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Monday, December 21, 2020

Merging Into Goddesshood

Requested by my patron LumFan99. Thanks to General Tommy and OmniScribbler for beta reading and additional contributions.

This takes place after my previous Dragon Ball caption, in which Pan ascends to omnipotence via Blutz Waves. It's not exactly explained in either caption, but her "[wresting] control of the entire multiverse from both iterations of the Omni-King, meeting no resistance" means that she proved her superior power to Zeno and his angels, which they had no choice but to acknowledge. Fortunately for them, Pan isn't interested in ruling, just finding strong people to fight. Zeno remains the Omni-King while Pan is the multiverse's actual supreme being, doing whatever she wants with her omnipotence.

The image I used is fanart of Launch from Dragon Ball, done by Tasaka Shinnosuke on Pixiv (first image).

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Dragon Ball is owned by Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, and Shueisha), and above the age of 18.

Upon waking up one morning, Tien Shinhan opened his eyes and saw pure white light, not his bedroom's ceiling. He looked around, but the white void he was in appeared to exist in all directions. It was completely silent. He couldn't help but feel somewhat uneasy.
"Tien, sweetie!" a familiar voice chirped. "Have I got news for you!"
"Launch? Where are we? Where are you?"
She appeared before him, as if stepping through a dense fog. Surprisingly enough, her hair was green and her eyes were glowing. Additionally, her body apparently grew bigger in every respect--her clothes look distinctly tighter on her and she now stood a bit above eye level with Tien's third eye.
"W-wow...." he managed to utter.
"I know, right? Green suits me, don't you think?"
"A-absolutely! Did you dye your hair?" It occurred to Tien that he wasn't sure which of Launch's personalities was present.
"Not exactly. Actually, I got my personality disorder cured!"
"Ah, I see--blue and and yellow mix together and become green."
"Exactly! Now you've got the best of both worlds, and more!"
"And more?"
"Oh yes," she replied with a smirk, "there's a bit of a story there. I was relaxing outside with Bulma one afternoon, enjoying tea and each other's company. The matter of my split personality came up--she noted that it must be rather burdensome to essentially become a different person on the drop of a hat. I told her I was used to it, but she became quite interested in figuring out a way to stabilize the two personalities and the transition between them. I welcomed any help her expertise would be able to provide. Days later, she eagerly approached me with a Capsule containing a machine she constructed. I simply stepped inside, let it work, and voilà!"
Tien replied, "So that machine merged your two personalities together?"
"Yes, but there's still the 'and more'! Some time later, I met an extremely powerful and otherworldly-looking fellow named Whis, a guide angel for our universe. Apparently I'm an 'exceptionally unique individual' who caught his attention. He wanted to train me to unlock the fullest extent of my potential! I was intrigued, so I accepted! I trained for decades, though it only took a few minutes in real time--Whis slowed down time for me, kinda like the Hyperbolic Time Chamber! I became more powerful than I ever dreamed possible! Whis was so proud of me for exceeding his expectations!
"He presented me before his master, the unquestioned true ruler of the multiverse and beyond: an immeasurably beautiful and powerful Super Saiyan named Pan! She apparently sent Whis to find someone exceptional for her to fight--that being me! I felt good about my odds at the time, but in retrospect I didn't stand much of a chance against her. Regardless, I earned her respect and she reached out a hand in friendship. As I took it, every fiber of my being exploded in raw power, putting what I thought was the height of my potential to shame! I can do literally anything now! Watch this!"
A submachine gun appeared in her hand--a MAC-10, Tien recalled from looking into Launch's choices of firearms--which she aimed up over her head. With a smirk, she fired. The white void cleared away to reveal that her gun unleashed an enormous beam of raw destructive power into the cosmos. It was like a Kamehameha, only countless orders of magnitude larger and more powerful than he thought possible. The wave of pure energy stretched in every direction, extinguishing every point of light in the sky and beyond. It continued roaring farther and farther away until it left only the vacuum of space where a dozen galactic clusters lay.
"Don't worry, all that was uninhabited. We're very far from home right now, actually."
Like footage run in reverse, the beam of energy seemed to shoot back into the gun, restoring the countless points of light as if nothing happened to them all.
Tien stood there in a daze, motionless until he felt an ache forming just above his third eye. Rubbing it, he muttered, "Hang on, I-I'm a bit overwhelmed here."
"Well, to sum up, your girlfriend is now the second most powerful being in all of existence! And let me tell you, infinite power feels amazing--unlike anything you could fathom! Additionally, I've learned it also has a remarkable aphrodisiacal effect. I've never felt so horny in my entire life! How'd you like to spend the next millennium of subjective time enjoying it with me?"

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.