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Sunday, March 08, 2020

Goddess of Chaos and Sex

This one has been in the works (using that term about as nebulously as possible here) for a while, primarily since I liked the picture but didn't have much idea of how it could be used. The idea of a crossover with Salamando’s Sex Mage World occurred to me and it all took off.
I originally intended for this to actually be Tharja, but General Tommy, a big fan of Fire Emblem, said that would be pretty out of character for her. We talked and ultimately agreed upon the current state of the story, in which she’s actually a disguised Loki without a Summoner to keep her in check. As for the Sex Mage tome, I was envisioning that it would come from an alternate Sex Mage World in which every woman has possessed Megami-level power, as described here.

The image I used is fanart of Tharja from Fire Emblem, done by hakuto7u on Tumblr. You know the drill, here’s a Danbooru mirror.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Fire Emblem is owned by Intelligent Systems and Nintendo; The Sex Mage World is owned by Salamando), and above the age of 18.

Thanks to General Tommy for beta reading and additional contributions.

“Oh, quit squirming,” Tharja said as she opened her book and began reading it. “Your comfort is hardly relevant right now.”

“Tharja, what are you doing? I’m not even dressed!”

“Wait... Tharja?” Tharja turned around to face you, looking confused for only a moment. “Oh! Right, I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced.”

“I... what? Aren’t you Tharja?”

“Oh, no, darling. I’m Loki.”

“Um... okay. That’s not disconcerting.... My name is Robin, tactician for the Shepherds.”

“The male one,” ‘Loki’ added, “Good, good.”

“...what? Yeah, I’m a guy. What does that have to do with anything?”

“Oh, never mind, darling! Okay, allow me to explain my presence here. I came here to pursue the secrets hidden in this magical tome here. It’s from another universe! Exciting, isn’t it?”

“I suppose,” you replied, “but why do you have to sit on me?”

“I’m getting to that. I’m going to experiment with this tome on you~! You’ll be my guinea pig, hee hee!”

“You’re begging more questions than you’re answering.”

Ignoring you, she continued, “As it turns out, I have a significant natural affinity to this kind of transuniversal magic. There may well be no limit to what I’m capable of! Take a moment to let that sink in--I’ll have unlimited power to do with as I please! I’ll be a goddess, in this reality and all others!”

“Be honest--if you were in my position right now, you’d take advantage of this opportunity too. Well, maybe you wouldn’t. Admittedly, one doesn’t fully understand what this power is capable of until you feel it for yourself.”

A smile crept onto ’Tharja’s’ face. It was decidedly more seductive than you were used to from her--to the point that it was almost unsettling.

“Why don’t I indulge you?”

“Depends on what it enta--”

In a blinding flash of light, pleasure roared ceaselessly through your body. It was as if she transported you straight to heaven. By all rights, your body shouldn’t have been able to handle such extreme stimulation, but you not only survived, but thrived.

“Oh fuck yes!” ‘Loki’ moaned, tossing her head back. She was somehow able to make eye contact with you despite the uncomfortable angle her neck was bent.

“Doesn’t it feel amazing? It feels like heaven itself, doesn’t it? The best part is that this is only the beginning! Revel in it! It’s a pleasure beyond mortal dreams and reckoning! You’re the first mortal to experience this--you should be honored.”

As quickly as it began, it ended. You immediately felt wrong. Living without that endless stream of euphoria downright hurt.

“My my, what’s wrong?” she giggled. “Did you get addicted to that feeling after only a few seconds?”

You tried filling your mind with anger to mask the pain filling your body. “What did you do to me, witch?”

“You see, sweetie, this is a Sex Magic tome. Sex Magic is all about denying male orgasms to achieve phenomenal power. I hope you enjoyed those few seconds of pure euphoria, because you’ll never experience them again! You knowing that is all I need to start reaping the benefits of my new Sex Magic! By this time tomorrow, I imagine I’ll have ascended to a realm of existence beyond your comprehension!”

You tried to sit upright and push her off you. Maybe you could grab that book out of her hands...

...unfortunately, you were already too weak to attempt it. She didn’t budge, no matter how hard you tried.

“And don’t bother trying to take this book from me or overpower me or anything. I’m well on my way to omnipotence! I’m already too powerful for you to even inconvenience me, even if you weren’t already suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms! Give me a few hours and not even the most powerful gods of this world will be able to stop me!

“Hell, even if you did get ahold of this book, its contents are utterly beyond your comprehension! You might not want to look directly into it for too long, if you value your sanity. Face it--you have a new place in life: begging me for the release you know you’ll never get again~! Hee hee!”

You passed out.

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.