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Friday, September 13, 2019

An Elza Escapade

A quick little Super Goddess caption.

If you'd like to read more about the universe, check out the series hub!

That innocuous calendar in the upper left corner of the image actually influenced the in-universe chronological placement of this caption. Given what we see on that calendar, it's one of the 31-day months and it starts on a Saturday. Given the presence of a pen next to the calendar, it's plausible to assume the fecund woman is checking off the days somehow as they pass. No days before the 9th are visible, so it's presumably early in the month. After some fiddling around in Google Sheets to determine what months in the 25th century meet those criteria, I finally placed this caption on Thursday, May 6, 2517, meaning it's after Akane's ESSEI story but before my Insatiable two-part caption.  As for the time this woman is from originally, that's not as definite or important, but it's definitely before Super Goddesses came into existence, given that she was completely unaware of them--so anytime in the modern age before September 2017.

Thanks to Akane and OmniScribbler for beta reading and additional contributions.

The image I used is of an original character by gao (gaolukchup) on Pixiv. As usual, I ran the image through Waifu2x, which ended up making the "GAO" watermarks less visible. That was not intentional, and I would like to make clear that I am not attempting to plagiarize this image.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me, and above the age of 18. I make no money through this image.

A few days ago, a strikingly tall and exceedingly beautiful woman showed up at the bar where I worked.  Her lips didn't move, yet my mind was filled with love, warmth, and a heavenly voice.  She was Elza Sabini, an omnipotent being called a Super Goddess from centuries in the future.  She fell in love with me at a glance and bluntly asked if I was down to fuck.  The whole situation was so utterly surreal and she was so immeasurably, impossibly beautiful that there was no way I could reject her.  I fell in love with her as quickly as she did, so I happily went with her.  Time slowed to a halt and we made tireless love for days.  It was a nonstop barrage of orgasms more powerful than I even thought possible!  That roaring ecstasy never completely dissipated inside me--I can still feel it even now!  It's amazing!
Afterwards, she brought me to the future--her present--and let me rest.  Once I woke up this morning, the first thing I did was use this pregnancy test that Elza must have left for me.  Apparently these sorts of things don't see much use in the future, but she was able to get one for me.  It came out positive!  I'm gonna be a mother!
I'm told that one of the highest honors a person can have nowadays is to carry a Super Goddess' child to term.  I also heard that being pregnant with one of Elza's children feels even better than sex with her!  Apparently, the Super Goddess DNA inside me is overriding any discomfort or pain from the pregnancy, filling me with so much bliss and ecstasy!  I feel so... so powerful!  I can sense people and even move things with my mind!  These new abilities of mine are growing stronger all the time!
I think that DNA is also Enhancing me!  By the time I give birth to this goddess-child I'm carrying, I'll be a goddess myself!  I'm so excited!

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.