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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Force Pantheon

Requested by my patron Avia Bloodbourn. This is another entry in the Ahosaaverse branch of my Star Wars captions.  Sixteen years after the formation of the Galactic Empire, a Kaminoan archeologist finds a very strange lightsaber on an uncharted world.

The image I used is of Gi Ka, done by b9tribeca on DeviantArt.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Gi Ka is a Star Wars OC owned by Avia Bloodbourn; Star Wars is owned by Lucasfilm), and above the age of 18.

Thanks to Akane, General Tommy, and OmniScribbler for beta reading and additional contributions.

Sixteen years after Palpatine’s Declaration of a New Order, the Galactic Empire’s sovereignty was absolute. Clone troopers became Imperial stormtroopers, who were generally recruited instead of grown. As a result, the previously-vital cloning facilities on Kamino were rendered defunct, leaving the Kaminoans out of a job at best. Their only option at that point was to try their hardest to be useful and worth keeping around in an unabashedly human supremacist organization.

Gi Ka was abundantly familiar with xenophobia, having been almost literally impaled through the heart with it immediately after birth. Her green eyes were indicative of her apparent genetic inferiority, in the dominant mindset of her species. Her blue-eyed parents were just barely tolerable by comparison. They managed to sneak Gi Ka offworld, but they ultimately paid for their transgression with their lives. Fortunately, her escape pod was intercepted by a smuggler who was willing to transport her to a civilized planet.

This was almost simultaneous with the Empire’s takeover. She decided working would be more interesting than losing herself in the crowds of Nar Shaddaa, so she set herself up as an archeologist, getting by with funding from the Empire--with several strings attached, naturally. She was less than fond of them, but resources were resources. It helped that she was constantly behind the scenes--less likely that a Human supremacist group could get up in arms over her existence. Plus her work let her see the galaxy on someone else’s credits--also nice.

Her latest excursion led her to an exceptionally remote system that didn’t even have a proper name. Buried below a couple meters of sandy loam on the barely habitable fourth planet of system Esk 51760 was an extremely peculiar artifact: a lightsaber.

By all rights, its presence here was a virtual impossibility. Never mind that the Jedi were purged sixteen years ago, this planet was never charted--not by the Empire, not by the Republic before them, not by any faction dating back as far as the Republic’s formation. It wasn’t entirely out of the question that some Jedi at some point visited this inhospitable world and left behind their weapon, but given what she knew about them, it seemed uncharacteristic. The weapon looked exceptionally old but very well preserved, which only made it even more enigmatic.

Nevertheless, it was an artifact now, which made it the sort of thing she was looking for, so she collected it and moved on.

Later, back at her home (and lab of sorts) on Nar Shaddaa, she attempted to chronon-date the weapon. It turned out to somehow be at least 47 thousand years old. Gi Ka had trouble believing it could be that old, so she checked her equipment, only to find no malfunctions of any kind. The saber she found indeed predated the Tho Yor ships and any historical mention of the Force by over 11 thousand years, not to mention the earliest precursors to modern lightsabers! Gi Ka was stunned but undeniably intrigued.

She decided to just take the thing apart--give it a full examination, cross-referencing it with some Jedi files she managed to scrounge up. It appeared completely functional, based on her understanding of their design and functionality.

After putting it back together with absolute care, she finally decided to turn it on. Holding it with both hands and ensuring the emitter was pointing away from her, she pressed the activation stud. With an unmistakable snap-hiss, a blade of pure energy sprang to life in her hands. Accompanying it was a very strange feeling of... nostalgia? It wasn’t the lightsaber itself, its aquamarine blade, or the surprising weight of the hilt in her hands contrasting the aquamarine beam’s weightlessness, but something... deeper, more abstract.

She found herself staring into the blade. Upon switching it off, a prominent columnal afterimage lingered in her vision, though that wasn’t what lingered in her mind.

Nostalgia? That can’t be it. I’m not a Jedi. No Kaminoans are. I’ll sleep on this. I know a place where I can stash this thing where no one will see it.

She woke up the next morning having dreamt of something involving a Togruta, Twi’lek, and Rancor, but she wasn’t able to recall any details. She was, however, able to extrapolate something about the dream’s nature, seeing as she apparently experienced a nocturnal emission overnight--and a particularly generous one at that. While irregular, she didn’t pay it much mind--the mysteriously ancient lightsaber interested her more.

After breakfast and a few hours of contemplation, it occurred to her that the feeling she got from igniting the saber seemed to be some kind of information transfer. The Force was essentially the ultimate mystery, especially since all of its users were now dead. She continued doing research, careful to cover her tracks so the Empire wouldn’t hunt her down for the crime of being curious.

Come evening, Gi Ka sighed, realizing she spent a whole day making absolutely no progress. In the silence that followed, she heard something unfamiliar. Rather, she didn’t hear it so much as... feel it.

She isn’t sure what it is, but her body starts moving towards it automatically. In no time, she’s retrieved the saber and it’s in her hands once again. She activated it again and the pieces of the puzzle began to come together--suddenly.

Divine manifestations of the Force itself visited her in her dreams last night--apparently with erotic intent, given the state she woke up in. They were interested in her, though she had no idea why or how to contact them.

Maybe... maybe they’re aware the Jedi are extinct? Do they want to recruit me? I really don’t know how that works, or even if I’m qualified. Hmm... would they be making contact with me if I wasn’t qualified? Probably not. I... I think I have quite a bit of work ahead of me.

Gi Ka gave up going to bed early as she got back to work at her computer. Her instincts were calling the shots now. They took her to an obscure corner of the HoloNet, where she found several enormous files of a type she had never encountered before. She didn’t know what to make of them, but she intuited they were what she needed.

Running the files was impossible without Jedi-made hardware, so she had to create an emulator. That struck her as beyond her capabilities, but her fingers deftly flew across the keyboard nevertheless, putting down line after line of code at a rapid, steady pace. After 42 hours of uninterrupted work, she was finally finished.

She merged the files she downloaded together and imported the gestalt into her emulator, sending the output to her holoprojector. An erratic, flickering humanoid image appeared, resembling a glitchy amalgamation of several different robed individuals--her ‘ensemble’ of Jedi teachers. They had some trouble adapting to their new gestalt form and the fall of the Jedi Order, but Gi Ka was in business before long, even if she wasn’t entirely sure how she managed it.

Force influence, maybe?

She changed her daily routine completely, spending most of her time inside with her doors and window shutters locked. She practiced basic lightsaber techniques and Force usage, under the tutelage of seven different Jedi teachers of old--though their fragmented nature equated them to more like three-fourths of one. It definitely made for a less than ideal teaching environment, but Gi Ka was a fast learner--impressively so, in the opinions of most of her ‘seven’ teachers. The previously alien feel of the lightsaber in her hands was practically second nature to her after a few weeks of diligent study and practice.

She woke up one day, ready to continue practicing, when she was startled to find a humanoid figure in her apartment, nearly tall enough to look at her at eye level. They were entirely clad in black, save for a pair of red shoulder pads. His head was entirely covered in an ominously featureless mask. Three other figures identical to the first stepped around corners to surround her. It was obvious who her uninvited guests were: the Imperial Inquisition.

“Who are you? How did you get in here?” Gi Ka asked. “I’m afraid I’m not equipped to have guests right now.”

“Don’t play coy, alien,” one of them retorted in a digitally synthesized voice. “We’ve been watching you.”

“Then you know I’m not hurting anyone with how I choose to spend my time.”

“Irrelevant. You should be abundantly aware how criminal your behavior has been in these last few weeks. We placed those holocron fragments on the HoloNet to lure the likes of you out. Our presence here should be obvious to you--or is your little alien mind not smart enough to connect the dots?”

“No, no,” Gi Ka replied in a decidedly calmer tone. “I understand completely.”

“Excellent.” All four of them ignited crimson lightsabers and held them at the ready.

The one facing her was about to slice her in half when she uttered, “You’re all fools.”

They paused. “What was that?”

“You heard me.. I’m not just another Jedi for you to slaughter in a heartbeat. No, ‘Jedi’ isn’t quite the right term. I’m more like a... goddess.

“Delusional, I see! Well, that will make cutting you down all the more satisfying!”

Gi Ka reached out with the Force, summoning her lightsaber--which the Inquisitors didn’t notice--to her hand faster than should have been physically possible. She ignited it, causing her body to explode with muscle, tearing her clothing off instantly. With it out of the way, her body’s pheromones began filling the room and overwhelming her assailants. Her eyes glowed brilliant aquamarine, followed by her entire body. She exuded waves of telekinetic force, crippling her apartment’s walls, striking gas lines, and starting fires. Her body began absorbing ambient energy all around her, further augmenting her size, power, and beauty.

The abruptness of her transformation instantly turned her on, resulting in a swift layer of sweat forming over her bare skin. The Inquisitors were brought to their knees in ecstasy, torn between worshipping her godlike form and slicing her up for a sushi lunch. They weren’t going to figure out a course of action anytime soon, so Gi Ka opted to choose for them.

The colossal forms of a Togruta, Twi’lek, and Rancor appeared beside her. The power of their collective presence alone was more than enough to snuff out the Inquisitors instantly. Meanwhile, Gi Ka swooned from it. Ahosaa caught her, though her touch only caused the Kaminoan to cum even harder. Her climax produced the final burst of power she needed to become a Force Goddess of her own. There were no words to express how profoundly grateful and ecstatic she was in that moment. The others understood, of course, having experienced ascending to omnipotence themselves.

Their four essences merged into one, sending Gi Ka to a degree of ecstasy leagues beyond anything she could have fathomed prior to her apotheosis.

On the physical plane of existence, however, it wasn’t so obvious what was happening. Extremely strange and powerful cosmic phenomena were appearing all over the galaxy and even beyond. At first glance they appeared to be related to the Force, though even it wasn’t believed to be capable of outright warping reality itself.

Physics itself was crumbling. Entire planets veered off from their original orbits, as if propelled by some external force that overrode gravity. Stars changed magnitude and color, which was visible in apparently realtime, despite the (now former) speed of light. Portions of the galaxy began spinning, while other portions spun the opposite direction and at different speeds, in some cases violently enough to liquify those clusters. Black holes begin spewing out a type of matter that was completely unheard of. The very small handful of people who managed to acquire a sample for study were utterly baffled by it. It seemed to be a sort of reproductive fluid, though the genetic material inside it was unlike any form of life ever documented before.

The seventh planet of every system with at least that many planets were shoved into the second dimension, flattening every vertically-aligned surface and distributing them all across an endless plane. In some regions, light itself became a sort of impermeable supersolid moving at seemingly random speeds, making space travel as a whole exceptionally difficult.

Through it all, chaos reigned in the universe, albeit only for a short while. The collective climaxes of Ahosaa Taar, Amin’sifi, Raene Tye, and Gi Ka unleashed so much raw power that the universe itself had no choice but to become one with their goddesses.

After a timeless eternity of blissful afterglow, the four regained their senses, realizing they were now in a vast empty void. Ahosaa and Amin cradled each other in a 69 position, lying atop Raene’s universe-dwarfing god cock, who was currently penetrating Gi Ka and still filling her with cum. Those four forms were resting atop Gi Ka’s hand as she brought Raene to new heights of animalistic ecstatic lust while simultaneously penetrating seven iterations of Ahosaa and twelve of Amin with an array of godcocks--four more of which she jacked off telekinetically. Those forms sat on the tip of Amin’s infinitely sensitive cock, which continued to pulse and surge without ever knowing release, thanks to the enchantment brought on by her mistress Ahosaa... though she was entirely under the control of her mistress Gi Ka. Their forms repeated and tiled in infinite combinations, permutations, and fractals, filling the entirety of the void where the universe formerly was.

You know, an infinite number of Ahosaas said, there are other universes out there we could explore. Maybe find some more toys?

Don’t care, countless Raenes replied. Just want fuck.

I agree, innumerable Amins added. There’s no rush. We have all the time in the universe... er, so to speak.

Endless Gi Kas agreed. We’re all having such a good time here. Let’s just bask and fuck.

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.