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Saturday, September 12, 2020

A Throne for the Universe

Trigger warning: rape. Additionally, this one is quite a bit more fucked up than my usual fare. Consider yourself warned.

Spoilers for season 8 of Game of Thrones within.
Working title: DragoNerys

Requested by my patron Avia Bloodbourn. Many thanks to OmniScribbler for providing his insight about the series. Additional thanks to Akane for beta reading and additional contributions.

Both images I used are fanart of Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones, done by b9tribeca on Fur Affinity--the first one and the second.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (A Song of Ice and Fire is owned by George R. R. Martin), and above the age of 18.

305 AC. Queen Daenerys Targaryen’s war for Westeros led her forces to King’s Landing. Inside the pale red stone of the Red Keep, she knew, was Cersei Lannister--not for long, anyway.

She rode her last surviving dragon, Drogon, into battle. She ambushed the Iron Fleet while it was still preparing for the attack. She angled her descent precisely so they would have to stare directly towards the sun and be blinded.

Drogon let out mighty bursts of dragonfire, tearing apart dozens of ships, even managing to take down Euron Greyjoy’s black-clad ship, the Silence. He just barely managed to survive by jumping into the water, but Daenerys wasn’t concerned about his fate. She was singularly focused on only one Lannister squatting on a certain misappropriated throne.

Lannister’s men up on the ramparts were more prepared than the Iron Fleet, all ready to shoot her down with their scorpions. They didn’t have a chance of scoring a hit--Drogon was too fast for them to shoot down.

Before she could destroy the last of their armaments, one of them managed a lucky shot, striking Drogon where it hurt most. He couldn’t remain airborne and fell from the sky. Her Dothraki allies knew their orders and proceeded without her. They trusted their queen could pull through anything.

Daenerys wasn’t hurt by the bolt, but Drogon was in trouble. The impact of landing on the jagged rocks just outside the city walls wouldn’t help. She attempted to keep a tight grip on her dragon in hopes of surviving the fall. Unfortunately, the uneven terrain gave him a particularly violent jolt on impact, nearly killing it and severely wounding Daenerys.

Covered in Drogon’s blood and her own alike, she struggled to remain conscious, though that quickly turned out to be an uphill battle. She had lost a lot of blood from the impact and the wounds it created.

She managed to drag herself close to Drogon’s head, albeit not without inducing more jolts of pain all across her mangled body. She just wanted to comfort the closest thing she ever had to a child in his last moments. He certainly appreciated it--death was certainly a frightening thing to confront.

At least, that’s what she expected. In reality, Daenerys found its looming overhead far less ominous and dramatic than she expected. It simply manifested and overtook mother and son simultaneously. Very professional and efficient. She respected that, even if it didn’t mean anything to her anymore.

The blood of Daenerys Targaryen and Drogon mixed together coupled with their lives ending at exactly the same time caused an unforeseeable miracle to occur--one that hadn’t ever occurred in recorded history. The corpses became enveloped in otherworldly light, making the daylight seem dim by comparison. The light began moving, assuming a form--a decidedly humanoid one, but much larger... and with a tail?

The aching pain suffusing her body simply evaporated. She exploded in size, tearing through her damaged armor like it was nothing. Once she stood up, she had a new perspective on the battlefield, as she was now standing 27 feet tall!

She felt even better than she looked, especially considering she was dead mere moments ago. Raw power flooded every fiber of her new draconic body and she intended to use it. Cersei was in for a surprise, to be sure.

The Red Keep was on the other side of the wall, just next to where she crashed. Ordinarily, that wall would have been quite an obstacle, but with all her newfound power, it felt like she could tear through it like paper.

It was still about four times taller than her, however. She gave the wall an experimental push. Much to her surprise and delight, it crumbled with less effort than she was expecting. With a bit more oomph, she gave the wall a good shove and produced a hole large enough for her to walk through.

Cersei wasn’t a fighter--she was bound to be holed up in Maegor’s Holdfast, the most secure part of the Keep. Even then, she expected little resistance, given all the power at her command. The guards scattered throughout the courtyard were admittedly attacking her with swords and arrows and whatever they could get their hands on, but they all bounced harmlessly off her bare skin without even leaving scratches.

It looked like she was merely a giant with a dragon’s tail, but her skin proved to be at least as durable as dragon scales. It would probably take days of sustained arrow fire to even wound her, so she could safely ignore them. Before long, many guards became too scared to continue attacking the colossal beast of a woman and either fled or redirected their fire to targets less unnaturally horrifying.

Daenerys couldn’t think of anything more empowering than that. She giggled and spun around, carelessly letting her tail slam clear through several structures. She decided against wasting any time and sliced off the holdfast’s roof. Its robust structure made the process a bit trickier, but by no means impossible.

She peered down into the structure. It didn’t take long for her to find Cersei, as she was practically the only one inside. Someone seemed to have slaughtered all of the Queensguard--an inconsequential detail that Daenerys didn’t concern herself with.

Upon seeing Daenerys in all her immense draconic glory, Cersei had completely abandoned her queenly regality in favor of cowering in fear. Her terrified eyes shot upward and stared up at her, too shocked to move.

The sight was positively delicious to Daenerys. She eagerly picked up the tiny woman, who barely even reacted. Despair had quickly set in, immobilizing her.

Daenerys considered the so-called queen. She was so pathetically defenseless.... honestly, Daenerys had already won, given how much her presence alone demoralized the Lannister.

But she couldn’t simply let her go. The prideful bitch would invariably muster up some more courage and try squatting on another throne--a headache Daenerys just didn’t want to deal with.

A precisely aimed swing of her talon-like fingernail sliced apart Cersei’s robes, leaving her both quite naked and uninjured. Actually, she looked rather cute. The sight turned Daenerys on, though she didn’t think she was interested in women. Maybe the adrenaline lowered her standards?

All of a sudden, Cersei’s body began transforming. Her breasts grew larger and firmer and her hair became a cascading golden mane. Daenerys didn’t even realize at first that her thoughts had just become reality. That realization got her plenty riled up--to the point that her vagina was dripping wet.

Cersei was practically limp in Daenerys’ grip, so simply adjusting it spread the Lannister’s legs effortlessly. She gave the ex-queen’s vagina a gentle lick. Cersei tasted surprisingly better than expected. She proceeded to eat out Cersei vigorously, deftly extracting all the fluid she could. Her fear, defeat, and subsequent despair fermented her dregs beautifully, effectively making her into a human-shaped flask--an accurate description, as Daenerys no longer considered the Lannister a person, especially considering its lack of resistance as she continued drinking from between its legs.

Once it was empty, Daenerys took another look at the ex-queen. A trail of saliva briefly connected her mouth and its vagina.

It had reached the end of its usefulness, so Daenerys swallowed it whole, though not before removing the crown from its head. She focused intently after swallowing, feeling it slide down her esophagus and land in her stomach. With concentration, she could feel the life fading from it.

After a few seconds of anticipation, she felt the life of Cersei Lannister extinguish in her stomach like a candle flame tossed into the ocean. Daenerys just stood there in disbelief, not believing her senses for a short moment, then she became aware of the ecstasy of victory flooding her body. She tossed her head back and roared to the heavens.

Everyone in Red Keep heard her. Everyone in King’s Landing heard her. Everyone in Lannisport heard her. All of Westeros heard her. She wanted her victory known to the world, and so she willed it. Her allies and followers cheered and worshipped her.

A new feeling of power began manifesting inside her, causing her to begin growing even larger. Thirty, sixty, 120... she noted that she did indeed have control of her new and profound growth spurt, but it felt so unimaginably good to let loose.

She won. Not just King’s Landing, not just the Iron Throne, but all of Westeros was hers. She just needed troops to take over. Of course, merely desiring their existence was all she needed to create the largest army in recorded history out of nothing. They were all just as invulnerable as she was and only thought of how to best serve their queen.

Given the sheer number of soldiers she created, Westeros became hers in only a couple minutes. As she became tens of miles tall, she turned around and noticed the unconquered Essos in the distance. She decided to go one step further and simply will the continent’s population to worship and serve her--no conquest necessary. In no time at all, the whole world was hers.

The skin on her back tore open as wings emerged, rapidly growing to accommodate her immense body. The tearing and reshaping of her flesh and bones would have been exquisitely painful for her if she wasn’t high on ecstasy beyond comprehension.

As she continued growing, she began to notice a curvature in the land. Almost like... like it was an enormous sphere!

An idea began forming inside her head. From an enormous distance, the light of the sun might appear to be just a tiny point of light, which could mean every star in the sky had other worlds like hers full of territory for her to conquer!

She leapt into the air and tried using her new wings to fly. It felt strange, using muscles she didn’t have before, but she quickly adapted. She shot skyward, faster and higher than any other dragon.

She passed through the cloud layer and noticed the sky darkening. Stars appeared. The light from the sun appeared even brighter against the now-night sky.

As the blue sky receded to a thin layer outlining the world, she noted a lack of air. Not that it mattered much to her--she was more than capable of sustaining herself through raw power alone. Her supply of that power was rapidly increasing, faster than she could ever hope to use it, so it was safe to assume she was now immortal and invulnerable. More than that, it was a fact, simply because she wished it so.

Her continuing growth and ascension caused the spherical world to become smaller and smaller--small enough to hold in her hand. She considered the tiny orb. All her life’s experiences up to now happened in such a tiny space--a thoroughly profound concept, though it paled in comparison to what Daenerys was becoming.

Her rapidly improving senses let her perceive the extremely subtle rotation of the world. Even more subtle was its orbit around the sun, thus resulting in the cycle of day and night. A slight fluctuating tilt towards or away from the sun resulted in different halves of the world experiencing summer and winter, respectively.

She noticed six other similar objects around her in the distance, also slowly revolving around the sun--the seven wanderers, if the Faith was to be believed. Given that she could tell the closer ones were lifeless rocks and the more distant ones were uninhabitable balls of various gases, she was inclined to not believe them.

The light from the sun apparently took several minutes to actually reach the world. Given the age of the light from the stars in the distance, it would seem that all light moves at a constant, immutable speed. Human eyes perceived it as instantaneous, but she was no longer afflicted with such limited senses.

Her massive wings had brought her this far with ease, which made her wonder just how fast they could take her. Light appeared to be the fastest thing to exist, but surely, with all her power, it could be surpassed!

She gave her wings a good hard thrust and shot further away from the world as fast as she could manage. Without air, there was no wind for her to feel. Likewise, there were no points of reference, so it wasn’t apparent to her that she was actually moving at all. Nevertheless, she could feel her movement, even if the visual stimulus she was used to accompanying it was absent.

She continued thrusting her wings, putting more and more force into it. After a short while, she passed the sun and even the stationary stars in the distance began moving and streaking past her. They sped past her with increasing alacrity, though they gradually became less frequent, eventually vanishing entirely.

Daenerys thought that was peculiar, so she stopped and turned around.... and gasped.

Before her was an immense spiral-shaped disc made of luminous clouds. Upon closer examination, its light actually came from billions of stars, tightly packed together. It proved to be far more beautiful than she expected--even the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Given the path she was on, however, she immediately interpreted its existence as a challenge. She could absolutely grow larger and more beautiful than it, and with all the power at her command, it was simply a matter of willpower.

Her second growth spurt was accompanied by every bit of muscle in her body becoming exponentially more dense, resulting in her strength increasing almost too fast and by too much for even her to keep track of her progress. Another pair of arms burst through her sides, which proved to be just as strong as her first two.

Almost instantly, the disc became small enough to fit in her hands. She held one and willed the next closest one to move closer to her, letting her hold it too. Her proximity alone caused their inhabitants to swiftly drop what they were doing and worship her. She could feel each and every one of them as if they were making love to her!

The experience was unlike anything she could have imagined, let alone prepared herself for. She couldn’t help but use her second pair of arms to masturbate.

Bolts of raw power shot from her vagina as she stimulated herself more and more. They arced across her body and into the pair of starry discs, suffusing them with sexual energy straight from the most abundant source in existence.

Once her ecstatic power filled the discs to saturation, she absorbed the power they contained, empowering her beyond comprehension. Her lower pair of arms were just about to bring her to orgasm. As they did so, she unleashed an explosion of so much raw power spanning so immeasurably far that she was able to absorb the power from billions of discs simultaneously.

All that power became hers so quickly that she came again, harder than ever before. Instead of growing bigger, she decided to take her apotheosis in another direction. She applied the fullest extent of her powers and made the universe and herself one and the same.

She was everywhere and everything now. Her power was unstoppable, her ecstasy endless.

Even while high on unfathomable omnipotence, she could perceive an infinite number of other universes. Her conquest would be eternal.

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.