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Monday, October 05, 2020

The Ultimate Self-Made Woman

Requested by my patron Oloshadow.  You wake up to find your girlfriend Rowan in a particularly unusual state--she wasn't a futa the last time you and she had sex!
The image I used is of Tony Takara’s original character Nella, done by hidarikiki. The uncensored version is from Twitter, though it has some peculiar glitches in certain spots. The censored version on Pixiv doesn't have those, so I blended the two together, upscaling the Pixiv version with the ever-helpful waifu2x-caffe to match the resolution of the Twitter version.

Thanks to Akane and General Tommy for beta reading and additional contributions.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me, and above the age of 18.

Consciousness gradually returns to you, along with the sustained afterglow of an ungodly intense orgasm. Your memories are foggy--you're not really sure how this happened.

“Oh good!” a pleasant, familiar voice says. “You’re awake and unharmed!”

“U-unharmed?” you respond. Your eyes are still bleary from fatigue. “I... what do you mean?”

After rubbing them, you turn your gaze towards her and practically cum yourself on the spot.

Your girlfriend Rowan was a cute, mousy little thing, but now she looks like a veritable goddess! She even had a cock like a futanari... though even most futas weren't as big as she somehow was!

“Well, we, ah... had sex.”

“Wh-what happened to you, though?! How did you become so... so... big?”

“It's a bit of a long story," she says.

“I-I'm definitely not complaining,” you stammer. “Please, explain!”

“Okay, let's see here. Lately, I was getting increasingly concerned that I wasn't able to satisfy your sexual desires. You seemed... less than satisfied in bed. You know how I am--that sort of thing goes to my head, no matter how subtle. So I started acting on impulse. I thought there was something wrong with me that I had to fix. I mean, just look at any futa and you'll be instantly envious of her. They're all so overwhelmingly powerful and sexy and carefree, and you just know they're feeling more pleasure than you ever will, even if they’re just lounging around!”

You nod, knowing exactly where she was coming from. It was distressingly easy to become overwhelmed anywhere a futa was concerned.

Rowan continues, “You recall that I've started dabbling in chemistry and genetics--mostly as a hobby, really. I didn't really keep you apprised of my progress. Well, I got to the point that I was confident the serum I made was safe for human testing, so I took it myself. At first it didn't seem to do anything, but as we were having sex earlier, it began.”

That rings a bell for you. She started screaming in the middle of sex. You thought you had accidentally hurt her, but it quickly became apparent that she wasn't screaming in pain--quite the opposite, as it turns out--and that the source was from within, not without. You also recall the faint image of a truly gargantuan cock. Given her current state, it must have been hers.

“Wow, I... I'm not sure how to respond! Like... I love you for who you are, and I don't think you need to change yourself for my benefit, but... holy shit! I-I'm at a loss for words here! Honestly, I doubt I could've fantasized you becoming as perfect as you are now!”

“I actually haven't told you everything yet,” she interjects, seeming almost embarrassed.

The implication boggles your imagination. You just barely manage to utter, “O-oh?”

“You see, futas are naturally very powerful--beyond superhuman. The thing is... I am now to futas as futas are to humans.”

That last sentence flat-out did not compute in your head. “...What. I-I'm not sure I understand.”

“I've become easily the most powerful futa to ever exist. Really, it'd be most accurate to say I've become a goddess.”

The words slowly start to process in your mind. “So... you, my girlfriend... made a serum, drank it, had sex with me, a-and now you're... you're a...”

“A goddess, right.”

“My girlfriend is a goddess,” you reiterate. It doesn't feel real. You thought the words, said them out loud. You know what they mean, but even so... it doesn't feel real. “I...”

“I'm sorry!” she blurts out. “I haven't been very tactful here. This is a huge change for you and especially me. I was just expecting a curvier body, not all this!”

“N-no kidding...."

“But now that I have all this power, I wouldn't trade it for anything. It just feels so unimaginably good, you have no idea!"

Your heart sinks. “O-oh, I, um... I see. I... understand. These things... happen."

“Hm? Oh, no, you've got it all wrong! I may be on the path to omnipotence, but I'm still your girlfriend. Nothing can change how I feel about you--especially since my authority over reality is now more or less supreme. Rest assured, no matter how powerful I become, you will always be at my side as the love of my life.”

“Y-you're sure.” Your response was less a question and more an observation--awed in how unexpected it was. “Oh my god. Y-you're serious.” The wheels in your head start spinning again, gradually resuming their normal speed. “You probably could find or make yourself a perfect lover leagues beyond me... and you still want me?”

“Of course I do! What, did you think I was compromising when I became your girlfriend? No! I love you because you’re you!

Your vision gets clouded again, this time by tears. Not even trying to stifle them, you reach out and embrace her. She's very warm and soft to the touch, to the point that you feel like you could stay like this forever.

“Thank you. Thank you, Rowan! I'm so happy for you, for us! I-I’m so happy that you really love me!”

“So am I,” she replies. “Moreover, I think we'll both love what I'm capable of with my new powers!”

“Oh?” You pause a moment to clear your face of tears. “How powerful are you now, anyway?”

“That's hard to determine at the moment. I haven't found any sort of limit to them so far, actually. At the very least, I'm capable of manipulating galaxies with ease. I've only experimented to that point while you were unconscious and as we've been talking.” Rowan pauses for a moment. “Come to think of it, I shouldn’t have been able to figure out the specifics of that serum I made. I can now, but that should go without saying.”

“What do you mean?”

“I think I sent--will send, rather--that knowledge to my past self, so she can create the serum and become the goddess I am now!”

“S-so you’re saying your godhood is thanks to a time paradox? I-is that even possible?”

“Well, anything’s possible with this kind of power, but...” A smirk forms on her ineffable lips. “I think it’s more that I’m the ultimate self-made woman! I became a goddess simply because I wanted to!” She snaps her fingers, producing a small flash of violet light. “Poof! Past me now has a crazy idea that will ultimately make her into a goddess--me!”

Learning of that causes you to cum rather abruptly. It nearly splatters in Rowan’s face, but she catches it with telekinesis, apparently without even thinking.

“Whoa, easy there, tiger!” she giggles. “Hang on... I’d like to try something.”

The blob of cum between you and her starts glowing a myriad of colors. Its consistency and opacity start changing rapidly, as if she was modifying it with her mind. That didn’t come as a surprise to you, though it was still fascinating to watch.

The transmutation appeared to stop abruptly, and the blob floated gently towards your face.

“I’ve made your cumshot into a serum similar to what I made for myself. This won’t make you into an outright goddess, but it’ll slow your aging to a halt--you’ll live as long as I do, which is almost certainly forever--and it’ll let you safely enjoy all the crazy goddess sex I have planned for you~”

Your heart either starts pounding violently in your chest or stops completely--you’re too overwhelmed to tell. Eventually, you’re able to nod your head in approval.

“Alright, here it comes. Brace yourself--you’ll be getting quite a bit of power here~!”

The serum blob drifts into your agape mouth. She telekinetically holds you steady and ensures you’re swallowing properly. Every gulp sharpens your senses, at first back to their normal relaxed state, and then past them! You start feeling superhuman in no time.

“And for the final touch...” She moves in very close. Time seems to stop as you revel in the intimacy. Rowan’s face is so overwhelmingly beautiful.... The fact that she’s your girlfriend still hasn’t quite sunk in yet.

She wraps her arms around you and kisses you on the lips. Some kind of power begins surging inside you--different from the serum. You know instinctively what’s happening: she’s making you into the ideal self you’ve only ever fantasized about. It’s beyond pleasurable, positively rapturous. Your body’s musculature fades away and becomes petite, though not to the point of emaciation. All your body hair, save for that on your head, evaporates. Your cock, however...

It ends up being as big and powerful as your girlfriend’s, if not even more so. You expect to pass out at the sight of it, but the serum you drank augmented your physiology countless times over, letting you remain awake and lucid to watch it grow to its full size, practically dwarfing the rest of you.

Rowan is ecstatic at the sight. “You look so amazing! But more importantly, how do you feel?”

You grin. “Horny. Remember, I passed out before the good stuff started last time!”

“Oh, you are in for a treat, lover!”

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.