Spoilers for Pokémon Sun/Moon within. Plumeria's Salazzle undergoes an astounding transformation.
Commissioned by Anonymous. Thanks to Akane for beta reading and additional contributions.
This is a sequel to my previous Pokémon caption, though this time it takes place in Alola instead.
The image I used is fanart of a humanized Salazzle from Pokémon, drawn by moe (hamhamham) on Pixiv (8th image).
All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Pokémon is owned by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures), and above the age of 18.
After all the craziness with Ultra Space and Lusamine’s obsessive episode with Nihilego, Guzma breaking up Team Skull was actually a welcome development to Plumeria, who just wanted something resembling normalcy to return.
Most of the team went their own separate ways, either doing their own thing or rebranding themselves into Team Reskull the rescue team. Plumeria relocated her camper to Route 13, intending to train for a while before challenging the local Pokémon League.
While in Malie City to pick up supplies, she had heard rumors circulating, mentioning some ex-Team Skull members causing trouble around the island, unsurprisingly. She wanted to help the nascent Team Reskull however she could, especially since they were at a disadvantage due to their previous reputation.
She quickly realized she had become used to doing this sort of thing with Guzma and the others. Getting the group back together just for this would be a waste of time, and besides, what sort of reliable big sis would she be if she couldn’t take care of something simple like this on her own?
She continued her training while keeping a vigilant eye out for the rogue elements. After days of no luck passed, her vigilance began to wear away into weariness. It felt like she had wandered every square meter of Ula’ula Island by now....
Did the rogues leave the island? Were the rumors nothing more than that? Either way, it felt more and more like she had wasted her time.
Sensing her frustration, her Salazzle nuzzled her head against Plumeria’s thigh, whose expression in turn softened.
“Thanks, Sala,” Plumeria said, smiling gently and petting her head. “You’re right, I’m not really alone. I have you, at least.”
Sala smiled and reoriented herself to stand on her hind legs, though only briefly. Her feet lifted off the ground as she became suffused in an otherworldly nimbus. Her dark scales appeared to transmute into fair human-looking skin, clad in a black bikini with pink accents. Long tresses of dark hair accented with thin rose-colored strands sprouted from her head. Her eyes became a deep azure, rivaling even the brilliance of Melemele Sea.
There was no questioning it. By all rights it should have been impossible, but apparently Sala had spontaneously transformed into human form. Not only that, but she was astonishingly, provocatively beautiful. She couldn’t help but stare in awe.
“Well, aren’t you going to say something?” Sala asked, smiling beatifically.
Plumeria couldn’t help but tear up slightly at the sheer resplendence before her. She had no words.
Sala nodded. “It’s okay, I understand. I have this effect on just about everyone.”
It took some time, but Plumeria was eventually able to form a coherent thought. “Y-you’re sentient?”
“I am. I have been for a while, actually, but I was hesitant to reveal myself too soon.”
“I-I don’t know what to say....”
“That’s alright. I--” Sala paused abruptly. “Oh dear. I’m afraid I released my pheromones a moment ago.”
Plumeria was already starting to feel their effects. Sala was so incredibly beautiful... she desperately wanted to leap on top of her, ravage her with kisses, luxuriate in her touch and body heat, indulge herself like she never had before. She had to fight to maintain her composure--a fight she was losing, slowly but surely.
“I’m sorry about this,” Sala continued. “I can render you unconscious for the duration if you’d like--set you down in your camper so you can nap. You’ll have to decide pretty soon.”
Plumeria considered this strange situation she found herself in. It certainly wasn’t every day that one’s Pokémon revealed themself to be supernaturally beautiful angels in disguise. Yet... it didn’t bother Plumeria as much as she would’ve thought. She had owned Sala for years now--though ‘own’ was probably not the best word. The two of them were already close, so, in a strange way, this felt like a natural progression to her. Plus, there was no denying she was very attracted to her... what would the harm be in indulging herself, especially when she was feeling down?
“That’s okay,” she answered. “I’d like to ride this out. It sounds like fun, you know?”
Sala smiled again, this time in comprehension. “Yes, I do. I had a feeling you felt the same way I do, but I wanted to be sure first.”
“I’m kinda confused though,” Plumeria said. “Were you always like this?”
“No, actually. I... don’t remember how it happened. There was another Salazzle, then I woke up someplace bright white... and quite cold. That might have been a dream, but I felt a lot different after that--like how I am now. I can’t explain it.”
A thought occurred to Plumeria. “Could that have been the Aether Foundation?”
Sala shrugged. “I wouldn’t know, I’ve never heard of that before.”
“They’re a sort of Pokémon hospital and shelter... though some of their employees don’t have the, uh... most noble of intentions.”
She was barely able to finish that sentence without letting out a lusty moan. Her inhibitions were practically gone now.
“We can speculate later. Let’s have some fun!”
Sala smirked. “I like your thin--”
She was interrupted mid-sentence by Plumeria embracing her tightly and planting a kiss on her perfect lips. The contact sent shivers of a strange and remarkably pleasurable sensation like electricity through their bodies. Passion and ecstasy rushed to the forefront as everything else became background noise.
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