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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Kouhai Goddess

Requested by my patron Oloshadow.
I chose Fuka Toyokawa in particular to accompany Azusa in this one since they’re close in age (Fuka is a year older than Azusa), similar (blue hair, warm-colored eyes, busty, sweethearts, Angel idols (in Theater Days)) and both come from Chiba. Fuka admittedly doesn’t explicitly have a college education in her backstory, but she was a nurse before becoming an idol, so it’s a safe bet that she went to some kind of school for that.

The image I used is fanart of Azusa Miura from Idolmaster, done by momo no suidou-sui on Pixiv. Additionally, while it doesn’t actually appear here, I also used another piece of fanart of Fuka by Khanka Shui on Pixiv as a reference for her casual outfit.

Thanks to Akane, CrypticCollaborator, and OmniScribbler for beta reading and additional contributions.

All persons depicted are fictitious, not owned by me (Idolmaster and all characters depicted or mentioned are owned by Bandai Namco Games), and above the age of 18.

Azusa decided one evening to visit Ichikawa Junior College, her alma mater back in Chiba. It wasn’t long ago that she was a student there, so she still knew people there and, in some cases, their sexual proclivities. She was in the mood for the kind of orgy that only horny college students could provide. She had a naturally spectacular body for the occasion, but it seemed a bit inadequate for the kind of fun she wanted to have.

In a flash of violet light, her casual clothes became a tight micro bikini. She ran her hands down her figure, enjoying the results... though it lacked a certain je ne sais quoi. She touched the triangular pieces of polyester over her nipples and allowed the material to envelop her hands and travel down her arms, tapering off at her shoulders. She then produced two thin bands around her thighs which expanded downward to become a pair of snug thigh highs underneath a pair of purple high heels she spontaneously created. Satisfied with her new boots and gloves, she swiped her hands over her womb in a V shape, producing an intricate tattoo in the shape of several hearts surrounded by a pair of angelic wings. Touching it with her gloves triggered a surge of erotic magic to begin working its way through her body. Hearts formed in her eyes as pure lust overtook her. A lesser person in her place would have been driven mad, but Azusa reveled in it. It was effortless for an omnipotent being such as herself to maintain control of her mind and other faculties. Being in heat like this simply meant everything felt even better than normal!

She eagerly moved her hands to her chest and moaned as her fingers sank into the supple mounds of flesh. The magic augmented her body’s sensitivity exponentially, so she came several times just from letting out a few drops of milk. Her breasts swelled dramatically as more and more milk accumulated within. In no time, they exceeded the size of her head, which produced more strain than the tie in the back of her suddenly way too small bikini could handle. She doubled over slightly from the additional weight, though it wasn’t a burden on her at all. On the contrary, few things felt better than becoming sex incarnate.
Azusa clutches her immense breasts with a lewd smile on her face and hearts in her eyes.

It was late, so hardly anyone was out and about on campus, but she was more than capable of remedying that. She had a particular student in mind: her fellow idol Fuka Toyokawa, currently balancing her idol work during the day with part-time nursing classes at night. She had just finished her last class of the evening, so she was on her way to her dorm. Azusa simply stepped out from the shadows into her path as she walked through the school’s gate.

Fuka was immediately, and understandably, stunned by Azusa’s new look, to the point that she nearly dropped the mostly-empty water bottle in her hand.


“The one and only! Like what you see?”

“Ah-- well, y-- I mean... um...”

Noticing Fuka was overwhelmed, Azusa dropped her lust aura and assumed a more comforting demeanor.

“Is something wrong?”

Fuka stammered, "Well, th-this doesn’t seem right to me! I... I’ve always been a traditional sort of idol, you know? I have fans who like me that way, s-so I don’t want to change that. Never mind that you’re my senpai....”

Nodding, Azusa replied, “I understand, but you shouldn’t deprive yourself of your desires in the process. It’s actually quite easy to balance what’s expected of you and what you want.”

“It is? H-how?”

“Allow me to show you.”

Azusa reached a hand out towards her. She could have effortlessly made herself objectively perfect and irresistible. Fuka would have become addicted to her in an instant... but she wanted Fuka to make that choice for herself.

Fuka couldn’t deny she was both intensely curious and eager to be free of her internal conflict, so she took the offered hand. Azusa smiled and pulled her in close--a little startling, but definitely not a turn-off. Her relationship with Azusa had been strictly platonic up to this point, though she had to admit that her senpai’s profound beauty lingered in the back of her mind more often than not....

Azusa’s slightest touch alone ignited Fuka’s body with ecstasy, turning her into a sweaty, quivering mess in no time at all. She was dressed modestly, prioritizing comfort over looks--she was sitting in a lecture hall for the last couple hours, after all. A pullover hoodie and jeans might have been sufficient for that and a walk back to her dorm in cool weather, but right now they were just in the way! She was on the brink of overheating! She had to get it all off so she could feel her skin against her senpai’s--she needed it!

With one hand at her hoodie’s collar and the other at its hem, she tore a fairly clean line down its front. She pulled the tank top she had on underneath it over her breasts. She thanked her past self for deciding to forego wearing a bra today as the touch of her nipples against Azusa’s hot, milk-soaked body brought her to the swiftest and most intense orgasm of her life.

Of course, Azusa had no intention of letting it end there. She willed Fuka’s skinny jeans out of existence and warped her panties off her left leg, letting them fall down to her right ankle and out of the way. She charged up her hand with erotic energy and plunged it directly between Fuka’s sopping wet legs, breaking her ‘most intense orgasm’ record and then some.

Fuka tossed her head back and screamed. She couldn’t care less that it was the middle of the night--more accurately, her mind was currently incapable of fathoming the concept. The entire universe, as far as she was concerned, was herself, Azusa, and the endless vista of ecstasy surrounding them in all directions and dimensions. Her eyes flared with azure light, followed shortly after by her entire body becoming suffused in a beam of raw power, towering past the cloud layer, through the atmosphere, and into deep space.

Before long, her body lost its physical form and converted into pure energy. Fuka’s body was paralyzed in absolute euphoria. She most certainly had no idea how incomprehensibly powerful she had just become, so perhaps that was for the best.

Azusa couldn’t help but feel nostalgic. Not all that long ago, she was the beam of pure energy reveling in hyper-orgasmic apotheosis and Takane was her omnipotent lover. Well, it’d be more accurate to say Takane is her omnipotent lover. They never actually stopped having torrid sex following her ascension--they just moved it to deep space and created extra iterations of themselves as necessary.

Azusa picked up the beam of energy before her and began shaping it like clay. Touching the beam allowed her to feel what Fuka was enjoying, though Azusa had eons of experience that allowed her to maintain her composure perfectly. Fuka was sure to be surprised to learn the pleasure she was experiencing now is significantly less than what Azusa and Takane enjoyed normally.

Having reformed the beam into a humanoid shape, Azusa tapped the top of her head, causing the energy sculpture to assume Fuka’s form once again, albeit naked and with brilliant azure-glowing eyes.

Fuka jolted as if she woke up abruptly. She looked around in confusion, stopping once she saw Azusa and remembered everything.

After a brief moment of stunned silence, she hugged Azusa tightly.

“I... Oh my god, I... I don't know what to say!”

“‘Thank you,’ perhaps?” Azusa replied with a giggle.

“O-oh! Yes, you’re right! Thank you. Thank you so much! I-- honestly, I have no idea how I can repay you for this!

“Oh, you needn’t worry about that. I have or can get anything I could ever possibly want already. So do you, now. More importantly, how do you feel?”

“I... I never even... dreamed it could feel so amazing. I-I’m like you, right?”

“A immortal goddess with infinite power at her command--yup.”

“It’ll... take a while for that to really sink in.”

“Probably, but I wouldn’t worry about it. You’ve got time and then some. You know, I think I’d like to indulge myself in a certain kouhai of mine who just experienced her sexual awakening and apotheosis. How does that sound to you?”

“Somehow even better than the orgasm I've been feeling ever since I exploded into a beam of energy!”

Azusa grinned and draped her arm over Fuka’s shoulder. “You’re in for a treat! I was planning on going to town on a whole bunch of students here tonight, but now I’ll have you all to myself~💜”

Hearts formed in Azusa’s eyes as she licked her lips. That alone doubled the intensity of Fuka’s ongoing orgasm. A brilliant flare of royal blue light enveloped the two horny goddesses as their souls became one.

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I'm the hentai-man, doing the best I hentai-can! I write stories and captions catering to fetishes ranging from somewhat common to abundantly obscure. A fair portion of it's fanfiction, but contrary to popular belief, I do actually have a creative bone in my body, meaning I write original works too.