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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Golden Flower

Commissioned by Lanif-Angelkiss.
The image I used is of Alyssa, an OC owned by Lanif-Angelkiss and drawn by ArashiTerra on DeviantArt.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Alyssa is owned by Lanif-Angelkiss), and above the age of 18.

One day, out of nowhere, a strange but intensely beautiful woman named Alyssa appeared in your life. She immediately fell in love with you. As the months went by, the feeling became mutual.
She was prone to showing her love through buying gifts for you. It quickly became apparent through her gifts that she had quite a lot of money at her disposal. Your gifts couldn't compare, but she cherished them all the same.
Today, she had a surprise for you. After boarding her gleaming golden private jet, all the windows were locked shut. You couldn't tell where she was taking you, but she assured you it was a big surprise.
Upon landing, she put a blindfold on you and gently guided you out of the plane. You were definitely being lead somewhere, but you had no idea where.
"Okay, take it off!"
You comply, only to immediately squint. You're standing before an enormous mansion, literally gleaming from all the polished gold used liberally across the entire exterior.
Alyssa is standing in front of you, covered in lavish jewelry across her body and outfit. Her hair, tied into two huge ringlets that resemble gold bars, matched the gold of the mansion. Her corset seemed to compress her waist significantly, but she didn't seem even slightly uncomfortable.
She tossed her hands in the air, letting a huge wad of dollar bills flutter down to the ground like confetti. As she did so, a self-driving red sports car with a huge ribbon attached to the hood drove up right behind her.
"Ta-da!" she chirps.
"I-- where are we?"
"This is our new home, sweetie!"
"Home? You mean the mansion?"
"Yeah! Well, we live in the mansion, but the whole island is ours, actually! That's what the car's for, so we can get around quickly!"
"Yeah! I gave a few companies a pittance and they built us an artificial island~! They said it wasn't feasible, but I added a couple zeroes to their pittance and they saw things my way! They always do~💚"
"When you say 'pittance...'" you begin.
"Ah, something like four quadrillion dollars--no big deal!"
You're speechless for a moment. "I'm sorry, I think I misheard you. One more time, please?"
"Four quadrillion dollars! I suppose that might seem a bit high for you, but it's pocket change to me!"
"Th-that... I... what?! That's something like a couple hundred times the US national debt! I think I read there was only something like $85 trillion in existence! I mean, I knew you were rich, but how can you have that much money to spend like that?"
She giggles. "That's a secret, but I'll tell you one day~! For now, rest assured that I have more than enough to cover any and every expense!"
She rests her head against your chest. "These last few months have been easily the happiest of my entire life. I can't imagine what I'd be doing if I never met you! I've never held much stock in conveying gratitude through words, so I'll do it through my actions instead! Everything on this island, including the entirety of my fortune, is equally yours and mine!"
It takes a long moment until you're able to articulate a sentence again. "J-just like that?"
"Of course, sweetie! I love you, after all!"
You stammer, "Wow. I... I love you too, but... what about the outside world?"
"Who needs it? This island is huge--bigger than Texas! It has everything you could ever want and more! And most importantly, I have you and you have me! Why would you ever want to abandon that?"
She hugs you, smothering your face between her enormous breasts.
"Now come on, sweetie! I'll give you a drive around the island, show you around!"

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.