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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Milk Seraphim

Thanks to OuijaSpider for inspiration, CrypticCollaborator for helping make sure her halo was aligned, and Akane for helping come up with the title.
As you probably guessed from that, I added her halo from scratch. For a flat white ring angled somewhat with the Perspective tool and made glowy, it turned out pretty well, I think.  I'll probably do something similar in the future if I need more halos.

Judaism and Christianity both refer to an angelic hierarchies, which makes sense seeing as half of Christianity is Judaism. Christianity is consistent with their hierarchy--seraphim are top dogs in heaven. Meanwhile, Judaism isn't so simple. They cite at least five different lists of ten tiers of angel, with seraphim only sometimes at the number one spot. I was raised Christian (agnostic now) and their take is most familiar to me (thanks Bayonetta 😊), so I opted to use their system here for simplicity's sake. That and I think the term "seraphim" is a lot more familiar to the average reader than, say, "Chayot Ha Kodesh". Maybe that's a more familiar term if you're Jewish? I dunno. If anyone reading this is Jewish, hit me up. Is Chayot Ha Kodesh a household term for you?

The image I used is of a cow/oppai goddess by x nihiro on Pixiv. I used both pictures within, so she's lactating with her mouth open, but not blushing. Producing mommy milkies is very much her thing and she's smiling beatifically, so it makes sense that she wouldn't be embarrassed about doing it. She's also a stone's throw from omnipotence, so who could possibly stop her?

All persons depicted and mentioned are fictitious, not owned by me, and above the age of 18.

Oh, Master! You're awake! You kinda passed out when you first saw the new me. I kept you close and let you drink my milk to get your body used to being around me again. I'm glad you're feeling better now.
Those weird supplements you gave me worked wonders on me, and then some! My milk is the purest it's ever been by far, and production is through the roof! In fact, I'm actually having trouble stopping it!
Mmm... you know, I don't think I really care. It feels so good and my milk tastes so amazing... I don't want this to ever end!
You know, now that I think about it, I don't think it ever will end. I think it was my destiny to take those supplements you gave me and become an angel--well, a seraph, to be specific. It's thanks to you that I've become so powerful, and I'll keep becoming more and more powerful over time! Just imagine--I'll be able to share my milk with all of existence! It's so pure and full of life energy that a single drop can turn a barren desert into a heavenly oasis! Dead soil becomes overwhelmingly fertile! Even decades of pollution melt away like ice on a hot day! If I'm capable of all that as a side effect of my presence alone, then just imagine what I'm capable of if I really put my mind to it!
Oh my... I think my ascension isn't finished yet. I'll probably keep going, beyond even the level of a seraph! I don't actually know what's beyond that point... I might become a goddess next! Don't worry, Master. No matter what happens, no matter how divine I become, I will always love you.
Mmm.... it'll be any second now! Are you ready, Master? Because I certainly am!

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.