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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Massage Aftercare

The second of two captions commissioned by cones, as well as my first foray into the strange new world of the malleability fetish.  Here's the first one, if you're interested.

The image I used is of Nyla Gates, an original character of cones', drawn by PantsuDesu on Pixiv.  Unfortunately, the original image isn't publicly available, so I can only link to PantsuDesu's Pixiv page.

Thanks to CrypticCollaborator for beta reading and additional contributions.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Nyla and Alan are owned by cones), and above the age of 18.

After half a day of passionate sex, Nyla was in heaven.  The best way to finish the day was a thorough massage to relax.  Alan was more than happy to comply.
He loved the feel of his wife’s malleable body--she was essentially a warm and indestructible human-sized stress ball!  Likewise, Nyla found the touch of his cool hands against her warm, soft body felt positively sublime.  At first, he treated it like a normal massage, making a point of avoiding distorting her shape.  As it turned out, being stretched, pressed, squeezed, and molded was a lot more satisfying, especially for someone as malleable as her.  Understandably so--her body was fundamentally different, thanks to her Induction.
Alan started reading up on taffy pulling and pizza recipes, particularly the part where the dough is shaped into the crust.  He bought a sturdy wall-mounted hook and various cooking implements, all for experimenting with Nyla's massages.
The weirder it was, the better it seemed to feel for her.  Being pulled like taffy sent her into a sort of meditative trance that had the uncanny ability to make all her stress evaporate.  Being rolled, spun, and flattened like a pizza crust was fun, but left her dizzy after the spinning part, especially since she was dependent on her sense of touch to see.
He had a spur-of-the-moment idea to stuff her in the kitchen mixer (not the one they used for food) and set it to its highest setting.  The spinning whisks bore down into her like human hands simply couldn't, quickly bringing her to an intense and messy climax.
After that, the mixer was relegated as a sex toy and Alan stuck to using his hands and lighter toys for massaging.
She almost certainly derived more pleasure from all those insane experiences than he could, but that wasn't especially important to him.  He was more than satisfied with being able to fill her with bliss, by way of a deeply relaxing (and occasionally orgasmic) massage.  It was his favorite way of expressing his love.
He thought back to that day at the hospital, when Nyla officially became an Induced.  At the time, he was on the verge of a panic attack, worrying about every little thing.  He was undeniably right about it being life-changing, but he was definitely getting too worked up.
Now, he couldn't help but laugh at himself from back then.  Well, he would have laughed, but Nyla was nearly asleep.  And, after their sexual marathon, he was equally exhausted--if not more so, thanks to his non-Induced physiology.
Overall, it was a pretty unproductive day... not that either of them cared.  Productivity was irrelevant in the face of love.

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.