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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Solaria's Two New Toys

Requested by my patron Oloshadow.
The image I used is of two Elezen OCs (who belong to EasternSequence and their friend) from Final Fantasy XIV, done by rozencruz on Tumblr. The blog has since been taken down (you know how Tumblr is in current year), so this is a link to the Wayback Machine. Some sources link to gaikiken's Tumblr page instead, but any link associated with their Tumblr invariably leads to a so-called "Dirty Tinder" spam site. Please be careful if you happen upon it, and please take any claims of hot singles in your area with a substantial grain of salt.

The blue heart emoji I used at the end proved very close in hue to the blue color I pulled from the image for all the glowy stuff. I ultimately made it the exact same color for consistency's sake.

The solid noise overlaid over the text has the seed 7652742, which is SOLARIA on a phone keypad, naturally.

Thanks to Ben, OmniScribbler, and yearends for beta reading and additional contributions.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (the two Elezens are owned by EasternSequence and their friend; Final Fantasy is owned by Square Enix), and above the age of 18.

"Oh, my orgasm-addled darling, have I a tale for you!
"So, for starters, I'm sure you know who I am. ...Right, orgasm-addled, not quite in a conversational state of mind. I'll assume you don't, primarily because I enjoy introducing myself. I am Solaria, the wealthiest and most powerful futanari on planet Earth--absolute ruler of the entirety of Africa and Europe, with Asia well on the way and the Americas coming soon~!
"Naturally, anyone like me with a truly healthy libido would become unsatisfied with conventional means of pleasure. Oh, sex and masturbation are grand and all, but they can get... bland, uninventive.
"So I got right to work on experimenting. Darling, you would be amazed what I can create when horny enough! Customizable liquid neutronium onaholes, an aphrodisiac-laced superfluid--you just stick your dick in it and it does the rest, even a specialized device that harnesses gamma rays from deep space and channels that raw power directly into one's pleasure centers. They were all innovative and certainly entertaining premises, but none of them were groundbreaking! None of them made the universe tremble before futanari supremacy--my supremacy!
"It was then that celestial objects grabbed my attention. Well, it was probably more like when I was harnessing gamma rays, but that's semantic!
"One of the many powers I mastered in my youth was forced perspective-style size manipulation by way of some slight reality warping. I shrunk down a star to a tangible size and showed it a good time! Certainly a step in the right direction, but nowhere near enough! I even plucked the Pleiades cluster out of the sky and went to town on it too! An improvement, but as it turns out, stars just aren't enough for me~!
"I moved on to quasars and black holes. An infinite gravity well does wonders for an indestructible futa cock, but even that didn't satisfy me! At this point, I was starting to get frustrated.
"I wondered if a galaxy was viable. Only one way to find out, naturally! An insane prospect to be sure, but that's part of the futa experience: recognize limits, bypass limits! Shrinking an entire galaxy is actually pretty easy if you're sufficiently motivated. There truly is no limit to what futas are capable of!
"Using the power of an entire galaxy to pleasure myself was the greatest experience of my life... but even that proved inadequate still. I didn't take this project upon myself to innovate or even to become more famous. Any fool can have a clever idea. Any fool can become rich and famous.
"No, what I wanted was far greater than goals as meager as those. Ergo, the only viable option left to me was to mold the power of an entire universe into a sex toy!
"And that, my little bubble-headed futa-toy, is why you're here with me now, in the void between universes, experiencing the overwhelming ecstasy that all futas deserve!
"It is glorious, I know. I must say, that overpleasured look on your face is really something to behold! In fact, it's getting me rather riled up! I think I'll raise the toy's output a hundredfold! Of course, I wouldn't be caught dead with such an uncomposed expression on my face, but that certainly doesn't mean my enjoyment of the experience is at all diminished! If anything, it's enhanced! I can remain perfectly lucid and enjoy not only the boundless euphoria I've created for myself, but also my superiority over mankind and futakind alike!
"I'm sure you can see the appeal! Well, I suppose you can't see much of anything, cross-eyed like that. Nevertheless, you and I will have lots of fun together~💙"

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.