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Sunday, January 05, 2020

Beyond Evolution

Commissioned by anonymous. Thanks to OmniScribbler and SuperGoddessAkane for beta reading and additional contributions.
This one is decidedly different from my usual captions, in that it's primarily about Pokémon instead of people. Setting aside their occasional ability to speak, it's a new concept for me. Like several captions before this one, that meant I had to do a lot of wiki research. As it turns out, Pokémon is a pretty interesting series. I can see why everyone and their dog adores it.

The matters of location, who owned Mila, and who Mila's lover should be were in question for a bit. Akane suggested it take place on the water route of Hoenn where you can find wild Gyarados, thus explaining the appearance of same. I initially considered trainers who canonically possess a Milotic (I was tempted to go with Johanna for a while), then looked for water trainers in Hoenn (there were a couple named ones, but I wanted to make it yuri, which meant none of the Hoenn trainers were viable. I ultimately went for the newest water trainer (as far as game releases go), Nessa. Certainly doesn't hurt that she's a phenomenal waifu. I figure she has modeling work in Hoenn after the events of SwSh and met Mila while there.

I anticipate exploring Mila's anomalous nature further in future captions. Stay tuned!

The image I used is fanart of a Milotic from Pokémon depicted as a mermaid gijinka, done by EnigmaGyaru on Twitter.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Pokémon is owned by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures), and above the age of 18.

And before anyone cries "bestiality!", consider the Harkness Test. Mila has at least human intelligence, exhibits her ability to verbally communicate, and is sexually mature.

A Milotic was taking a leisurely swim around Sootopolis City. The aquatic perimeter around the city island was large enough that it would take her a few days to go all the way around, but she had that kind of time available to her.
Her trainer Wallace was a fool, more interested in his harem of squealing groupies and that pretty boy with the rock collection than her, despite the fact that he owed his fame as Contest Master to her beauty and skill.
Fine, she figured. If you're going to ignore me, then I'll ignore you.
She submerged and sunk to the colorful coral reefs on the sea floor, enjoying the sights.
Once she rose back to the surface, there was a Gyarados male before her--wild, from the looks of it.
In more than one sense of the word, it seems.
"Can I help you?" she asked him.
"Yes, I think you can," he replied. "I believe you may have--wittingly or otherwise--used your Cute Charm on me. I laid eyes on you and was instantly smitten!"
Jeez, this guy's worse than Wallace--I didn't think that was even possible. Atrocious Pokémon indeed.
"You're mistaken. I haven't used Cute Charm for a while now, in fact."
"That doesn't seem possible. I wouldn't be unable to think of anything but you if you hadn't afflicted me!"
"Look, big guy, I've heard it all before. Literally thousands of other Pokémon have tried seducing me before, but it's not gonna work--especially not with a pick-up line as awful as that."
"What? Thousands? You can't be serious."
"There's a lot more to me than meets the eye."
With that, she rose out of the water and began levitating just above its surface. She began glowing, albeit decidedly different from her species' calming powers.
The red of her head fins and antennae spread over her head. The appendages split and multiplied into finer and finer strands, quickly becoming hair flowing down her back. Eyebrows, a nose, and lips appeared on her face. A pair of arms materialized from her sides, followed by a pair of substantial breasts. She even had a distinctly human midriff and hips, complete with a prominent labia. She was easily the most beautiful creature the Gyarados had ever seen. He was awestruck and speechless.

"I'll take your silence as a reconsideration of interest. Now, if you'll excuse me, my girlfriend is here."
She swam past him and to the water's edge, where a dark-skinned model of a woman in a swimsuit waited for her.
"Hey Mila!" Indicating the still-stunned Gyarados in the water, she added, "Friend of yours?"
"No, just a 'nice guy'."
"Ah. Well, at least he seems willing to take no for an answer."
"I wouldn't go quite that far," Mila chuckled dryly, "but at least he's not responding with violence."
"True. Good thing too--he'd have to deal with me otherwise!"
Mila smiled. "You're amazing, you know that?"
Nessa pretended to think for a moment. "I seem to recall you mentioning that before once or twice, actually!"
She smiled back. "Seriously though, thanks. You're pretty great yourself, in fact--and not just because you're easily the most unique Milotic I've ever encountered."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to get me in bed with you."
Without missing a beat, Nessa responded, "Nah, not while there's this much daylight left. Let's go for a nice long swim, then think about that sort of thing."

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.