’s remains into a person-sized glass container, in case she regained a human form later on.

Weeks passed with no change. I visited her every day, but it was always the same. The room was always silent and still, save for my attempts to somehow nudge Helena awake, so to speak.

Given how powerful Super Latex is and that she consumed that drop, there were armed guards inside and outside 24/7. I gave up on trying to maintain my composure around them. I started sobbing basically every time I stopped by.

Then, after 34 days, while I was visiting, the puddle began moving.


It began to grow vertically, gradually forming limbs. The guards aimed their rifles at it. It eventually morphed into the unmistakable shape of Helena, albeit sculpted entirely of Super Latex.

“Hey, Helena?”

She placed a hand on the glass.

“Oh, the container! Hang on, I’ll get it ope--”

Then, her hand passed through the glass as if it weren’t there. Her hand made contact with mine, and an intense mix of emotions passed through my brain. Fear, confusion, curiosity, lust, and pleasure. So, so much pleasure. I stumbled backwards and fell to the ground.

She stepped straight through the containment glass. She looked at the guards, still aiming at her. Without warning, she unleashed a colossal beam of energy at the guards, vaporizing them instantly and creating an abundance of collateral damage. Before I could even process what had just happened, Helena was gone.

Chapter 7: Unstoppable

My heart was pounding. Helena was basically a goddess now, and was getting a taste for all those powers she now had. I knew how good just one or two pieces of Super Latex felt, but I couldn’t even comprehend what it was like to be made of the stuff.

I sprinted up to the roof, hoping to be able to spot her. Sure enough, there she was, floating a few feet above the roof, blasting helicopters and fighter jets out of the sky with more energy beams. I remained out of sight and watched her in horrified awe.

“Mmmmmm, keep it coming!”

No amount of firepower could hope to hurt her. On the contrary, everything they threw at her only seemed to make her feel even more fantastic. One of the circling helicopters launched an RPG towards her. Moving faster than my eyes could see, she caught it and laughed as she tightened her fist around it. When it exploded, her hand burst into a splatter of Super Latex, but the rest of her body seemed immaculate. With a giggle, the scattered droplets of Super Latex began to fly through the air back towards her hand, until they had fully reassembled to her original form. This was terrifying. Even if they could damage her, nothing would stick!

An attack helicopter approached, armed with a machine gun. With a roar, the helicopter fired dozens of high caliber bullets at her torso in mere seconds. Every shot took a chunk out of her body, causing hundreds of drops of liquid Super Latex to scatter in every direction. However, her body reformed so quickly that she was effectively bulletproof. The pilots, realizing how hopelessly they were outmatched, fired a barrage of missiles at Helena.

She didn’t even move to avoid it. The missiles hit her directly, causing a massive explosion that knocked out windows and collapsed an entire section of the roof. When the dust finally settled, Helena had been reduced to two piles of shiny black slime.

For a moment, it seemed like she was finally defeated. Of course that wasn’t true. The two piles of black slime left behind by the attack reformed and expanded until there were two Helenas. They exchanged a kiss with each other and unleashed one energy beam each and whipped their arms in opposite directions, slicing the helicopter in two like scissors. It exploded moments later. The two merged back together and flew off.

I shouldn't have been able to know what Helena was doing, but I could. Ever since I touched her new Super Latex skin, I could feel what she was doing and even what she was thinking.

She flew to a garage on the base, telekinetically tore a hole in the roof, and picked up a car with a lasso of green light. Spreading her legs, she thrust the car into herself. I watched as right before the car impacted with the newborn goddess, her body elongated and widened to accommodate the impractically large sex toy. Thanks to my mental link with her, I felt the car enter me as it entered her. I’m not even sure how to describe something so alien, so strange. I doubled over as if the wind got blown out of me, yet I had no trouble breathing. Helena moaned and laughed simultaneously as she continued thrusting, thoroughly enjoying the massive waves of pleasure coursing through her.

Of course, it wasn't enough. What could possibly be enough when you're a nigh-omnipotent goddess? Once she came, she ejected the car with a quick application of pressure from her vaginal muscles, sending it shooting off into the distance.

She needed bigger, more powerful toys. Right on cue, tanks arrived to blow her away. Pleased, she produced an extra pair of arms and sent all four of them zooming through the air to latch onto first tank. Then she pulled it barrel first straight into her rubbery vagina.

The moment of impact felt glorious, as indicated by her sustained shriek of ecstasy as her body stretched several times its normal size to fit the metal beast inside. The force of the impact coupled with the extent it stretched her caused her to cum instantly. Likewise, my panties were no longer dry.

Helena tightened her vaginal muscles and pushed the tank in deeper with all four hands, insistent on extracting all the pleasure this weapon of war could give her. She managed to fit the entire thing inside her before long. She forced her legs together and the tank appeared to shrink and vanish inside her. It was subjected to so much heat and pressure that it eventually became pure energy, which she absorbed into herself, thus introducing her to a new sort of pleasure beyond what her restrictive human form allowed her.

She briefly felt sorry for the little humans. They could never hope to know the exquisite pleasures she was discovering constantly. Their pathetic, fragile, meaty bodies weren’t able to handle so much.

She eyed a dormitory full of non-combatants who were restricted to their quarters because of the emergency. With a smirk, she darted in that direction and willed herself to become intangible. As she passed through people’s dorms at the speed of sound, the people in the dorms instantly reached orgasm, which Helena siphoned telepathically and experienced herself. It was like a burst of machine gun fire manifested as powerful orgasms. Naturally, she wanted more, so she made another pass and continued assaulting the people inside the dorms with orgasm after orgasm after orgasm.

She wanted more. There were several other dorm building spread throughout the facility, but they were too far apart. Moving from one building to another would get in the way of Helena’s pleasure.

Too far for one Helena, but not too far for four! Helena split into two, and those two split into four. The four shot off in different directions, flying through the various dorm buildings at supersonic speeds.

Still not enough! She was a little frustrated, but that was dampened by her ability to indefinitely apply more and more power to a problem to solve it. Four became sixteen became thirty-two became sixty-four, and on and on. If she wasn’t intangible, the speed that she was moving would have instantly incinerated the facility, and probably the continent! Before long, she gave the entire facility’s complement streams of orgasms at nearly the speed of light while simultaneously keeping their minds from shutting down from pleasure overload.

She eventually gave up on moving faster and faster and resolved to place one iteration of herself in each non-combatant’s room, filling each of their minds with a constant, unending stream of ecstasy, all of which she felt a thousand times over by simply willing it so. The remaining duplicates of herself scattered throughout the airspace above the base, fucking each other almost ravenously.

All the while, the military attempted to use precision explosives to pick off the airborne ones, but their missiles were all used as sex toys or allowed to harmlessly explode in their faces. The fiery destructive energies only made her orgasms greater and more numerous.

Thousands of orgasms surged through her collective bodies--so much that her bodies became viscous, amorphous liquid.

She was in heaven... but of course, it wasn’t enough. The missiles were getting dull. She needed more. She needed a new heaven that put the original to shame. The power at her command was all she needed to make her need a reality.

The military was reluctant to use nuclear weapons against her, in large part because there were so many people on the base who would be annihilated by even the smallest yield at their disposal.

She opted to save them the moral dilemma and teleport not their largest yield but the largest yield ever made straight before her: the one untested Tsar Bomba. The Russian military opted to dismantle it instead of using it in the Cold War and not only vaporizing the release plane’s crew but potentially covering the entire planet’s surface in fallout.

Her slightest thought primed the weapon. Eager to experience all it had to offer, every iteration of Helena instantly dropped what they were doing and surrounded the bomb, forming a thick sphere of solid Super Latex around it.


Helena no longer felt the mortal states of pleasure and happiness. She had ascended far beyond such mundane, lowly concepts and opted to instead embrace everything that felt good to her down to her very soul and dive further in. She didn’t just feel more pleasure, she became the concept itself, and then something beyond even that.

There was more. Of course there was more. How could there not be? She just needed another Tsar Bomba. A little time displacement produced the same bomb again, which she surrounded and detonated inside herself.

It wasn’t enough, though. How could it be? She was wasting time reproducing ancient bombs from a pointless war of decades past--time that she could be using to cum longer and harder. Why not simply cut out the middleman and create pure seuxal energy of the same caliber--greater, even!--and use that instead of some relic? She produced beams of pure sexual energy within her spherical form and shaped them into a sphere of raw power, which she continued to intensify while simultaneously experiencing what could only be described in any mortal language as godgasms. The energy was so intense that beams shot out through the Super Latex sphere and into the sky, like bright green lightning.

She had no idea how long she spent cumming her very soul out, like a Dyson sphere around a star of endless orgasmic power. Time meant nothing to her now.

Even this eventually became inadequate. Of course it did. The laws of physics were too confining for needs as great and perpetually growing as hers! She was no better off than the fragile meat people! She needed to escape. She needed a universe of her own, where the laws of physics bent to her. All beings, all forces, all concepts would give her pleasure before anything else.

The sphere of Super Latex shrunk into a point and vanished.

With that, the mental link was severed. I let out a sigh of relief that the relentless pleasure assaulting me finally ceased, but my relief was short-lived, since Helena was gone now.

Chapter 8: Finale

In the days following Helena’s rampage, the world tried its best to forget what had happened. The President himself spoke to the nation to reassure them that the mayhem was at an end.

That was simply not true. At the FBI, reports were coming in daily of terrifying new developments. All around the internet, new videos were popping up of a gorgeous rubber woman appearing out of nowhere then disappearing as quickly as she appeared. Everywhere she went, ordinary people reported beams of energy rushing through the night sky, blotting out the moon and stars. Cars, trees, and skyscrapers alike were lifted up into the air by an irresistible telekinetic force. Police around the world were overwhelmed by spontaneous city-wide orgies.

The countries of the world made a plea to The Goddess for a solution or at least an explanation for why these strange events were happening. The Goddess, for her part, was maddeningly silent. Only I knew the truth: Helena had been overwhelmed by the experience of becoming Super Latex, and it was only a matter of time before she accidentally destroyed the world with her newfound power, if not more.

I was probably the only one who could calm her down, but an all-powerful teleporting goddess is hard to find, even with the resources of the FBI. To keep up with her, you would need superpowers of your own. Thankfully, Helena wasn’t the only one who could wear Super Latex.

With my position, it was easy enough to get unrestricted access to the vault where the FBI keeps the Super Latex clothing. By then, we had accumulated everything from Super Latex bras to full-coverage catsuits to fetish clothing so weird that I didn’t even want to risk wearing it. I carefully packed away a set of boots, a set of gloves, a corset, a bra, panties, and a leotard into my briefcase. All of that plus the choker Helena gave me would prove to be more than enough for my purposes.

Back at my apartment, I did everything I could to prepare myself for wearing all that Super Latex. I masturbated furiously to take the edge off. I spent hours meditating to center myself on my mission. I desperately wished I could wear something underneath the Super Latex, but tests had shown that the clothing had to touch bare skin or other Super Latex to grant powers.

The first thing to wear was the bra and panties. Immortality and indestructibility would be essential to surviving Helena’s impossible power.

The bra was baffling. There were no buckles, no hooks, no velcro, and not even any zippers. It was just straps of vaguely-bra-shaped Super Latex. I pulled the loops around my shoulders. As soon as I did so, straps of latex suddenly curled around my back and merged together, creating a seamless bra. I gasped as the Super Latex tightened and reshaped itself until it perfectly covered my breasts, squeezing my (already hard) nipples with a firm but perfectly comfortable sensation. I could feel power rushing through my body, every part of my body positively buzzing with newfound energy. Looking at myself in the mirror, I saw that my few gray hairs had turned back to black, and my skin looked like that of a girl a decade younger.

I wanted to stop there, but I had so much more to do. The panties were just a test of patience. Slowly and carefully, I brought the panties further and further up my legs, up to my thighs. With each movement, the Super Latex surface rubbing against my bare skin conjured up dirty thoughts. My mind jumped to the sensation of my ex-boyfriend’s hands gently massaging my inner thighs. I felt Helena’s lips rubbing against mine as we kissed each other. When the panties finally squeezed my hips and my wet vagina, another burst of power filled me. I felt invincible. I felt like I could take on a sword, a storm of bullets, a nuclear bomb, or even a supernova without flinching.

Now, the leotard. Up until now, the experience had not been too overwhelming. I was experienced enough with Super Latex clothing that skimpy clothing like bras and panties was easy enough. A leotard, on the other hand, was worrying. Taking a couple deep breaths to center myself, I slid my legs easily through the leg holes, and pulled the leotard up. Immediately, the urge to cum began to fill me. I closed my eyes and resisted as much as I could as I quickly slipped my arms through the arm holes. Once the leotard was fully on, it reshaped itself to fit my body like the bra did. The sensation of it tightening around my waist was so intense that I came instantly, sending a stream of sexual fluids running down my leg. I spent at least an hour lying on the hardwood floor, my mind careening from the mass of sensations overflowing my body. Outside, the sun was starting to rise already.

Helena said that the leotard lets you teleport, even between dimensions. However, there was no instruction manual. Experimentally, I concentrated on the center of the room. There was a sound like paper tearing, then I suddenly found myself exactly in the spot I was concentrating on. After a couple tries, I was able to easily teleport anywhere I could see. Experimentally, I tried teleporting something other than myself. Focusing on a pencil on my desk, I tried to visualize it teleporting into my hand. Nothing happened. I concentrated harder, and I saw space around the pencil began to distort, and then disappear entirely. I looked around for the pencil, but it was gone.

Next was the gloves... then the boots...

This was too much. I could feel my consciousness slipping away, my mind and body being overwhelmed by pure sexual energy. I stumbled to my feet, but my legs gave out under me as I felt myself consumed by another series of orgasms. I could already feel myself getting exhausted. If I fell asleep now, I might not be able to wake up. In desperation, I crawled on my hands and knees towards my bedroom drawer. With my super strength, I accidentally ripped it straight out of the nightstand, sending the Super Latex choker flying through the air. With the last of my energy, I caught it and slotted it around my neck. Instantly, the Super Latex mask materialized on my face, and a surge of stamina and energy filled every cell of my body. I let out the built-up sexual urges in me, and I came explosively. I sprayed sexual fluids all over the walls and floor. The smell of sex mingled with the smell of latex was so powerful that I wouldn’t be surprised if they permeated the whole neighborhood.

Despite that ridiculous display of exhibitionism, I felt better than ever. Jumping to my feet, I took a moment to look at myself in the mirror. It was utterly bizarre to see myself in the mirror wearing a full-coverage latex mask. There was this layer of impenetrable black latex in front of me, and yet when I looked in any direction it was like there wasn’t anything obstructing my vision at all. With this full outfit, I looked like either a model at a fetish convention or the world’s kinkiest superhero. I would have made one hell of a superhero, actually. An immortal, indestructible, flying, teleporting, laser-shooting badass with near-omniscience sounds like something ripped straight out of a comic book. Of course, a comic book superhero probably doesn’t have to stop every couple minutes to release pent-up sexual energy.

I focused my super senses to scan the Earth for Helena. My mind took in every part of every landscape, every room of every building. Even unexplored caverns deep underground or the magma at the core of the Earth did not escape my vision. As I looked and looked, I ultimately confirmed that Helena was not there. I wasn’t ready to give up yet. Running out to my balcony, I leapt into the air. Immediately, I felt the familiar sensation of the Super Latex boots supporting my body. Propelling myself through the air, I flew at near-sonic speeds towards the site of Helena’s rampage.

Floating about twenty stories above the rubble of the hospital, I scanned the site with my super senses. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I was going to move on, but then I noticed something at the very edge of my enhanced vision. I flew down to get a closer look. It was a person-shaped area of space, but light passing through it was distorted very slightly. I concentrated on the area. If I focused at the microscopic level, the distortions appeared as tears. I suddenly realized: this was the place where Helena teleported from when she ended her rampage! Those tiny tears must be tears in the fabric of space itself, leftover from her teleporting to god-knows-where! And if she teleported from here, maybe I could follow her...

I visualized myself passing through the tears to wherever Helena went. I felt the world around me getting fuzzier and fuzzier despite my super senses. There was a deafening sound like paper tearing, and then a new world came into focus.

What I saw was simply incredible. I was floating ten or so feet above a sea of black Super Latex that stretched out to infinity in every direction. Previously, I had been able to scan the entire Earth with my super senses. Here, I could see the Super Latex sea really did go on forever. The sky was lit with intense storms of acid-green energy. Colossal bolts of emerald energy periodically came down from the sky, accompanied by the sound of thunder. On the horizon I could see two Helenas, each as massive as a planet, locked in a passionate embrace. Each of their breasts as massive from my perspective as a full moon would have been back on Earth. Their every ponderous motion caused tsunami-sized waves of pure Super Latex to rise up into the air and ripple out in every direction. Rising out of the sea were glossy islands of Super Latex, which were filled with everything from skyscrapers to palaces to gardens, all made of Super Latex of various colors.

But that wasn’t even the most incredible thing. Everywhere I looked, I heard moans of pleasure. That’s when I realized it. Everything in this universe, from the endless sea of Super Latex to the titans making out on the horizon, was Helena, locked in bliss too powerful for me to even comprehend, even with all the Super Latex I had on.

I wondered how I would be able to get her attention--or even communicate with her, for that matter. It was a distinct possibility that she was too far gone to even remember me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a viscous sloshing sound, and a column of the dark liquid beneath me began to flow up into the air. Then, it molded itself into a human shape. First, a set of long, smooth, shapely legs. Following them were a set of voluptuous hips, a waist tight enough that I could wrap my hands around it, and a set of breasts so massive that they were each bigger than my head. Two fit, toned arms and Helena’s familiar face emerged from the blob. She shook her head and thin strands of latex hair sprouted from her head. The black surface began to ripple, and then color began to emerge. At the end, her skin, her hair, and her familiar smile looked exactly like they used to. Looking down at her naked body, a flowing Super Latex robe emerged from her skin. I could almost forget that she was something completely beyond human now, except she was floating and her eyes were ablaze with emerald green power.

She smiled and said, “Hiya Katie! Welcome to my pocket universe! You’ll have to forgive me. I’m in the middle of remodeling.

A burst of green lightning flashed in the distance, momentarily blinding me. “It looks... amazing, to be honest. I take it you control everything here, huh?”

She nodded. “Comes with the divinity! The Goddess was the same way. Every drop of water, every grain of sand, every molecule of air in her universe is an extension of her.

She sighed erotically. “You can’t imagine what it’s like to be everything. It feels so good, so fucking good!”

“Helena, you know why I’m here.”

She waved her hand dismissively. “Yeah, yeah. I know. Our minds are linked, remember? You want me to stop playing with the Earth. You want me to come home. Why should I care?

I paused. I had told myself that this mission was for Earth’s safety, the preservation of humanity. Of course, she was right on all counts--no need for any mind-reading to figure that out.

“Think about the pain you’re causing! Not everyone can withstand the kind of pleasure you can!”

She stared into the distance for a second. “Pain... I forgot about that. It’s been so long.

Then she smiled again and continued, “Katie, do you know what’s the craziest thing about being made of Super Latex? When those missiles exploded in my face, it felt good. In this form, literally everything is pleasure. I don’t think I can feel pain anymore!

“Helena. Try to remember. You can’t deny that you were human once. Maybe, if you remember what it’s like to be human, you’ll see why that matters.”

She giggled. “Who cares about humanity? Come on! Let’s just ignore those humans. They’re only going to live a hundred more years or so anyways. We’ve got an eternity of pleasure ahead of us. I’m a goddess unbound by time and you have those cute Super Latex bra and panties on!”

“Helena, I miss you. Dammit, you’re my best friend! But when you’re like this, you’re not the same Helena I fell in love with.”

I glanced down at the sea of Super Latex below me and an idea struck me. She said that we ‘shared minds.’ When I touched her skin in the hospital, I began seeing what she saw and feeling what she felt. What if...

What if she feels what I feel too?

I jumped down into the sea of Super Latex. I didn’t have the divine power that Helena did. I didn’t have a body made of Super Latex like Helena. I wasn’t used to even the smallest fraction of the kind of pleasure Helena experienced constantly simply by existing.

All I had was my determination.

My willpower.

My last lucid thought before hitting the Super Latex was a prayer directed at any god who was listening.

Please let me have the love of my life back.

The viscous surface of the liquid gave way underneath me. The instant that the Super Latex touched my skin, waves of pleasure began to ripple through my body. The sea of Helena’s substance wrapped around my body as if it were hungry to touch me. As the Super Latex began to wrap around my skin, waves of pure sexual pleasure rippled through my body. I squirmed and shuddered, but every movement only caused me to sink deeper and deeper. I came instantly, then I came again. And again. I would have passed out in seconds if not for the rejuvenating effect of the Super Latex mask. I was having orgasms so quickly that there was no way to distinguish between one and another. Worse, every orgasm didn’t create the slightest bit of release. There was only this exponentially growing need that was filling every single part of my body. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t escape. I couldn’t even think.

I was only dimly aware of Helena’s mind, but aware I was. I could feel my own body squirming within her infinitely large mass. I could feel her panicking. I could feel her touching me, and me touching her. She wanted me, bad. She turned herself intangible so that she could touch every single part of me, instead of just my skin. Every cell, every molecule, every atom of my body was surrounded instantly by liquid Super Latex. As we became entwined with each other physically, the mental link began to grow stronger. I could feel the infinite ocean growing turbulent as she absorbed my memories of childhood, high school, college, her. I felt her make a decision. In that moment, I knew she would never threaten humanity again.

But that mental link went both ways. As she felt more of me, I felt more of her. By this point, the sensation of divine pleasure had grown so intense that my very soul was being wiped away. She was infinite. I was finite. Despite my inhuman stamina, I felt my consciousness fading. When I woke up--if I woke up--I was sure I would never be Katie Carmichael again.

A small price to pay...

But then, through the mass of dark latex, I saw a light. A purple light, so powerful that it pierced the sea. I felt myself rising suddenly. Helena tried to hold onto me, but the force was irresistible. I burst out of the surface of the sea, and we were separated again.

Floating in the air, I instinctively gasped for breath. I felt the incomprehensible ecstasy fading. My mind returned to me. Once I got ahold of myself, I looked around. The sea was still. The storms had stopped. For the first time, I saw that the sky above the storm clouds was blue, just like Earth.

I heard Helena’s voice say “Thank you, Katie.

It was over.

My mission was complete.

Epilogue: Farewell

As I floated, I heard a whisper ringing through my mind. It was a voice similar to Helena’s but subtly different. It felt older and gentler. It whispered, “Marvelous.

“W-What?” I asked.

You have done what I could not. In her, I tried to merge the human and the divine. I should have known that the divine would be too overwhelming.

“Y-you’re The Goddess!” I stammered. I remembered the purple light that I saw through the Super Latex sea. “You saved me.”

I did. I could not let something as spectacular as you disappear. Your willpower was truly spectacular. You allowed her to conquer her divinity, to become the companion I always wished for. Together, you completed my project.

I grumbled, “Y’know, if you could have stopped all this chaos earlier, why the hell did you wait until the last minute?”

I was... ashamed. It is an unfamiliar thing for me to be.

“Ashamed? Why?”

“In most respects, my power is absolute. I believed that I could guide her to control her newfound divinity. However, even the minor power she tapped into overwhelmed her beyond my ability to reach her.”

“Wait wait wait... are you saying that what Helena did was like child’s play?”


I sighed. “I really shouldn’t be surprised by that, and yet.... So what do you want?”

I wish to offer you something more. She was the first to become my companion.”

A vial identical to the one that Helena received appeared in my hand. I held it up to the blue sky and saw a tiny red drop of liquid Super Latex inside.

“You could be the second.

Goddesshood. Absolute power. Perfect immortality. Infinite bliss. All I had to do was drink from that vial, and it would all be mine. Even so, I could not bring myself to drink it.

The Goddess was silent for a couple moments. Then, she whispered, “I understand your apprehension. I offer you this not just for me, but for her. My failure was believing that one human alone could bear divinity. I now see that you can only bear the burden of eternity together.”

An eternity with Helena.

How could I refuse?

This concludes my series of letters. Hopefully now you understand what happened and why I made the choices I did. You can rest easy knowing that the global chaos caused by Helena won’t happen again.

As for me? By the time you read this, I’ll be in a dimension far beyond your comprehension, making love to my eternal partner.


Katie Carmichael, Goddess

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About Me

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.